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Re:The Mailing List

Nov 02, 1997 04:49 PM
by M K Ramadoss

At 11:12 AM 11/2/97 -0800, Eldon B Tucker wrote:
>Mark Jaqua:
>Your posting gives me an opportunity to add a few comments
>regarding the list.
>Currently theos-talk is a majordomo mailing list, because
>it's offered for free from the website provider as part of
>their basic account. The email volume on the list counts
>towards the monthly web volume, and until this month the
>account never exceeded the 100MB/month quota.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rest clipped <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I am sure that the issues that have was discussed in Eldon's msg, would have
come up in other lists, many of which have a much larger circulation and
much higher traffic.

If anyone has seen how various situations have been managed by the other
lists, it may avoid re-inventing the wheel.

BTW, theos-l, TI-L and the associated lists have had much higher volume of
traffic and no one at any time considered doing anything with the traffic,
subject, number of msgs etc. etc. and they are still humming well.

Lastly, as for the cost of running this maillist, is any organization and/or
its leaders are directly or indirectly providing any financial or other
support? Just curious.

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