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Warnings from HPB and KH

Oct 28, 1997 06:31 AM
by K Paul Johnson

Two fairly clearcut predictions that the entire Theosophical
movement was headed toward fundamentalism are found here:

1. The Key to Theosophy, p. 305:

> Every such attempt as the Theosophical Society has hitherto ended
> in failure, because, sooner or later, it has degenerated into a
> sect, set up hard-and-fast dogmass of its own, and so lost by
> imperceptible degrees that vitality which living truth alone can
> impart.  You must remember that all our memberrs have been bred
> and born in some creed or religion, that all are more or less of
> their generation both physically and mentally, and consequently
> that their judgment is but too likely to be warped and
> unconsciously biassed by some or all of these influences.  If,
> then, they cannot be freed from such inherent bias, or at least
> taught to recognize it instantly and so avoid being led away by
> it, the result can only be that the Society will drift off on to
> some sandbank of thought or another, and there remain a stranded
> carcass to moulder and die.

2. The 1900 letter to Annie Besant signed by KH:

> The T.S.  and its members are slowly manufacturing a creed.  Says
> a Thibetan proverb "credulity breeds credulity and ends in
> hypocrisy." How few are they who can know anything about us.  Are
> we to be propitiated and made idols of.  Is the worship of a new
> Trinity made up of the Blessed M.  Upasika and yourself to take
> the place of exploded creeds.  We ask not for worship of
> ourselves.  The disciple should in no way be fettered.  Beware of
> an Esoteric Popery...The best corrective of error is an honest
> and open-minded examination of all facts subjective and
> objective.  Misleading secrecy has given the death blow to
> numerous organizations.  The cant about "Masters" must be
> silently but firmly put down.  Let the devotion and service be to
> that Supreme Spirit alone of which one is a part...

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