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Re:Theos-Talk : Selfishness

Dec 30, 1997 09:42 AM
by John O Catron

Mark Kusek wrote:

> ... I hate to say it, but the holy "Voice" is of as dubious an
> origin as the "Stanzas of Dyzan" until someone produces an actual
> historical text. How can we argue so fiercely over historical accuracy
> when the bottom line is that we are supposed to take these books on
> faith?
I can agree with you, Mark.  I see so much here in the deep south that
there are so many of the Christians that "worship" the Holy Bible rather
than the essence of the teachings therein.   The "Bible" has become
their God.  So much "The WORD", yet "the WORD" so espoused is a
translation (probably of a/many translation(s)) of an older work.

I see a beauty in the Dzyan.  Whether accurate translation is
immaterial.  For me, the reaching for the Oneness, the development
within myself the compassionate understanding of my fellowbeings, and
LOVE is what is important.

As for the history, the planetary systems, rounds, root races, sub
races, whether true or not is unimportant for me at this point of my

> unless I first earn it by thoroughly becoming the
> best human being I can be.

Right on!  Daddy-o
(now that dates me!)


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