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Judge Correspondence

Jan 09, 1998 09:48 AM
by Dara Eklund

Dear David, Jerry & Dallas:

	Thank you all for bringing up the Judge concerns, and I apologize
for calling David a "skeptic".  During my bout with the flu I did not
take the patience to recollect your name.  I'm sure you are sincere, and
there is no reason on earth you should not appreciate what good is to be
had from both Annie Besant and Judge.

	The historical facts are another matter, but I remain convinced
until the whole battery of letters (perhaps from three separate archives
of Theosophical groups) is out in the open, the truth about W.Q.J. will
only be guessed at.  Jerry has given him an equal playing field to take
off on in his response.

	Best to all,


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