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Dallas, can you answer Eldon's specific questions??

Jul 21, 2001 06:17 AM
by Blavatsky Archives

Dallas, can you answer Eldon's specific questions BELOW?? Eldon's 
questions express the concerns of some ULT associates who have 
written to me as well as other Theosophical students who are 
concerned about remarks made that the ULT organization is superior 
to other Theosophical organizations. 


Eldon wrote to Dallas:

"One first might wonder how the [ULT] publishing committee assumed 
their responsibility. I've been an associate for many years and have
never heard an election called. If the committee runs itself,
and appoints its own replacement members, without consultation
with the general ULT membership, then it represents the interests
and wishes of committee members rather than the interests of all
ULT members.

"When you mention that the ULT publishes two magazines, how does
this happen? If there is no overall organization with people
empowered to make decisions on behalf of everyone, then the magazines
only represent the views and outlook of the particular associates
that write for and put out the magazines.

"Jerome Wheeler puts out "The Aquarian Theosophist" and I put out
"Theosophy World". We are both associates. Who decides on behalf
of ULT what magazines put out by associates are magazines put out
by the ULT, and what magazines are simply the independent efforts
for Theosophy of individual associates? If such a decision can be
made, the person or group of people making it are the people in
charge of the organization."

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