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Theos-World Some Important Theosophical ideas

Aug 27, 2000 12:17 PM
by dalval

August 26th 2000.

Master wrote:

"In such a great work as this Movement no one should expect to
find all his associates all congenial, intuitive, prudent or
courageous.  One of the first proofs of self-mastery is when one
shows that he can be kind and forbearing and genial with
companions of the most dissimilar characters and temperaments.
One of the strongest signs of retrogression [is] when one shows
that he expects others to like what he likes and act as he acts."
[  Translated from a letter in German written by Master to Franz
Hartmann,  Jan 12, 1885.  B: CW  ]

 And we find HPB writing:  [Letter I of HPB's FIVE MESSAGES to

"Let no man set up a popery instead of Theosophy, as this would
be suicidal and has ever ended most fatally.  We are all fellow
students, more or less advanced, but no one belonging to the T S
ought to count himself as more than, at best, a pupil-teacher --
one who has no right to dogmatize."

"Never has it been more necessary for the Members of the T. S. to
lay to heart the old parable of the bundle of ticks, than it is
at the present time:  divided, they will inevitably be broken,
one by one;  united, there Is no force on Earth able to destroy
our Brotherhood.  I have marked with pain, a tendency quarrel over trifles, and to allow your
very devotion to the cause of Theosophy to lead you into
disunion.   ...advantage is often taken by our ever-watchful
enemies of your noblest qualities to betray and mislead
you...Self-watchfulness is never more necessary than when a
personal wish to lead, and wounded vanity, dress themselves in
the peacock's feathers of devotion and altruistic work."   [ HPB
FIVE MESSAGES,  Letter 4 ]

Our destiny is to continue the wide work of the past in affecting
literature and thought throughout the world.  This supported by
those who see many changing quantities but always refuse to
become dogmatic or give up common-sense in Theosophy.

Thus we wait for the future that is to be, while sustaining and
supporting the fundamental concepts we have proved to be valid to
ourselves [ Karma, Reincarnation, the Golden Links of
Universality, Lawfulness, Immortality, and Purpose as a Single
SPIRITUAL Goal ].  As we have received, so we conceive our duty
is to pass on the Message, unaltered and clear -- that those who
follow us, in ages now and to come will prove friends, brothers
and lovers of humanity as we are.  Let us embrace the truth:  HPB
and Masters are not "dead."  They continue to exist and shed
their unseen influence on every soul anxious to be of their
Company.  How much we can accomplish!  Immortality of all beings,
of each human, and the perfectibility of the Soul are key ideas
to adopt review, dwell on and promulgate -- this is the Doctrine
of Hope, the Doctrine of the UNIVERSAL LIVING Heart of ALL.

These few ideas are offered for our consideration.  Great changes
are in process.

Best wishes,

D. T. B.


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