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Re: Fw: = Oath of the Abyss = What does it mean ?

Jul 02, 1998 05:54 PM
by Jerry Schueler

> >Dallas:
> >IMO we each of us go through at some time this experience of the
> >"Dark Night" when all appears dark, and despair can overwhelm.
> >
> >But if we can remember that it is only a "mood" then we can wait
> >it out.  It does not hurt any the less, but if we are not
> >impatient, then we may learn from it and also verify that we
> have
> >the strength to not give it control.  It is a test of partience.
> >

Well, it was a lot more than a "mood" for me. I felt that I
had to KNOW or die trying. It was, in fact, a life and death
struggle within myself. Waiting was out of the question.

> >When all is said and done, every change we notice in our psyche
> >is a "test" of our personalities and our motives.
> >

Every event in our lives can probably be considered a
test or trial of some sort. But there are small tests
and there are big (life-death) tests.

> >Our personality is the pupil of the inner Higher Self.  It
> >watches, warns, advises but cannot direct or guide, only advise
> !

The problem with the Dark Night of the Soul is not with the
ego but with the Higher Self which seems intent on breaking
through into consciousness even at the risk of death or insanity.

> >Dal:
> >
> >Yet, nonduality or Be-ness is still under the sway of KARMA
> which
> >is an integral part (aspect) of it -- or else there would be on
> >CAUSELESS CAUSE or/and CAUSE at all for "Manifestation."  Since
> >we are here as witnesses to manifestation all around us, the
> idea
> >of a "KARMALESS" KARMA seems to obtrude itself on our
> >consciousness as a needed and logical fact.
> >

Here I absolutely postively disagree (and so would all
Mahayana Buddhists). Karma is within maya, and does not
exist in nonduality, which is timeless eternity (karma
is causation through time and without time cause and
effect make no sense). The split or separation from
nondual divinity to dualistc spirituality is not
logical; logic and reason apply only to the lower
four cosmic planes. Why do we humans try to foist
logic and reason on the universe? Modern psychology
has already determined that the unconscious (i.e.,
the unconscious psyche as define by Jung) is not
logical but is timeless and spaceless.

> >From one point of view we may say (IMHO) BENESS - BEING -
> >BECOMING (The Development of the
> >MIND--INTELLIGENCE--CONSCIOUSNESS) are always simultaneous.

Well, this is likely to be our point of contention then.
I hold that consiousness is primary and intelligence
secondary while mind is tertiary. They are not, IMHO,
simultaneous or anywhere near equal things.

>  In
> >an infinite and immortal, timeless UNIVERSE, there is also the
> >NON-UNIVERSE, and in the "time" (to us), is included NON-TIME.
> >

I can't follow the reasoning or logic to this statement. Sorry.
IMHO there are 7 planes within our solar universe, all of which
are mayavic and have a sense of space and time. Outside of our
7-plane universe, or above it if you will, is timeless and
spaceless divinity about which little can be said. What is a

 >In fact contradicting St. Augustine there can never be a pure
> >"duality" as there is, always separate from those polar
> >contrasts, the WITNESS,  or that  which  OBSERVES.   And that is
> >the grand Mind faculty [ perhaps Universal Mind or MAHAT and its
> >many components ] and all the various ranges of consciousness as
> >states and the observers of those states, and their
> >administrators.  Duality always implies TRINITY.  HPB devotes
> >quite a few pages in SD, Vol. I to explaining this and
> >illustrating it.
> >

If I see what you saying, then I agree that there is always
a third or Witness. Without an observer, then there is
nothing at all. But what is a "real" duality? Certainly
we human are witness to many dualities. Only a handful have
witnessed non-duality and these are the mystics and poets
of the world.

Jerry S.

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