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Re:Re: Brenda Tucker on Daniel Caldwell, etc.

Dec 10, 1997 08:15 PM
by Brenda S Tucker


I don't interpret you as something negative at all. I usually rather like
you, as so many others do. However let me write one final word as well (We
both know that none of this is final.)

>I can understand your lack of interest, etc. in Theosophical
>history.  Okay, fine.  Maybe I'm a one trick pony; but that's
>my problem.  Maybe I'm a "champion of HPB".  Hey, I just
>would like to see her get a fair shake, once in a while.  Maybe
>that's my problem, too.

Yes, let's all love and study HPB. That's a definite. Please, please, don't
go around saying I don't like Theosophical History. Maybe you've never seen
me take any active interest in it and those who say they are history buffs
may be the only ones who have "God-given rights" to proclaim any feeling
for history and all other people are made tabu to it by default. I can have
feelings about history at times, privately, and sometimes poignantly. You
should not sum up anyone's arousal about history because of comments that
you have heard singularly.

My father was a great lover of history and I learned respect of it from
him. However, I truly have not learned anything even approaching his
fascination with history from those who say they love it here. Something
sacred is not easily regarded lightly. Please lighten up on thinking you
have me pigeon-holed because of an occasion brunt remark in that direction.
We all should have high regards for learning, just not always the
approaches to teaching learning.


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