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Re:Decline and expansion

Apr 08, 1998 10:26 PM
by M K Ramadoss

At 12:52 AM 4/9/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Bart Lidofsky <> writes
>>Note a lot of Wiccan rituals come from co-Masonic rituals created by CWL
>Can you verify this? Co-Masonic rituals that I have participated in are
>so similar to English Grand Lodge masonic rituals as to make little
>difference to the substance thereof. In addition, the co-masonic order is
>an offshoot from French freemasonry, and to this day has nothing to do
>directly with the TS or CWL, although members of the TS may
>sometimes be co-masons. In my old lodge (which had about 30
>*active* members, only two of us were co-masons, and this had no
>effect upon our TS connections whatever.
>A.M.Bain, D.D.

In Tillett's book, there is a reference to the Egyptian Ritual was adapted
for use by a group of young women who were also ES members. Does anyone has
any info? According to Tillett, when he inquired of some members, he was met
with surprise and silence (I am quoting from memory). Who know what the
situation today is?


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