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RE: [bn-basic] Re: WHAT IS EVOLUTION ?

Mar 08, 2001 06:25 AM
by dalval14

Wednesday, March 07, 2001

Dear Arturo, and other friends:

For more grasp of Theosophical doctrines one ought to read
H.P.B.'s THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY (307 pages) as many of your
questions are to be found answered there. As to the scheme of
the total EVOLUTION, the SECRET DOCTRINE, Vol. I gives the most
detail. But if you want to see a condensed survey then get a
copy of Mr. W. Q. Judge's THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY (180 pages).


Read in the "OCEAN" the Chapters: 2 (General Principles), 3
(The Earth Chain), 4. (the Septenary Constitution of Man, 14.
(Cycles-of Time and of Evolution), 15, (Differentiation of
Species and Missing Links). This will give you an idea of the
coherence of the theosophical Philosophy.


Time is only a method of dividing eternal duration into segments
of memory relating to the experiences of the ETERNAL PILGRIM (or

[ Is modeled upon the Astral Form interior to it -- this Astral
Form is an electro- magnetic lattice work on which physical
molecules and atoms arrange themselves. ]
Our life time in this body is relatively short. But the interior
SPIRITUAL MAN is an ETERNAL BEING. To it this life-time is like
a "day" in the vast unending School of Experience. The object of
this eternal School of experience is to teach the Monad all that
can be learned. It is a vast and long process and we are in the
middle of it.

SPIRIT - DEITY is EVERYWHERE [It is present in us already.]

One might say: The DEITY ENCOMPASSES EVERYTHING. This includes
us. We are aware of this fact in our hearts. It is our "heads"
and the material and physical limits of our brains and bodies
that give us difficulty. But those same physical and material
forms we live in and use, are themselves Monads evolving with our
help. In a way, although all are eternal, some come to man's
thinking level earlier than others. It then becomes their duty
to assist their "younger brothers." We are doing that, and
sometimes the contact with the "less progressed" makes us feel we
are not the agents of the Universal spirit (Deity). It is this
temporary error we have to overcome once we become aware of its
existence. It is we who, recognizing "ILLUSION" who have to
eliminate it by adhering to the TRUE, the GOOD, and the

Basically the concept and facts are:


1. the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT, in order to "KNOW ITSELF," fragments
itself during Manifestation into numerous small life-units
(called MONADS-and consisting of the DUALITY of SPIRIT /
Matter-or INTELLIGENCE within a FORM. There is a third
component: the MIND.

Note: the intelligence component (3rd) is MIND, and,
together with SPIRIT and MATTER this IMMORTAL TRIAD works
through the long, long years of experience in manifestation
towards a thorough understanding of the composition of the
Universe and of ITSELF. Added to this are a developing
knowledge of the great Laws of life and of conscience, which rule
over all.
In short an atom becomes a molecule, then a cell and then some
structure as a pert of the many forms, such as mineral, vegetable
and animal. In all. It (the Monad) gathers experience and
stores the memory of those permanently in its "material" aspect
(named BUDDHI or WISDOM of experience).
Thus SPIRIT is always the intelligence that it questing (and
using the Mind) for the reason for its existence. And MATTER is
the accumulated memory and wisdom of the experience of an
immortal which is living through an enormous School of
It must be grasped that the MONAD is AN IMMORTAL BEING, and has
no "beginning" as such-that we can trace. (see SD I 174-186)
It always was, is and will be. We, as Monads are ETERNAL
PILGRIMS. And we have locked in us the potentials of the
Universal Deity (the ONE SPIRIT) of which we are an INDISSOLUBLE


2. Nothing in the Universe, present, past or future ,occurs
without the presence of other beings. The Universe (nature) is
entirely COOPERATIVE and INTERACTIVE. No exceptions. Hence
Prayer petition, expiation penance is ineffective until the time
when any harm done to others is rectified by direct restitution
to the victim. This is a basic fact. Hence, it is better to
assist and cooperate than to isolate ones' self and make another
a victim of our desires.
Our DESIRE PRINCIPLE (separate from the Mind) has to be
scrutinized for the MOTIVES we generate, good, or bad. Using the
Mind, WE the inner SPIRITUAL SELF observe how we desire and
develop passions. If we realize that these are only one of the
sheaths of the Soul or a "vehicle," then we will learn to
control them. This is the KEY TO ALL SPIRITUAL PROGRESS in our
natures as we have to realize that SELFISH AND PERSONAL DESIRE
are the delusions that separate us from all our BROTHER-MONAD
(who are as eternal as we are). We can never be free of them, so
BROTHERHOOD is a distinct advantage over enmity.
KARMA as a general expression used to indicate just, fair,
merciful, yet rigid LAW is used because the concept has been
largely forgotten in Europe during the past 2,000 years.

