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RE: Theos-World "Murder" and "gifts"

Apr 04, 1999 06:42 PM
by M K Ramadoss

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Peter Merriott wrote:
> I'm not relating the following to the above,  I'm thinking more of what is
> happening in Kosovo at the moment and other places around the world.  Do you
> truly believe that the murderer, or torturer etc "knows the error at some
> level and fully expects punishment at some time."?   The more I see of
> brutal human nature the more I wonder.    There do seem to be many
> individuals that show absolutely no sign of remorse for their actions, and
> see "punishment" for their deeds as a rather quaint idea that belongs solely
> to others.  I say this with some sadness.
Apart from the motive and the perpetrator knowing his/her error, there is
another simplistic view. The perpetrator is setting up in motion a series
of events which can cause problems to others for a long time to come.

Taking the example of killing a person, by the act of killing, the
problems of killed person disappears. Not for those who are close to
him/her and are dependent on him/her. They are likely to face problems and
suffering for a long time to come. Of course the person who is
responsible for such suffering and problems will have to answer at some
time whether in the current life or at a future time. 

My 0.02.

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