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Re:One more idea

Feb 17, 1998 06:43 PM
by Brenda S Tucker

At 09:18 AM 2/17/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Here is one more idea to encourage the TSA National President and members of
>the Board of Directors to get actively involved in the Theosophy maillists
>and Newsgroup so that Thesophy and Humanity can be served.

This statement is so inane! Everyone serves according to their own dharam,
remember? Their freedom of choice!?! Does that mean anything to you?

>One or more of us could draft a letter focusing on the immense opportunity
>that these channels are providing for communication with members and others
>interested in Theosophy. Also should be addressed is the issue of bringing
>them up to speed what maillists and newsgroup are and how they function and
>how they have worldwide coverage at no cost to the person participating in
>them. It is very difficult for anyone to visualize the maillists and
>newsgroups until and unless one gets involved in person and even then it
>takes time to learn how to best use these free resources. I am speaking from
>personal knowledge.

If you really knew how to use the maillists, you wouldn't be filling it
with so much DESIRE for attention. Here you have a perfectly wonderful
opportunity (and so do others, until a couple of loudmouths blow it!) to
communicate with a variety of theosophists in your living room. What the
board does is their business! What we do is ask ourselves many of the
pertinent questions and strive to answer them, which is utterly human and
has nothing to do with whether we work on some board. If you have questions
and statements to make, make them here to the members. If you want to write
to the board, write to the board, but when you insist that some people pay
attention to your inanities, you are misusing the lists.

Isn't it wonderful that we can speak with each other here? Use it to the
fullest, but what you are trying to do is begin a completely different
discussion list. You are trying to start a new discussion list for people
in the T. S. who hold power. We have a discussion list and it has a
purpose. Why are you insisting that this list isn't good enough? When you
have questions, just ask them here. Chances are that the answers and
opinions you get here are appropriate for you and the answers you get from
the board are appropriate for them. Why confuse the two segments and insist
that they meet and join up?

>Once the draft letter is finalized, it can be sent to the National President
>and each member of the Board of Directors with a request to the National
>President to do two things. (1) Include it in the Agenda of the upcoming
>meeting of the Board of Directors and

Do you really think that the numbers of members here is large enough to
warrant this? Do you really think the access is FREE (as you keep
insisting) enough to be fair to all of the members?

(2) Suggest that in the next annual
>meeting to have a town hall meeting type of discussion on the Internet and
>maillists and newsgroups and how they can be used as communication tools.

Don't you think they consider these types of issues already? The board
talks for hours, according to the material which each board member prepares
and produces for their meetings. Write to you board director ONLY if you
have ideas for board discussions. This is the way it was set up. You
elected one of the directors and they are there for you to access if you
have business you would like to be presented.  You are ignoring simple
protocol procedures.

>When the above letter is sent, I recommend that it be sent to the National
>President by First Class Mail, e-mail and Fax. The reason for sending it
>through multiple channels is to make sure that the communication positively
>and quickly reaches him. Also after a couple of days, a followup fax is
>advisable to inform that if the document has not reached asking to be
>contacted so that the document can be re-faxed. As for the rest of the
>members of the Board of Directors, the document should also concurrently be
>sent by First Class Mail. This speeds up communication and allows time for
>the Board members to be aware of the issues and think it over a period of
>time before the actual Board meeting takes place.  The multiple modes of
>communication recommended above, I have found to be fool proof over a period
>of time in almost everyone of my communications with the National President
>and that is why I am recommending it. I believe that on very important
>matters such as the one we are considering we should not take any chances of
>the letters being lost in transit, misplaced etc.

Again, this idea is inane and you are harrassing the officers of our
organization and encouraging members who need to be considering TRUTH as a
diet into adverse patterns of thinking and operating.

Brenda Tucker

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