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Theos-World RE: Dallas Quotes

Oct 17, 1999 02:42 AM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

Dear Art:

You are absolutely correct.  Physically in the crude world of give and
take on the ordinary plane what you say is correct -- it can never be
proved in court.

Yet, those who suspect that there is more to living than the physical,
search for causes and the wherefore of accidents and strange events.

All our science is based on the concept of immutable laws and the
eternal stasis of material qualities which define the atoms and their
relations.  But the atoms are immaterial and the force fields of which
they are made are still not fully known.  the ultimate causes in there
are tenuous at best, and yet our whole set of concepts are found
ultimately based on those, -- even your and my CONSCIOUSNESS.  This is
what lures me on to investigate and speculate.  And urges both you and
me, each in his own way, to doubt, skepticism and, inquiry == where
does the circular sections of our mutual relationships meet and
continue in time?

Perhaps this is a clue and perhaps it is not.  Essentially it is the
eternal puzzle and the difference between the world physical and the
world spiritual.  In between, I sense there is the interposition of
the world of confusion, the psychic world where all paths are doubtful
and chaotic -- and yet, the 3 worlds exist and things are still
cooperative.  Why ?

Many circles interlock.  To construct a circle you need at least a dot
and a straight line, and then a Vee which forms the instrument called
the compass.  But the concept of circle assembles the tools;  and then
urges the discoverer to invent drawing.  Thence the creative instinct
leads to the mysteries of geometry and mathematics.  What other
science survives the wreck of civilization after civilization ?  Why
is astronomy so universally a matter of lore, myth and conjecture?
Why is it that some many inventors and discoverers revisit the past
and cause it to manifest again ?

Why does Science hold that the atom is a "perpetual motion machine" --
if that is true, then why ?
I feel a little like Socrates here, but have no ready made answer -
perhaps others may have some suggestions or ideas.




-----Original Message-----
From: The Clan []
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 1999 6:21 PM
To: W. Dallas TenBroeck
Subject: Dallas Quotes

Dallas quoted:

>Some years ago a well-known [writer] writing to the Theosophical
>Adepts, queried if they had ever made any mark upon the web of
>history, doubting that they had. The reply was that he had no bar at
>which to arraign them, and that they had written many an important
>line upon the page of human life, not only as reigning in visible
>shape, but down to the very latest dates when, as for many a long
>century before, they did their work behind the scenes. [They are the]
>very unseen Adepts, who crave no honors, seek no publicity and claim
>no acknowledgment...

If the Adepts made such a great mark in history it would be impossible
demonstrate this in any Court as they would be totally unknown seeking
publicity"  and  claiming nothing and making no acknowledgement, thus
circular argument is made and truth is not served.

- Art

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