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Theos-World RE: Theosophy and Action == Why brotherhood ?

Feb 06, 1999 02:47 PM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

Feb 6th   1999

Dear Doss:

Excellent posting.  Very helpful.

May I add.

As I see it, "Brotherhood" is EXPLAINED in Theosophy.

It is not merely sentiment, OR "COMPASSION," but Theosophical
doctrines give the reason for it.  No religious doctrines that I
am aware of explains why "brotherhood" is so important.  I find
the following can be extracted from HPB's presentation made in

Let me take a brief moment to show what I perceive that Theosophy

1. Every thing and every being of whatever kind of consciousness
or intelligence or material come from the ONE UNIVERSAL SOURCE OF
LIFE AND BEING.  When (under Karma) the Universe of forms is
emanated as a manifestation from the ABSOLUTENESS
(Parabrahmam),it reassumes the condition of the many UNITS which
had previously made up that Universe in its earlier
"manifestation."  Each finds itself in the same situation which
it was when it went "to sleep" during PRALAYA.  Then a long
period is spent in assembling the necessary forces, and materials
to bring all these Units (MONADS) to the present condition that
we all know.  [ It is similar to the gestation period for an
embryo, which is eventually born as a baby, and then it spends
more time learning until it achieves adult-hood.]

2. Every one of those UNITS is as immortal as all the rest in its
essence.  It cannot be destroyed or annihilated, even when the
"forms" of matter it uses are dispersed.  These UNITS (Monads)
consist in manifestation of SPIRIT and MATTER or "Maha-Atma" and
"Maha-Buddhi-Mulaprakriti" and with each of these is associated
INTELLIGENCE (Manas derived from MAHAT - Universal Mind).

3. The basic "life-Atoms" ( or MONADS ) consist of this
indestructible and ever progressing living substance.  It is not
physical matter, such as we see all around us today, but a more
subtle matter consisting of FORCE and ENERGY which is directed by
a universal MIND - a Purpose - which we generally call Law or

4.	Each unit develops in time an intelligence that becomes more
conscious of 	itself and finally in the human form it develops
SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS  	(Ahankara).  It has desires and wants and
needs (Kama), and in association 	with 	the Manas (Mind) it has
the faculty of choice - a freedom that enables 	it to direct its

5.	This individualization does not destroy the universal bond
that exists 	between any one Monad and all the rest.  In fact it
reinforces the concept 	of cooperation and continuous
interaction.  No form could survive unless 	others which are at
some 'lower' stage of evolution lent their energy and
intelligence to its living.

6. for this reason we are "brothers" to all "life-atoms" and to
all of humanity.

7.	This wen understood should give us the power to control any
excess feeling 	of separateness and of a desire to dominate and
control others.  Such a 	selfish and isolated attitude can only
work for a time.  Then it must cease.

8.	Nature (Karma) being disturbed by our selfish attitude is
delayed in its 	general evolution.  Adverse Karma is generated as
other "life-atoms" are 	diverted from their natural advance.
When under Karma they return to us, 	they bring with them the
adverse impression we gave them earlier - by our 	selfish and
vicious wishes and choices.  We then are faced with sorrow, pain
and difficult circumstances.  These are educative and not

9.	This is Nature's way of showing us "the error of our ways."
We are given an 	opportunity to seek and find out the 'causes' of
the problems we endure.

10.	In this way we can consciously elect to change our desires,
goals, and live 	a more compassionate and sympathetic life -
realizing we are all ONE at the 	base.

Do tell me if you find this is useful, or question any of the
observations made.

Best wishes,



M K Ramadoss
Sent:	Friday, February 05, 1999 6:31 PM
Subject:	Theos-World Theosophy and Action

Some time ago there was a discussion about Theosophy and the
actions taken by the Founders and other leaders. While many of us
the philosophy presented in modern theosophy very fascinating to
we need to keep our focus on why TS was started and what is the
objective of the Founders. It is to help the suffering Humanity.
One of
the ways to help the suffering Humanity is to eliminate the
causes which
cause suffering. One such thing is war. Here is a post from
which might interest some.


	S N I P

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