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Re: Theos-World Re: ULT -- Dallas' view and answers to DC.

Jul 28, 2001 03:46 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

As far as me asking you questions, you are always free to say nothing
in reply. Many times I ask questions that I have privately asked
myself hoping that others might answer them or at least give some
food for thought. But even if no answers are immediately
forthcoming, I believe there is value in the asking. I am free to
ask the questions just as you are free to answer or not to answer in

I have these questions, too. And I know from internal local discussions
among Theosophists that many co-students (some of them being not online)
have the same questions about the claims the ULT makes.
There can be nothing wrong to ask back when one hears statements which sound

Here is a quick list of some former statements from ULT'ers which turned out
through * questioning * as not true::

1. Claim: The ULT was the sole organization which reprinted the books of HPB
and Judge.
Result: Through inquiry in the mailing lists it turned out, that this was a
tale. F.e. the Point Loma TS made also good reprints.

2. Claim: THE ULT gives freedom in opposite to the Point Loma TS under
Tingley, which was a dictorship.
Result: Tingley was not only appointed by Judge (who talked with HPB over
that), but also elected in 1897 by over 5.000 delegates present at
convention as represantatives of the Theosophists in the whole world. Both
Tingley and purucker taught their pupils to learn to think for themselves
and not to believe in any claims, even when it is an occult "authority". In
writing and in living even opposing standpoint were presenteds to the pupils
or readers.
For example the Purucker critic Dr. Stokes (he believed that Purucker spoke
a bad English and does not really understand Sanskrit) was invited to join
the PL TS (which he did around 1935).
Some day there was a new librarian in PL. He thought it would be better to
ban the critic books from the shelves. When Purucker heard about that he
went to him, ordering him to bring back foe books as he wanted not to have
blind believers.

In opposite to that I never heard that a ULT official was elected or even
who is responsible. The bosses of the ULT are hidden. No one knows how the
control runs. I never read anything in their publications which gives an
alternate view.
So I come to the conclusion that we differ on the meaning of the words, f.e.
what is "freedom", what is "dictatorship".

3. Claim: Robert Crosbie left the HQ by free will.
Result: He was kicked out and ULT suppressed it for nearly 100 years.

4. Claim: Robert Crosbie never accepted Katherine Tingley as rightful
successor to Judge and O.H.
Result: Actually he hailed her serveral times as rightful successor and O.H.

4. Claim: ULT forces no control of the thought of its associates.
Result: At least 4 persons (including myself) were censored on the ULT
mailing list on Blavatsky-Net.

5. Claim: The ULT has a parent lodge which is located in L.A.
Result: It turned out that this was a misinformation and there is no parent

6. Claim: ULT'ers are 6th rounders.
Result: It turned out is was a typo for 5th rounders.

Considering all this what turned out only uopn serious inquiry and not by
open minded information policy of ULT officials one might ask whether there
are still other myths to cover up when further questions would arise.
When the different lineages really want to work together then we need a
tabula rasa and we need to solve all problems BEFORE.
A co-operation with a hypocrisy mind will not work on the long run as life
experience shows.
Only when all party lines are going back to Blavatsky a co-operation will
really work. All other is illusion.
The fact that today there is no really co-operation means that no party
today stands on HPB's level.

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