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Re:ACT Newsletter

Mar 30, 1998 07:46 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Ken Malkin wrote:

> Greetings,
> Anyone wishing a copy of the ACT newsletter may get a copy via snail
> mail or e-mail by sending me a request.

    Ken: From people in the NYTS who got the newsletter (how did you get
the mailing list, anyway? We couldn't figure it out by who got or didn't
get the newsletter), I have gotten some very good feedback. Based on
that, I am willing to say:

    1) It looks like I misjudged ACT based on what was put and not put
on the web page.

    2) I would appreciate if you emailed me a copy. If the message is
half as positive as people have said, then I think you have a good
organization there.

    Bart Lidofsky

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