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Theos-World RE: Are the Great Masters mere fiction?

Feb 29, 2000 05:22 PM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

Feb 29th

Dear friend  "------"  :

Enjoy your fantasy !  Sorry "reptoids" is out.  "Chohan" is a
Tibetan word.  Defined in Theos. Glos
p. 83 as "Chief of the Dhyanis," or "Celestial Lights" -- which
in English would be translated "Archangels."

In other words a "human-monad" which has many, many Manvantaras
ago graduated out of the purely "human stage" into that of one of
the chief assistants to Nature.  Perhaps the GREAT  INTELLIGENCE
has for duty the administration of a whole world.  In that aspect
it would oversee the work and duties of its agents, the Adepts
and Mahatmas.  You will find much discussion on this subject in
Vol. 1. of the SD.

A key (metaphysically) to understanding this statement is that:

1.   the Monad never dies.
 2.  Law rules everything.
3.  Nature as a whole is EVERYTHING.
4.  The WHOLE is made up of great oceans and hosts of
intelligences, each at its own level of 	development.
5.  Cooperation and interaction are the primary methods of
6.  All Intelligences from small to great are expressions of the
ONE ORIGINAL WHOLE -- which 	we cannot describe.
7.  Human intelligence shows a MIND in various degrees of
development, from ignorance to an 	inclusive WISDOM that embraces
every aspect of the Universe -- or KOSMOS.

8.  The most advanced Intelligences serve the least and help them
on their way.

9.  Cooperation, altruism, service, harmlessness and
self-restraint are the keys to any advance in 	the occult
sciences.  Selfishness automatically cancels any spiritual power.
Only the 	selfish and the psychic remain.  No spiritual "power"
may be used for one's self-benefit in 	any way.

The Chohan (s) would have for duty some superior and world
encompassing responsibilities in which we have no special part,
and it would only be curiosity on our part to inquire into them
or their position.  It like asking in a University:  "Who is the
President?  and,  What does he do?  Who  are the Deans?  And what
are their duties in Council ?"  As a freshman such information
would be useless to us, usually.  If we deserve to know about
these "governors" we will be informed.  At the moment we are
students and are focused on a program of learning.  That is our
prime duty.  anything else is information that cannot be well
used.  In Nature, when something becomes our responsibility, we
will be advised.  Nothing is left to chance or will happen
without due preparation.

The whole Universe is embodied CONSCIOUSNESS.  Every part of it,
every MONAD is attuned to the rest and to IT.  We need to first
study the nature of our CONSCIOUSNESS and determine what it is,
how it operates, and what we ought to be leaning.  Once that is
done we can proceed with care and caution.

Theosophy provides the opening themes and basic principles that
lead to such perception.  It is in effect the HISTORY of
world-wide development of mankind, and of the things he uses, and
the things he sees outside of our Solar system in the Universe.
It deals in facts nd not in speculations or guesses.

I am using strong words and ideas, but you will find on
reflection that they are basic and cover the whole ground from
which we are starting together.  We are all in this together --
no one is either advanced, superior or an "authority."  As
immoral Monads we are all the same age.  A few have acquired a
little more information and have the responsibility to use it
well, and with discrimination for the benefit of their fellows.

If you go to the second Vol. of the SD (SECRET DOCTRINE),  HPB
explains the progress of intelligence in the ANIMAL KINGDOM .
That is the only place where you will find the saurian and
reptilian forms OF ANIMALS mentioned.  Those forms never held a
HUMAN intelligence.  At that time the Earth was in a semi-solid
configuration and matter was very different from the matter we
deal with now.

Theosophical archaeology parallels pretty much the Scientific
sequence insofar as the development of forms (found in fossils);
but it covers a far greater period of time.  You have to read
about it when you get a copy of the SD  -- it is very

But first after the KEY, you might read through ISIS UNVEILED --
I think you will enjoy what it writes about.  Let me observe:

The KEY TO THEOSOPHY gives us a view of the work of Theosophy in
our world now.  It introduces us to a vocabulary that is partly
drawn from ancient philosophies the Kabalists, the Greeks and
Egyptians and finally the ancient Hindu Brahmins who used
Sanskrit.  This is because it is the most ancient of them all.
In fact every religion and philosophy that we can see around us
will be found to have its roots in ancient Hindu philosophy.