3. It is not possible to have a MANIFESTATION (or
Manvantara) without A PRIOR ONE as a basis. We, and everything
else in Nature no matter how near, small, far, or great has lived
before. The forms perish and change constantly, but the interior
reigning SPIRIT is immortal.
NOTHING EVER EMERGES FROM NO-THING. You cannot wake up to a new
day without having gone to sleep the previous night. A human
cannot start life completely fresh and new without having
previously died (as a form) in some earlier life. New always
emerges out of the remains of a past existence.


Our links to the past are several: we have the eternal material
of our bodies which as "life-units," atoms, molecules, cells,
constantly return to us to furnish the several bodies that the 7
principled THINKER needs. Then, our SPIRIT is a "ray" of the
UNIVERSAL SPIRIT (Deity) which is omnipresent and includes the
whole Universe, our Earth, and ourselves. We are IT. But we do
not yet KNOW THIS FACT. The third chief element that is eternal
in us (besides several more) is the MIND. Our mind isolates us
when in a form from other forms and other intelligences. We
cannot reach them except by words and speech. Our ideas do not
seem to influence them directly. But our actions, our desires
and our expressed ideas do make an impression.
If this is accepted, then we can see that the UNIVERSE, our
SOLAR SYSTEM, our Earth, ourselves and everything else in the
world has been IN EXISTENCE before. If you read the Bible
carefully you will not find that Jesus ever rejected
reincarnation. In fact he agreed to the concept in several
places, which can be pointed out to you. [ See in
BLAVASTSKY.NET the Writings of W. Q. Judge, articles titled:

IMMORTALITY IS FOR ALL [ After experiencing all, the
Individual EGO is able to see all. ]

is omnipresent . It (the SPIRIT) is in ALL THINGS, from the
smallest to the greatest. It (the SPIRIT) is omniscient, and
knows every secret wish and thought of ALL BEINGS including the
secrets of men and women. It (the SPIRITUAL DEITY) is
omnipotent, and to simplify Its work of administering the COSMOS
it has agents and representatives (Dhyan Chohans, Dhyani Buddhas,
Planetary Spirits, Nirmanakayas, Mahatmas, Adepts, disciples,
etc...) who follow exactly and without any deviation the pattern
of gradual and perfect EVOLUTION for ALL BEINGS. Thus the LAWS
of living in all departments of Nature are established for a very
long time, and cannot be changed by us.


The least atom is guarded, helped and preserved forever, as well
as the most foolish, or the wisest of humans. Then, from there,
the widest guidance and fairest and most just of rules is
extended over every living part and being in and of the whole
galaxy and the universe. This concept is most important as the
Deity does nothing foolish, careless, inattentively or with
partiality. If one harms another we only impress ourselves with
that iniquity. We may cause suffering to others and under Karma
the exact result of that suffering will eventually RETURN IN FULL
TO US. We cannot hide away from the consequences we generate.
No prayer, no petition, no gratuity (to a priest), or alms to a
temple or church, will mitigate the pain we may have caused,
unless we go to the victims and make a full and complete
restitution. This is MOST IMPORTANT if we desire to understand
our /world and Universe in its actual and true light.


One of the most exact rules is KARMA-which says in effect:
Everything we do MORALLY will eventually return TO US as a moral
SITUATION or effect. If we do good we get good. If we do bad we
get bad. You will find on examination that Nature already
CONTAINS EVERYTHING. Our Scientists, philosophers and
theologians probe and investigate into the smallest corners of
Nature to try and find out the inherent LAWS already there.
These are the three basic ideas and concepts of the management of
the whole world and universe.

BRAHMA -- DEITY in Source and in Manifestation

If Brahm is a name given to DEITY (Spirit) as representing the
totality of all beings, then the substitute "GOD" (impersonal and
universal) is appropriate, and all the same rules apply. The
name we give the DEITY (or ALL NATURE) is unimportant in those
We are not the "children of Brahma" unless we ACT LIKE lawful and
careful "children" ought to. We have to practice to do good as
often and as thoroughly as we can -- to everyone and to all other
beings (which are our "younger brothers"). No exceptions. We
cannot afford to "hate," or to "characterize others" (gossip).
Hence one is able to see that separateness is the delusion and
UNITY is the conclusion of life's excellences. THESE ARE IN
and TRUE EXPERIENCES of the highest and noblest type. They
become the fabric of the IMMORTAL MONAD -- THE TRUE EGO-SELF --
which is ONE WITH THE ALL, and with every other BEING (now seen
as a brother immortal, with potencies and powers equal to ours.).


