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Re:Yugo Section Split -- The Importance of Open Communication

Feb 19, 1998 10:04 AM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

> Jerry Hejka-Ekins wrote:
> > Bart,  I have read through the International Bylaws and I'm unable to find where it
> > specifically requires a section's bylaws to incorporate language identifying their
> > allegiance to Adyar.  I would think it would be in section 37, Rules for Lodges and
> > National Societies, but I don't see it here either.  Please tell me where you find
> > this requirement in the bylaws.

Bart Lidofsky wrote:

>     It's implied, by the power of the President over charters. If the section does not
> recognize Adyar, then that power is not there, and therefore they are in opposition to
> the International By-laws:

Bart, the Canadian Section did recognize Adyar.   It is true that they were compelled to
change their bylaws to be in compliance with Canadian national law.  But the Canadian
Section continued to honor all of the rules not expressly outlawed by their own country.
For instance, If they had violated rule 43 (That each Section pays 15% of member's fees to
Adyar), then I would say that Adyar had grounds for expelling them.  However, this was not
the case.  The Canadian Section continued to pay tribute to and recognize Adyar in every
way the Canadian government permitted them.


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