ISIS UNVEILED.    One thing:  I noticed when I first read it, is
that it gives substance to myths and legends of which we hear
when we delve into pre-history.   It also gives a very
substantial history of the development of philosophy, science and
religion -- how they are all inter-related.   Further it speaks
extensively of the hidden operations (Laws) of Nature on the
ASTRAL and PSYCHIC planes and illustrates these with examples.
Hidden in those, are the laws and rules of those powers, but one
has to pay close attention to secure the knowledge that is

Basically we might say that the effort of Theosophy is centered
on Brotherhood.  The reason for that is that it contains the
basic idea of the ONE UNIVERSE -- in which we Live and of which
we are a PART.

We, as Units,  as Intelligences become as humans, MIND-BEINGS.

This capacity to exercise thought and free-will simultaneously
endows us with responsibility.  It is our duty to voluntarily
asset Nature in her great works.  But first we have to educate
ourselves.  Our progress is therefore determined by a self-willed
choice to make ourselves WISE.  Those who succeed in becoming
wise, graduate from the human school.

The only path to success is cooperative, and by brotherly
assistance to all other beings with which we live.  This is the
creative aspect of Karma.  The discharge of our responsibilities
is called "dharma." Duty in Sanskrit.

SECRET DOCTRINE	Most valuable as it develops from the basis
offered in ISIS.  It covers the history of the development of our
Kosmos and Solar system, and finally of our Earth.  It shows how
the cycle of reincarnation pertains to those vast structures as
well as to our own INTELLIGENCE.  Then in Vol. 2 it shows how
mineral, plant, animal and human INTELLIGENCE gradually developed
FORMS into which they worked and still work.  It is the
intelligence that develops the form and not the other way around.

Briefly put,  the whole of NATURE consists of intelligent
"life-atoms."  They are called MONADS.  Like the Scientific
concept of the "atom," the MONAD (a UNIT of spirit/matter) is a
perpetual motion machine endowed (from the moment that it emerges
from the generalized "Monadic Essence" with a consciousness,
intelligence and awareness of its own.

So the whole UNIVERSE is made up of uncountable oceans of
MONADS -- all the inter-stellar spaces,  "Cosmic Dust," "Dark
Matter,"  Black-Holes,"  Stars, Novae, Galaxies, comets, meteors,
and planets -- and each "life-atom" exhibits the qualities that
identify its uniqueness and simultaneously define its work-place
and duties in the WHOLE..

Each is considered to be a "life," and has associated with it,
its own individual and indestructible intelligence.  As time
passes and the Monad goes through many experiences -- that
immortal, individual intelligence grows in responsibility and

It never dies, but is always on the move from one place to the
next, (such moves are always under the "law of affinities" -- we
call it an aspect of KARMA).   And, it carries with it, as in a
hologram, a "memory-picture" of all its past experiences.  It is
also called (and especially after it graduates into the human
kingdom and acquires the independence of perception that a HUMAN
MIND grants to it) the Eternal Pilgrim.

It is this Monad that in the early stages of its development
passes out of the astral (invisible physical -- "force-fields")
of mineral development, then to the plants, animals and finally
becomes associated with the human form.  In each "kingdom" it
develops some new talent and sensitivity.  Its use by humans (who
are MONADS that went through this process many long aeons before
it), and who, so to say, graduated into HUMAN-MONADS (in terms of
intelligence), marks at every point a certain growth.  In any one
of these stages there is more learning and when that is achieved
Nature permits it to pass on to the next stage.  In effect it has
attuned itself, and has become "perfect" at that level of work
and interaction.

Broadly it is now an intelligent Brother and also a mentor to
those Monads that cluster around it.
Interior to us is such a Monad .  It is called the HIGHER SELF.
It is Spiritual in Nature and therefore partakes of the Universal
ALL.  It serves each one of us as such a Mentor.  From it we hear
when we have an "Intuition," or when we hear the "Voice of
Conscience" warning us against some action we propose.  How does
this happen?  It is the voice from experience we have had in the
past and which is recorded in the "hologram" referred to above.
It warns because we have made a similar error in the past and
have suffered from it.

