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Doctrine vs. Dogma

Jul 12, 1996 08:06 PM
by Dara Eklund

Dear Danny and Eldon:

Glad Eldon spoke about about the differences between a doctrine
and a dogma.  And Danny:

Thanks for interjecting Boris' fine article with its note of
common sense.  Gee Whiz, no wonder Theosophist's have a hard time
communicating the teachings to others, let alone amidst
themselves.  It's pretty hard to convey teachings if you don't
think there are any! Your quotes from ~Isis Unveiled~ are worth
downloading and keeping for future assaults on "Core
Theosophists." Imagine a day when one has to even apologize for
being one.  Students evidently believe that the more wishy-washy
they are the more "open-minded" they are.  Instead, like sponges,
they grow soggy with age!!!

It's about time someone spoke up for clear thinking.


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