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Re: Theos-World Germs and their relationship to Diseases

Nov 16, 2000 07:19 PM
by Compiler

Daniel, you quoted just this one particular paragraph as the basis of your comments and
challenging questions, which are found below mine:

As a matter of fact, it is doubtful whether any disease is ever communicated to a healthy
person by germs; the real causes are auric infection as stated by Paracelsus, made possible by
Karmic weaknesses of the aura and astral body of the victim -- weaknesses caused by past
misdeeds; introduction into the system of putrid or morbid matter of various kinds, including
vaccines and serums; self-indulgence, especially overeating and other bad habits; and to no
slight degree mental suggestion in the form of dwelling on germ infection, fear of diseases
inculcated in youth by the medical profession, etc.

This is the paragraph that follows it in the article:

Let surroundings be kept clean, self-control exercised, the blood kept pure, and above all the
mind filled with the tranquillity obtainable only from selfless living and a refusal to dwell
upon or worry about personal affairs, and there need be no fear of germs or diseases, after
those due to old mental deposits have been precipitated and lived through.

You pose an interesting challenge to knowledgeable Theosophists to both think about and to try
to explain, concerning this whole "auric infection" thing. The last part of the last sentence,
just above, makes it clear, to this student at least, that the writers were most definitely
pointing to the fact that until we each clean up our own system, at every level, yes, we WILL
each suffer various degrees of health problems, but that we shouldn't poison our system further
by "injecting" foreign matter into it. (I may be wrong, but in your comments and questions
below, I assume that you really didn't mean to say "injected", when you were talking about
introducing diseases into the body, in the way you did.) So let's see what comes out of it by
those who understand a little more of what the writers in THEOSOPHY magazine were talking about
in the whole grouping of articles. The whole grouping should be read by everyone, concerning
this whole issue in general. Here is the link to them:

...and here is the link to the particular one that you quoted from:

The only observations I will make here, as a student who has read the entire grouping, plus
whatever I have observed in life in general, is that in the midst of horrible epidemics of all
kinds, only some people get sick and others are not affected at all, no matter how close to it.
Why is this? Did the condition of their "aura", their whole system, based on their entire past
and present, play a part in this? I only mention and ask these things in general because I
think it comes into play in the analysis of the whole situation, as presented in all of the
articles in the grouping that I compiled. I may be wrong, but I have been under the impression,
as a theosophical student, that the teachings say that nothing can come our way, either good or
bad (by affinity, magnetic attraction, repulsion, etc.) that was not already in us because of
our past and present thoughts, words, and deeds.


Blavatsky Archives wrote:

> Germs and their relationship to Diseases
> "As a matter of fact, it is doubtful whether any disease is ever communicated
> to a healthy person by germs; the real causes are auric infection as stated
> by Paracelsus, made possible by Karmic weaknesses of the aura and astral
> body of the victim -- weaknesses caused by past misdeeds; introduction into
> the system of putrid or morbid matter of various kinds, including vaccines
> and serums; self-indulgence, especially overeating and other bad habits;
> and to no slight degree mental suggestion in the form of dwelling on germ
> infection, fear of diseases inculcated in youth by the medical profession,
> etc." THEOSOPHY, Vol. 12, No. 10, August, 1924
> Does anyone in the Theosophical community believe the above?
> Are proponents of this "theory" suggesting that there would be no danger
> in being injected with the "germs" of lockjaw, or rabies or HIV???
> That without an "auric infection" these "germs" are harmless when introduced
> into the human body?
> Daniel
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