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Re: Theos-World Re: [bn-sd] Re: anatman

Aug 07, 2000 10:57 PM
by LeonMaurer

In a message dated 08/07/00 10:45:04 PM, writes:

>Sounds like what I learned in school about matter. Matter is actually
>hollow, given shape by electrons in "orbit" about a nucleus, similar to
>the skin of a balloon.  We perceive matter when two or more "skins" 
>touch, and they are actually hollow.

Sorry to burst your balloon, but that's simplistic nonsense.  Don't know what 
school you went to... But, what conventional science teaches about the inner 
structure of Matter "fields," their energy "strings," their outer and inner 
"membranes," and their linkages to the ubiquitous "zero-points" of manifest 
space -- extending from the highest planes of consciousness to the lowest 
material planes -- you could put through the eye of a needle. Incidentally, 
every energy field below the lowest consciousness plane (and above the 
zero-point at the center of every elemental or agglomerate form) can be 
considered as "Matter" in various degrees of condensation, density, or 

There is no such thing as a hollow field.  All energetic lines, or strings of 
force, from the subtlest Spirit to the most condensed Matter must circulate 
through their centers as well as around their circumference -- where they 
cross over into adjacent fields that are one inside the other (in at least 
ten dimensions of space on the physical plane).  Every form in the universe 
from the quark to the proton, the electron to the atom, the atom to the 
molecule, and outward -- has an invisible "aura" of multidimensional fields 
that links everything to everything else.  Therefore, there is no such thing 
as "empty" space... And, nothing in the universe can be "hollow" in the sense 
you speak of. 

Suggest you read the book, The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene (written for 
laymen), and find out how far postmodern science has come since you went to 
school.  And, then, carefully study what was said below (which goes a bit 
further -- although, not claimed to be the "ultimate truth" :-).


>> To more or less clarify this in "the language of the age," or in scientific
>> terms for those of us of a more technical bent... CONSCIOUSNESS, 
>> (when MANIFEST) as individualized AWARENESS, is simply the functional
> >attribute of the "dimensionless" LAYA-or ZERO-POINTS that fill all of
>> "metric" space ("whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is
>> nowhere")... With each such manifest "zero-point" identically reflecting 
>> the energetic and informative aspects of the original ABSOLUTE, or 
>> ZERO-POINT of UNIVERSAL ORIGIN -- and containing the "abstract motion"
>> which constitutes the total "electrical energy" of the KOSMOS (the all 
>> "Absolute space") prior to the manifestation of our particular COSMOS 
>> "Universe," after its final transformation into our or metric-space and its
>> myriad "physical" beings).
>> MATTER, then, is this "abstract motion" -- envisioned as non-dimensional, 
>> polar, non local, circular "spin" (of primal space) or "spinergy," around 
>> zero-point (the "seven invisible robes of the "Mother," as spoken of in the
>> Book of Dzyan) that EMANATES spirally out of the Kosmos and expands or
>> "inflates" -- while condensing in increasing degrees of density into the
>> three, four, seven, etc., levels, PLANES, "fields" and other "attributes" 
>> circular metric (spherical) SPACE. This inner expansion appears as
>> multidimensional, coadunate and coenergetic FIELDS, each composed of
>> infinite lines ("Strings") or RAYS of force that are formed by continuous 
>> of triple cyclic energy flow of different aspects of primal magnetic 
>> of "electrical") forces circling through all six directions of 
>> space (up, down, N, E, S, W) around the three polar axes (reflecting the
>> three geometric axes of the DIAMOND HEART) and through the "zero-point"
>> center of every manifest non-metric "zero-point energy" field (as well as
>> each of their derivative metric "space-time" or "physical" energy fields).
>> Imagine the formation of each individual spherical zero-point-spatial field
>> or sub field as being similar to a ball of string -- with every one of its
>> continuous outer windings crossing twice through the geometric center of
>> the ball and leaving and entering from the opposite poles of one of its 
>> primary axes (like the magnetic field of the Earth) where the beginning and
>> ends of these strings join adjacent coadunate fields through their
>> "zero-points" on different levels of spatial substantiality. Imagine, also,
>> all these points as being "non-locally" in one place, or "primal space,"
>> empty of all attributed (but not aspects) -- and that only "appear" (using
>> our physical eyes and brain on this level of substantiality) to be spread
>> out as separate, local points through metric (or measurable) space.

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