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RE: [bn-sd] Second Fundamental Proposition - SD vol 1, pages 16-17

Dec 30, 2000 05:23 PM
by dalval14

December 30, 2000


We seem to be dealing with metaphysical ultimates as before. But
the view shifts from the
SOURCE, to "How does it work?" Included of necessity is the
question: "Who are the workers?" What is the ultimate GOAL of
living and How do we succeed in attaining it ?

This 2nd Fundamental deals essentially with the Laws that are
common to all of us and which bind the Universe into a complete

If the total UNIVERSE is a boundless plane, that seems to be only
a symbol for the actuality of a SPHERE with numberless layers,
experiences, and types of conditions and experiences. Since it
is ETERNAL one expects to find embedded in IT, as well as all its
components, certain laws.

Of these cooperation, mutual assistance, brotherhood appear to be
the most ancient and basic. On any plane the UNIVERSE (and its
components -- which of necessity 'mirror' it) is interdependent
with any and all aspects of its multitude, the countless 'parts.'
Cooperation and mutual tolerance appear to be superior laws.
Brotherhood epitomizes these.

It is taught that each part reflects all the potentials of the
great whole. This is not immediate or spontaneous, as time has
to be given for individual development through self-choice and
constant interaction with all the rest. (but this begins to
infringe on the THIRD Fundamental). In regard to totality, it
is said that there is not a finger-space devoid of Monads in the
entire limitless, boundless UNIVERSE (S.D. I 289).

The question of individual isolation and, universal
responsibility due to the WHOLE become matters for consideration.
Are these valid conditions? Do they lead to true progress and
emancipation? Do they solve the paradox of our existence? How
can immortals be confined to a form? How can a "form" dream of
immortality ?

We observe that the "plane" is a representation of the WHOLE
(which our Minds accept as being the representative of a SPHERE).
It appears to be spread out between the polar opposites of SPIRIT
and MATTER. The first representing the ideal BEING and the
second, being the finite, restrictive forms adopted for the
manifestation of the universal LIFE-FORCE. The alternation
between sleeping and waking, and between life and death are found
to be universally present, whether these involve the Monads, or
the Worlds and Systems of worlds.

Its "components" are found to be named MONADS in the Secret
Doctrine. They are also said to be immortal, eternal pilgrims,
and each is able to reproduce any or all of the forces, powers
and wisdom of the WHOLE in such time as its independence leads
it to active participation in the conduct of the affairs of the
UNIVERSE -- but, always on a voluntary basis.

In all cases the great Laws of the Universe operate to
accommodate all types and kinds of intelligence. This indulgence
based on compassion, universal love and the desire that all
should become wise, does not obviate the educative aspects of the
operation of the just, universal, impartial, and harmonizing
effect of LAW. It is named generally Karma.

Aspects of the reaction of the Universe to selfish choices made
by some isolated Monads who assume (once they acquire the gift of
the Mind) they have the free-will to oppose the harmony and
balance of Nature in favor of some chosen condition they think
will be more suitable to their isolation of ease and

The living Universe in all its vast diversity demonstrates the
fact of alternation. It appears to be a whirling wheel, with as
said earlier, life and death, growth and disintegration, dark and
light, sleep and wakefulness, ignorance and wisdom, etc... (the
"Pairs of Opposites") forming the main partners to living.
These are a part of the Source FORCE, and they may be said to be
providing the panorama of colors, and the gamut of thought,
memories, ideas, views and colors so necessary for the mind to
understand its capacity as an independent and free-willed
CHOOSER. With the present as a basis for decision, it may use
its capacity to choose, to frame in anticipation the future it
wishes to secure or adapt to itself.

At this point theosophy which embodies the wisdom of all past
experience, steps in and reminds the Soul/Mind that it is an
immortal Pilgrim and is confronted with the difficult task of
choosing the "Right Path" or the "Left Path." The complexity of
the moral (ethical) universe arises to lead him into the
consideration of the duties and responsibilities of an IMMORTAL
who lives with other immortals, and which will have to bear the
burden of Karmic results based on its own private and individual

The fact that one is an Immortal Pilgrim also proposes to show
the Mind that while the form or body may change, the EGO-SUM,
The Divine Self within (ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS) does not change. ONE
CONSCIOUSNESS is it that passes through the states of sleep,
trance, death, and rebirth or reawakening. The MONAD that is our
REAL SELF (ATMA-BUDDHI) is also the eternal Pupil.

