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Re:Quite happily a student of Alice's!

Oct 27, 1997 09:54 PM
by John R Crocker

Bart Lidofsky:

> > Alice was one of the first to get ostracized for what she wrote
> > about Masters.
> True.  But, according to the original rules laid out by HPB for
> the Esoteric Section, it was forbidden for members to publicly
> release communications they received from the Masters.
> Therefore, at least if those rules were still in effect at the
> time, it was right and proper for Bailey to be tossed from the ES
> (but not the TS).

If I remember right, (correct me if I'm wrong) Bailey was
alrready communicating with one of the Masters before she ever
walked into a TS Lodge - she happened to see a picture of (KH or
Morya) on the wall of a Lodge she had walked into, innocently
said she recognized the man in the picture ...  and was not
exactly well received (who was this woman claiming to know a
Master ...  why she had hardly studied anything!) And I guess
(IMO), that regardless of what the ES rules were ...  that at any
time a Master would certainly have the right to supersede them,
no? According to Bailey (which people may or may not accept), she
didn't publish communications intended to be kept quiet, but
rather trained to receive communications that the Masters
*intended* to be made public.  If this is true, Bailey should no
more have been kicked out of anything than HPB - who made the
initial rule about silence, and *herself* published
communications from the Masters (in fact the Secret Doctrine
was claimed by her to come from them).

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