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Re:Theosophy & Occultism

Oct 27, 1997 04:15 PM
by Bhive888 (Bruce)


In reading through the recent posts, I would just like to add the
following (as I see it).

Helena was a trail-blazer - a strong soul who made the way into
this World (and particularly the Western world) for what was then
to follow.  She moved paradigms in a way that only she could.

H.P.B.  overshadowing, helped make this possible.

Conditions were not as they are now - and though it does not help
the credibility of the Masters, it is true to say that many means
were used in respect to manifestations that were not in any sense
what they appeared to be (to anyone).  However, we should
remember that the 'party-tricks' were not the heart of the
message brought to humanity - then or now.  Anthroposophy, and
others, have grafted onto to her incredible work.  Although we
have geographical brotherhoods pressing for position, we have
also those earnest workers who, irrespective of persuasion,
incorporate all of Mankind.  I do not perceive Dr Steiner as
someone who took advantage of Theosophy - he gave his own to the
World (backed by the same Brothers, the same Adepts) coming from
the Middle Path.

Occultism is dubious.  Everything about the meeting of this world
and the spiritual worlds is dubious.  Also, let us remember that
all powers expended by our Teachers cost us and cannot be used
indiscriminately.  I think that one thing I feel grateful to the
Masters is that there can be found a reasonable answer for
everything.  This is important to realise.  We may not have it
given to us first up - we may have to work for the answer behind
the mystery - but do not discount these matters quickly, rather
look to the depth and breadth of what is indicated.

It is difficult for all that the Brothers cannot and do not make
their impressions more solidly amongst us.  They do know when our
thought is bent towards them, they hope for much - but strictly
cannot impose themselves upon others who have a will as yet
under-developed.  Their presence would overwhelm any one of us to
the point of detracting away from our own selves.  It would
interupt our lives immeasurably.  And, even though they would
dearly enjoy conversing direct - they are respectors of our
station, our consciousness and our needs in this regard.

Warmest wishes to you all,


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