One might ask what is error?  How does one know when an error is
about to be committed by me?  Theosophy and ancient Wisdom
answer:  Any time that we are selfish and desire or do something
that is solely for our own benefit, and which might hurt or
restrict another's freedom of action,  we are violating the great
Law of Karma.  Karma is described as the Law of total Harmony.
If we break or bend the harmony, Nature acting through Karma
immediately sets to teaching us not to do that.  It then bounces
back at us the exact force and effort that we applied --- so that
we will feel exactly how our decisions would react on us.  Of
course we make bad decisions and good ones every moment of our
lives so that there is a trail of causes and effects that follows
us around.

The whole of NATURE is a great Unity but paradoxically it is also
seemingly made up of all these many kinds of "parts."   Our
education gradually makes us aware of the delicacy and
sensitivity that Nature has in regard to the rights of others.
It enforces that rigidly and it is not possible, once that we
have started something to cause it to stop.  Theosophy does
indeed speak of mitigation, atonement and restitution as being
most important in abating some of the worst aspects of "bad"
karma.  If we recognize we have erred and are able to redress
some wrong we have done, then to that extent the resulting karma
is mitigated.  But Theosophy says that the victims of our
wrong-doing have to be directly compensate by us if possible.
And that is very difficult after some time.  Nature, however
never forgets and if a balancing cannot be done in this life
(before death).   Then in a future life the balancing will have
to be done.

I am putting a few notes below in the body of yours --



-----Original Message-----

Sent: Tuesday, February 29, 2000 6:05 AM

More ideas for a novel?

That reference by K.H. is to "Chohan," –singular.

Are there references to "Chohan’s" –plural?

Again APPARENTLY, the reptoids are of a species
that have a "collective" mind.

There’s a little article about the reptoids in the current
issue of NEXUS magazine.  Is it all just fiction?

I have also come across other references to the reptoids
in reports by contactees/abductees, but compared to the
"grays" they seem to be keeping a low profile.

I read  all kinds of stuff and then wonder whether there might
be some truth involved.

And I had a dream that was highly unusual for me,  last night:  I
visiting THE Kennedy’s, looked at the garden at the back of the
house, then went
inside, and Rose Kennedy came over  (looking old and wrinkled)
and said
something about the loss of so many Kennedy’s and expressed
for my coming over (or something like that)  and we gave each
other a
good hug. Then, looking around the large room (I think there was
somebody with me) I noticed a chair with  a seat-lid.  I lifted
the lid
and found a number of very  old looking loose pages of a book and
of a book  . . . .

DTB	IT IS NOT POSSIBLE FOR ANYONE unless they are an Adept to
give an idea of what the symbology of a dream may be.  Each one
has to be their own interpreter, and usually the methods and
suggestions that are given in popular works on the subject will
be found to be faulty.

The reason is relatively simple.   Dreams that we remember are
all filtered through the "Psychic" aspect of our lower mind.   It
is there that they pick up and clothe themselves with ideas we
have been dwelling on.  So it is not the characters that are
significant, but the nature of the thoughts and emotions
presented for our consideration.  We watch a play -- the
character that motivates the words and actions is important and
not the names or appearance of the actors.  To try to sort out
the difference between fact and our own wishful thinking as we
review such portions as our memory may secure, is a most
difficult process and we may also in many cases be deluding
ourselves.  That is what is to be avoided.

There are at least 2 general levels of dreams.  One is purely
psychic and the other may emanate from the "spiritual nature," or
our Higher Selves.  The latter variety will usually offer some
high ethical verity  or a universal and ideal picture for our
consideration.  It will not be easily forgotten.  The lower type
of psychic dreams will alter, change and disappear after a while.

One value to the fact of dreams is the proof inherent in them
that we are at core ONE CONSCIOUSNESS and regardless of the plane
where the experience occurs, it is that ONE CONSCIOUSNESS that
records and remembers.

This was clearly a departure from the kinds of hum-drum dreams I

At least I can’t say I know how you’re  going to react to these
last two



Best wishes,


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