As to the purpose of using physical bodies-they are made up of
life-atoms (Monads) which, emerging from the universal MONADIC
ESSENCE, and becoming individuals, began their evolution into
THINKERS much later than we did. We are their "elder brothers."
As more advanced Monads in the scheme of Nature, it has become
our duty to help them advance, just as we have been helped to
become as we are now by a cadre of Elder Brothers (Adepts,
Mahatmas, Buddhas, etc...)
Every plane of being in the Cosmos is one that is essential for
the whole to benefit from. So while we may think the physical
body is an impediment, it is in fact something we are still
learning through.. We have not finished that kind of learning,
and in doing our duty, we also help others to do theirs. This
whole Universe is a cooperative, and NOTHING is unessential. It
is our own sense of illusionary selfishness that has caused us to
believe that "ease," and "lack of responsibility" is a goal to
be aspired to. Should not the boredom of nothingness be a
consideration? What do we do with entire "sense deprivation?"


Some aspects of the Eastern philosophies, with new words for
names and concepts ,are difficult for us in the West, with our
western traditions, and religions. But the advantage in learning
something about them is to realize that all the Western
civilization owes its essence TO THE EAST. Every prophet points
to the East as the place they visited or learned from. The SAGES
OF THE EAST are an undying tradition. Theosophy states that they
exist to preserve the experience acquired and the WISDOM garnered
from all past periods of evolution and in especial this
particular evolution of our Earth -- and the reason for our being
attached to it. Without that as a basis there would be no roots
visible or available for us and our sciences and arts to rely on.
This is an important concept, as it strikes with LAW and
SCIENTIFIC OBSERVATION (on the spot and at the time, however
remote) at the causal beginnings for our present existence as a
whole and as an individual.
In the East, the most ancient philosophies have been preserved in
remote areas inaccessible to the average army, politics, or
travelers. There the Adepts live and have their residences.
These cannot be penetrated by ordinary means. You will find
something of this described in ISIS UNVEILED, Vol. II 95-103.


There is where Jesus learned: He visited during the years of his
exile the Jews, Egyptians, Greeks, Buddhists, Chaldeans,
Assyrians, Essenes, Ebionites, Nabatheans, and Hindus, as the
Bible shows us. He questioned, studied and learned the undying
wisdom of the ORIENT, and then, returned to the Jews in Palestine
(for there was his mission) as He says, to help them (and not
to the Gentiles, who later espoused and adopted his sayings, and
today claim his patronage, but neglect to PRACTICE his
One might well ask today: Who, today, actively and publicly
practices the injunctions of the SERMON ON THE MOUNT? Our
civilization and way of treating one others is definitely NOT
what JESUS TOLD US TO DO (I am speaking in general of course).
Every Prophet or Reformer, historically, has always been found
to have visited the WISE ONES; and having learned from them, he
has returned where he can do the most good to his fellows.
Examples: Jesus, Pythagoras, Buddha, Lao-Tse, St. Germain,
etc... ]


It is also true that in Theosophy and particularly in MAHATMA
DOCTRINE the description we have of the evolution of Man is
declared to be in a way quite different from the speculations of
our modern archaeologists, paleontologists, and oriental
theorists of all kinds. Their science of observation,
preservation are to be admired. But their speculations as to
causes are largely based on the motives seen to underlie our
present communities -- and those from historical accounts, did
not entirely prevail in the past. In any case these modern
sciences of ours are barely 2 to 4 hundred years old.
Archaeology began around 1800 with Napoleon's invasion of Egypt.
Theosophy, on the other hand is a record of the History of
mankind, and of the world and Universe which is millions of years
old and is based on actual observations made at the time of
historical occurrences (which our modern Science tries to
reconstruct from relicts and fragments.)


