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The Truth is a Pathless Land Speech

Nov 30, 1997 10:01 PM
by Bjorn Roxendal

A very interesting document, both historically and philosophically.

Let's look at some of these statements:

I. > >  I maintain that Truth is a pathless land... Truth, being limitless, unconditioned,

He seems to equate Truth with Absolute Unmanifest Being. That seems like a reasonable thing to do.

II. > you cannot approach it  (truth) by
> >any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect.  That is my point of
> >view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally.

Now, this is a VERY STRONG and "ABSOLUTE" statement. There isn't much room for misunderstanding here.
He says THERE IS NO PATH TO TRUTH and there is NO religion, sect or organization that is, or even
could be, a vehicle
for reaching it. Let's think about this for a moment.

K deserves to be taken seriously. After all, he is widely considered to be one of the most important
teachers of this century. Many serious seekers claim they have been helped on their (pathless) path by
him. And yet he ABSOLUTELY denies the value of organization. To do this goes against common sense, as
I think Martin has pointed out in his recent posting. Not only that, it also goes against the
teachings of the mahatmas. It actually, in my opinion, goes against the cosmic order itself. There
would be no creation, at least as we can conceive of it, without organization. The physical universe
is wonderfully organized from the minutest particles of macrocosmic substance to galactic
manifestation and beyond.

Higher planes seem to be no less organized, although harder for us to pin down from our embodied
perspective. Spiritual evolution is quite orderly, where we progress in stages from "lower" to
"higher", as has been described in theosophical literature and esoteric teachings in general. We seem
to be a part of a gigantic hierarchical scheme of manifestation, with a cosmic creative center at the

When K. says that ALL religion and ALL sects (organizations) are worthless, or worse, as aids in
approaching truth it does not make much sense. Buddha talked about the importance of the "Sangha"
(community), Jesus wanted his disciples to go out and preach to all people (try to do that without
organization), M, Kuthumi and other masters took the initiative to the Theosophical Organization and
so forth.

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