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Re: Rubbish Claptrap etc.

Jul 25, 1998 02:41 PM
by Brenda S Tucker

At 11:42 AM 7/25/1998 -0700, you wrote:
>Allan writes such things as:
>Buddha  can go where he likes, seeing as the silly sod fell into yogic
>error.  Oh well,  perhaps in the next Kalpa he will know
>better!  He can shove his Nirvana where the sun doesn't shine.
>Allan, such comments do not help your readers to understand where
>you are coming from.
>Why is it claptrap?
>Why is it rubbish?
>Why is evolution claptrap?
>Why is it yogic error?
>Shed some light of your reasoning or whatever
>you call it.
>Maybe it is all rubbish and claptrap but
>please explain your reasoning for saying
>rubbish, claptrap, etc.

I think what Allan is trying to say is that too many people mistake the
idea that through progressing into higher and higher states of
consciousness or planes or whatever, we can achieve "evolution." We have
been taught by Buddha and others to take "steps" into reality and these
steps are within us or our capability as human beings, but who has taught
that we need to look to another lifewave in order to realize our future
lives successfully? Well, they do tell us about the teachers that are
waiting to assist us and they even say to use your abilities to come into
the teachers stream or vicinity.  So, I guess it was the human beings who
never interpreted that this might mean an "androgynous" relationship
sometime in the future.  So, I admire those people who are more intent on
finding the teacher than they are in taking the steps through the planes,
because just because you reach your highest plane of consciousness doesn't
mean that you release your lower vehicles from the control of the human ego
and turn the vehicles over to the control of the logos or the control of
the next higher kingdom of nature.  Each of these activities will have a
different result than that which Allan has found to be a dead end:  staying
within the human realm.

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