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Re: Saint Germain and Blavatsky

Nov 15, 1997 09:17 AM
by Daniel H Caldwell

Daniel wrote:

>> ". . . .in the beginning with Blavatsky who later
>> withdrew from the influence. . . ."
>> What is this statement based on?
>> Daniel

Bruce answered:

> Look, I can't find Rudolf Steiner's exact quote right now. Here's one
>though on the subject, "First a European was her guide, thereupon an
>Egyptian, and after that she wrote Isis Unveiled."
>In the book H.P.B. Speaks vol 1 p140 we hear that the Mahatma Serapis (The
>egyptian) commissions H.P.B. to go to India, 14 November, 1878.

Thanks Bruce for your answer. But why go to Steiner for this
information??? What did HPB herself say about this? What did her
Adept Teachers say about this? In other words, I am referring to
primary source documents by HPB and her Masters dating from
the 1870s and 1880s.

As far as I know, Steiner never met HPB. What would be the
sources of his information. When did he make these statements
about her? I'm sorry but I would give priority to statements made
by HPB and her coworkers including the Mahatmas over what
Steiner may have said. I'm not saying that I would disregard
Steiner but I would have to have good reason to accept his
version if it is contradicted by primary source
documents from HPB's own lifetime. You may call this a dogmatic approach;
I call it a practical and commonsense approach.


P.S. Compare what I have written above with my previous comments
on what Master DK said through Alice Bailey about who
wrote the majority of HPB's Secret Doctrine and who really
wrote the Mahatma Letters.

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