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Re: Theos-World Membership loss

Sep 11, 1999 06:58 AM
by M K Ramadoss

At 10:55 AM 09/11/1999 +0000, mika perala wrote:
>Here in Finland the Helsinki Blavatsky-lodge members are travelin 
>all over the country lecturing and increasing the number of 
>members founding new lodges.

Travelling lecturers is a well proven and effective way to build lodges and

For those who may have forgotten the history of TS in the US , it was how
TS(Adyar) started rebuilding lodges and increased membership after the
split that occurred early part of the century. The leading travelling
lecturer at that time was Besant.

At present, it appears that there could be political fear regarding
travelling lecturers from established leadership.

Travelling lecturers tend to get to know the membership in person and as
such may end up being elected to official positions challenging the
candidates anointed by leadership thus bring down the established order.
For now, I have seen very little serious discussion about the loss of
membership as if it does not matter. Who knows why? Any mind reading
psychics who can fathom what is going on? Or anyone having any inside
track? Anyone wishing to be anonymous can send me private e-mail.


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