The information that we are given in THEOSOPHY is from the
eye-witness records of the ADEPTS who actually (over incalculable
ages) have watched the development of early mankind through many
"Rounds, Globes, and Races" (such as the Lemurians, the
Atlanteans, and the early Aryans) on the Earth. This development
is described in S.D. I 181, and from S.D. I 156 to 202 and
beyond.. Theosophy in the S.D. speaks of the eventual evolution
of the perfect 7th Race in the last Round 7th globe (S.D. I pp.
200-2). In doing this it speaks of the total development of
understanding and wisdom in the MONADS (you and me) who are at
present undergoing the evolutionary trials and tribulations of
MANASIC development. We have just begun our ASCENT of the 7-fold
ladder. In this the 4th Round, Kama (desire) is still largely
prevalent. We have to realize this in order to detach ourselves
from this fatal attachment. The way, (as I understand it) is
through the examination of our MOTIVES before we do or say


It gives us the idea that it is not only the physical form that
changes, but also the desires, feelings, and above all the MIND
and the INTUITION of the human being that is changing and
improving. You may ask what are those lines of improvement. As
said above, they are along MORAL lines-charity, service,
cooperation, benevolence and brotherhood are the main concepts to
be investigated and adopted into our practical lives


What were called "Mysteries" in Greece and Egypt are to be fund
even today among the Wise of every climate and region. They are
not political attitudes that shift every few years, but the
steady carefully and generously applied attention to the welfare
of all others around us. If this can be spread widely, then only
will our Earth be made the Eden Paradise of fable again. Those
Schools were called Mysteries, and led the people to search for
the CAUSES of their life and conditions-just as Theosophy leads
serious and devoted students to do the same. Theosophy is the
MYSTERY SCHOOL of the present. (see ISIS UNVEILED Vol. 2 pp
95 - 103, study the entire S.D. ).


But as you observe this is difficult for us to conceive of
because of the pressures of the daily way of living for most
individuals-who seek to guard their treasures of mind and wealth
and hear against the anticipated possible robberies of their
fellow. What a way to live ! It is a constant but totally
unnecessary war. Some persons somewhere will have to try to
reverse this trend. I think this is the reason why Theosophy has
been offered to us-to make us think of alternatives and above all
to realize that if we are in essence IMMORTAL, then we will never
need to fear death.

Theosophy is (as I think) the MYSTERY SCHOOL of the present.
(see ISIS UNVEILED Vol. 2 pp 95 - 103, study the entire S.D. ).
I would add that the first test of devotion to truth and learning
is to read and study the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS of THEOSOPHY using
the photo- or verbatim reprints of H.P.B.'s books and articles.
We may thus furnish ourselves with the requisite material (and
mental furniture) to attempt to penetrate below the surface of
physical words and phrases (of books and articles) to the MORAL
WORLD, where the desire nature is to be confronted by the
awakened MIND of each human. If one desires the light of
ATMA-BUDDHI (the MONAD and the HIGHER SELF) to shine forth on our
labors, then, a special and even a daily study of THE VOICE OF
THE SILENCE seems of great value to those who choose to make of
themselves HPB's and the Masters' devotees.

This makes every day, every life a good living experience, It
makes our purposes more valuable and our attention more acute.
We all grow and improve depending on how and what we choose. We
are all free-willed children of Brahma or of :"God." But the
Brahma or God is not OUTSIDE of us, but is always deep within our
spiritual DIVINE SELF. This inner self is a BROTHER TO ALL OTHER
SPIRITUAL SELVES and therefore Universal Brotherhood is

Best wishes,



FROM: arturo carvajal []
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 6:26 PM
Subject: [bn-basic] Re: WHAT IS EVOLUTION ?

Dear Dallas..

The Theosophical explanation about the 'beginning and the
present' is quite

I would like to know where, we, human beings, sons and daughters
of Brahma,
fit in this equation of physicality...
I don't think it was the 'original plan' to have physical bodies
and return to our Divine Plan, and become a
conscientious individual in manifestation. Something went
terrible wrong
during the fourth Root Race, with Lucifer and company going into
their own
way and create a back up Plan, so to speak, for the Dhyan Chohans
and alike.
The Bible talk about Two 'Heavenly' Wars...
Let's face it. This physical bodies are a pain and quite limiting
to the inner man and woman. we are
prisoners of Karma and these evolutions. The Mahatmas in the
Letters to A. P.
Sinnett talk about very little about the races, saying only the
evolution in this matter plane has been slow and painful...'(not
Their words
exactly but Their meaning), saying only the seven Root Race is a

Well, others so called Messengers, said the first to the Fourth
Root Race
'made to Heavens and became One with their God Source, the I
For us, westerns, the eastern symbology could make us spin our
heard to
eternity, and so sounds the Secret Doctrine sometimes. Asked
about it, the
Mahatmas reply was ..'of course is confusing. There are no words
in English
to explain it.'...

And so, dear Dallas, in plain English, what is your take of the


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