Thus we have for the 2nd Fundamental: University of the plane of
manifestation. Similarity of basic source powers. An identity
of spirit, matter and mind, which three are widely shared and
which form the "connecting bonds of action." Immortality implies
responsibility, and the balance of Nature implies a program of
education into which every singe "Life-atom" (Monad) fits.

It may also be said that there are certain impossibilities
inherent in such a situation. We are never totally ALONE and
ISOLATED. Nothing we think, feel say, or act is hidden or
forgotten. Nature has her recording agents and the Akasa is that
imperishable record of all actions of all the Monads in
existence. Alternations of life and death, sleeping and waking,
etc... make for a continuous learning experience, and as the
Monad learns more, its responsibilities widen and deepen. The
moral character of everyone is open to the inspection of the
Sages and the Wise.

Law operates incessantly, even if we are unaware of its presence
and touch. We constantly inscribe our own nature as a permanent
record on the imperishable scrolls of the Akasa.

I hope this may prove of use -- this is what I have secured from
a study of the 3 Fundamentals of the SECRET DOCTRINE.

-----Original Message-----
From: Moderator []
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 7:48 AM
Subject: [bn-sd] Second Fundamental Proposition - SD vol 1, pages


of the
Secret Doctrine.

If you have any further comments that bear directly on the First
Fundamental, please do send them in.

PLEASE NOTE: I will not be forwarding any further messages to the
list on
the other threads that have arisen over the last weeks. I would
like to
invite everyone to re-focus on the Topic in hand.

Lets see if we can help each other to better understand this
Fundamental Assertion and its underlying implications.

It is only a short passage, so I give it in full, below (between
the =====
signs). If you do not have your own copy of the SD click on the
link at the
bottom of this page to be taken to the Secret Doctrine on-line.

As you read through the passage below, is there something there
that stands
out more than the rest, for you? Is there something you
particularly do not
understand? If so please share it with us.

Are there any other passages in the SD, HPB's other writings, the
Letters & so on, that would give us another perspective on the

To help the newer students, would any of the 'older students'
care to
explain how "eternity" can be "like a wink of the Eye of

Happy studying,

...Peter Merriott

ps: for those new to the List, I always send the new topic in
"Moderator" in order to help people easily locate the current

Further, the Secret Doctrine affirms:--

(b.) The Eternity of the Universe in toto as a boundless plane;
"the playground of numberless Universes incessantly manifesting
disappearing," called "the manifesting stars," and the "sparks of
"The Eternity of the Pilgrim"** is like a wink of the Eye of
(Book of Dzyan.) "The appearance and disappearance of Worlds is
like a
regular tidal ebb of flux and reflux." (See Part II., "Days and
Nights of

This second assertion of the Secret Doctrine is the absolute
universality of
that law of periodicity, of flux and reflux, ebb and flow, which
science has observed and recorded in all departments of nature.
alternation such as that of Day and Night, Life and Death,
Sleeping and
Waking, is a fact so common, so perfectly universal and without
that it is easy to comprehend that in it we see one of the
fundamental laws of the universe.

[Footnote] -------------------------------------------------

** "Pilgrim" is the appellation given to our Monad (the two in
one) during
its cycle of incarnations. It is the only immortal and eternal
principle in
us, being an indivisible part of the integral whole -- the
Universal Spirit,
from which it emanates, and into which it is absorbed at the end
of the
cycle. When it is said to emanate from the one spirit, an awkward
incorrect expression has to be used, for lack of appropriate
words in
English. The Vedantins call it Sutratma (Thread-Soul), but their
explanation, too, differs somewhat from that of the occultists;
to explain
which difference, however, is left to the Vedantins themselves.
(SD I 16-17)


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