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Re: Dear Alan Bain

Jul 01, 1998 10:38 AM
by Brenda S Tucker


I know I don't exchange mail with you much, but I don't see how having to
leave an apartment can be so stressful when you have a companion with which
to be mutually assisting.

You need to help each other to look for another place.  I can't understand
an attachment to an apartment which you have lived in ...  for how long?
There are lots of nice living spaces out there and lots of nice neighbors
to get acquainted with.  Sometimes a forced move can be just what you need
to make some new acquaintances and some changes in your life could
certainly be healthy.

Discuss with each other what you would look for in a place and also play up
some of the bad points of where you're living now.  The initial reaction to
your misfortune can certainly be controlled and will ease up as time wears

Life may take strange turns on us for a good reason which we are unable to
foresee.  Think positive, but don't expect lots of money which mainly
people don't have to spare when there are more feasible alternatives.  I
don't think your situation sounds impossible - but then again I don't know
you very well, but would like to think you two are capable of making a move
when necessary.  You certainly won't become homeless as a result of your
landlord selling his property.  You may actually improve your conditions
and hence your outlook on life if you can accomplish this "heavy" task
before you.

In peace,

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