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Lurking and Learning

Jul 25, 1996 03:17 AM
by Theosophy World Editor

One reader of THEOSOPHY WORLD penned the following words, and
said it would be ok to post them to theos-talk.


I've been "lurking" in the background for the last month or so
and find some of what is being said very interesting.

Firstly, I agree that Theosophy is a system of thought with
definite basic principles or propositions.  To study Theosophy is
not to engage in a "book club" but rather to attempt to get to
the depth of what we are as human beings and to understand what
is our relationship with the rest of the world.  When we
understand that All is from One Source and that All are the same
in Essence we begin to see our job in this life: To better fit
ourselves to help all of Life on the journey back to "the Sacred

The teachings of Theosophy are ageless, the same Wisdom Religion
expressed in many different ways for many different times.  HPB
presented Theosophy to a scientific and inquisitive age.  Her
message is as applicable today as it was when she first presented
it.  We need to keep looking for chances to share that message in
the present time, in terms that fit our present needs, never
forgetting that the basic propositions are timeless.

As to the idea of the starting of mini-Mystery Schools: The study
of Theosophy is not just an intellectual one.  The spiritual
chords it strikes within our hearts is what makes us want to live
a purer life, to grow internally and to help others do the same.
There is much help in this regard in the original message of
Theosophy.  "The Voice of the Silence", "the Bhagavad Gita",
Patanjali"s "Yoga Aphorisms" to name a few.  Nothing is more
helpful to the struggling student that William Q.Judge's "Letters
that Have Helped Me." These are gems of spiritual help to those
of us who find the going rough.  The help is there, we need only
look for it.

We are all, at best, students of Theosophy and we can do no
better than those in whose footsteps we try to tread by saying
"thus have I heard." HPB did so, we can do no less.  Thanks for

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