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Re:The "life-atom" reaches the "man-stage."

Oct 15, 1997 04:02 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Dear Sveinn:

I have arbitrarily used the phrase : "life-atom" so as to give
one who is unfamiliar with the technical theosophical terms an
idea of the basic undying life-unit that constitutes the Kosmos
(Universe as a WHOLE).

If this answer appears lengthy, excuse me, as I will go "back to
basics" and then develop the idea from there.  One of the
briefest, and yet well explained essays on this subject is AN

It is about 36 pages and covers Theosophy and its fundamentals
thoroughly, including the idea of the developing intelligence in
the "life-atoms, or "skandhas." These develop eventually over a
very long time into "human minds." Our minds are now in the
process of developing further experience and knowedge as we
"widen out towards the understanding of the Universe, both
outside of us, and "within" us -- as in the realms of thought,
phsychology, etc...

In the "Secret Doctrine" Mme.  Blavatsky offers in Vol.  1, pp.
14-18 a survey of "Three Fundamental" propositions which she
states are basic to the whole Theo-philosophical system.  At the
risk of explaining at length, to make my ideas clear, let me
offer you also some references to read for yourself.  I trust you
already own a copy of "The Secret Doctrine," or can secure one at
the local library to refer to.  Briefly they are:

1.  The UNIVERSE as an "idea" and not as material form.  The IDEA
precedes the "form." This, our "Universe (in abstract) " is
permanent, and is not fully understood by any "embodied mind:
(such as we are, using even the highest intution as one might in
the deepest and highest of meditation stages).  To convey this
important concept, two analogies are offered:

1. SPACE unlimited and undefinable.  Present everywhere.

2. MOTION unlimited and undefined.   Always in operation.

HPB denominates this concept the ABSOLUTE.  No qualities of any
kind can be ascribed to IT.  It is completely the opposite of any
limitations which our embodied minds may know, or frame.  (SD I
pp.  14-16)

To this one can add the aspect of DURATION, or undefined "Time"
within which "manifested motion," and "manifested forms and
beings" exist periodically.  [ The "forms" we know and contact,
and, ourselves as physical persons, are in constant change around
a central Force or Power or, an INDIVIDUAL LIFE CENTER.  ] (for a
definition of "Time" in terms of awareness/consciousness, see SD
I p.  39) ( SD I, pp.  43-4 shows the diffusion of the
evolutionary scheme and of all beings involved in it.)

This leads to the next "Fundamental proposition" : LAW -- both
abstract and in evolution.  It also raise the question of CAUSE,
and of PURPOSE.  [ These can be dealt with separately, since we
find that we "exist," and that we are already "part of" the
system of evolution, which includes all "beings" around us,
before us, and following us -- admitedly vague terms.  ]

2.  The great LAW of all Life and Being is an aspect of absolute,
abstract MOTION.  Whether a "manifestation" [ "Manvantara" ] or
no "manifestation" [ "Pralaya" ] is in effect, the "general Law"
of cause-effect-cause operates everywhere.  (SD I pp.  16-17, 65,
181 )

This leads to the concept of that which you ask about: the
"life-atom." It is also called "the Eternal Pilgrim."

3.  EVOLUTION.  For any change and growth through experience
(evolution) BEINGS are required.  Each "center of Life" can be
denominated a "life-atom." [ In Sanskrit, the word "skandha" is
used, in Pali it is "samskara." ]

The poetic term "eternal pilgrim" has been used to indicate the
continuity of consciousness of each "Unit of Life," or MONAD.  (a
unity, a "One") Each of such Monads is a replica in small of all
the potentials derived from the One Absoluteness (called by some

"Atom" I chose because that word uses the idea that Science
offers concerning what it has learned about atoms--as the
smallest permanently defined units of matter [ muons, leptons,
quarks, etc...  are of course the transcient phenomena of still
smaller "forces" which apparently compose even the atom and are
still to be grasped with the instruments that Science has devised
to notice them ].  So, as "Occultism" said in old times: "Nature
is infinitely divisible." Everything in the Univers follows
analogy.  The "small" mirrors the "great." It is a law of economy
to do this in general, as well as in detail.

Occultism also noted that the "mind" as Observer and Witness [ an
invariable point of reference present in each of us humans, as
also in such "life-atoms" -- the sense of INDIVIDUALISM, or EGO
(not egotism) ] is a universal fact.  If these two are put
together, we have the idea that the tyro "life-atom," given time
and experience, may develop eventually into a human "mind" and
then proceed further (by and according to its free choices and
decisions) on its "pilgrimage" to acquire knowldge about the
Universe, the "cause of existence," and the purpose of its being
engaged in this "Pilgrimage."

The conclusion also noted in experiment and research is that each
atom has life and intelligence associated with it.  Since the
atoms are indestructible, and immortal (as Science defines them),
they may be called "life-atoms."

And to these, the capacity of growing intelligence (memory) may
be ascribed.  Hence is developed the idea that the life-atoms are
educatable, and being eternal they retain the "memory" of all
experience they undergo as a development of an intelligence which
(as a unit) acquires experience through the many processes and
situations of Evolution.

Logically the "life-atom" starts out as a portion of universal
Space -- perhaps "dark-matter" or "intergalactic dust" to employ
modern terminology.

It becomes associated with an advanced "Center of Life," perhaps
a Sun, a Planet -- and for us, our "World."

Wherever it may be, it is in an arena in which it grows through
experience and by association with other "life-atoms." some of
which are ahead of it in experience and others are those which
follow it.

One can picture the whole process as an educative scheme, in
which individual "life-atoms" pass out of the cosmic
undifferentiated condition into the circumscribed focus of a
planet or world on which their education proceeds with
acceleration through the mineral, the vegetable the animal and
finally reaches the "human" stage, where the "fire" of the MIND
is lit up by those of its more experienced companions which
precede it, and who have themselves received that "mental fire" from
their predecessors.

This is very much like school or college, where the pupil
receives knowlege from its teacher or professor, and thus its
mind is enlarged and raised progressively towards the level of
experience which the teacher or professor represents.  History
records the existence of "Wise Men," Sages, "Prophets," reformers
of religions and cultures all over the world, and down the ages.
They are so numerous that is is difficult to take all but a few
to consider -- and in so doing one finds that they all have
taught the same great ideas, of morality, of right-livelihood, of
the brotherhood of all mankind, regardless of country or the era
in which they lived and worked.

Theosophy offers a complete concept from this point of view, and
includes all situations and phenomena in its details.  For the
sake of brevity I am not going into those.  But if you wish to
ask more I will be happy to put you in the way of the places
where I acquired what little information I am now passing on.
You should assure yourself of the complete scheme by making use
of the information given in HPB's THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY.  In the
Index, reference to "skandha" will be found productive.  But in
my experience, the whole system has to be reviewed, and
challenged, so as to ascertain its validity.  It is not something
to be accepted "on faith," or "blindly as a belief."

I hope this proves to be of some use.

Briefly: The Universe is ONE.  We, as minds are a part of it.
Our origin began way, way back in time, but the gain of
experience has never been lost or obliterated.  The word
"life-atom" was used to show the continuity from such a beginning
to the stage we are now in, that of being a human and employing a
well developed "mind." There are no limits to our future.
Reincarnation is a logical necessity in such a consideration as
the "Center of Consciousness" is imperishable.  We are the
"Eternal Pilgrims." We are actual brothes to all of mankind and
to every being in Nature--which is the vast pool of our "younger

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