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Theos-World Second Death

Jun 06, 2000 10:05 PM
by Govert W. Schuller

Dear Michele,

The doctrine of soul annihilation is IMO a constant in the teachings of the
adepts. See the following quote from a Summit Lighthouse source:

"The times demand of our chelas a tremendous output of energy. Given the
unconditional nature of God's gift of free will to his sons and daughters, the
soul can make the ultimate choice to be exalted in God or to be debased in the
depths of Death and Hell.

Therefore, in their exercise of free will, many souls will take the high road
that leads to reunion with God while others will take the low road of
self-annihilation. Souls who take that low road will go through the second death
at the conclusion of the Piscean dispensation, to reincarnate no more. For the
second death is a finality of finalities, wherein the soul is permanently
snuffed out and the silver cord shrivels up and ceases to be.

And so at the conclusion of the Piscean age, it is entirely possible that
earth's population will be significantly reduced because untold numbers of souls
will have taken the option to cease to exist rather than to claim their
individuality in God."

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