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RE: Theos-World Re: Alternatives to Crossposting

Aug 06, 2001 02:18 PM
by Peter Merriott


That is a very good point and suggestion. Avoiding cross posting also
respects the person one may be replying to and who may not belong to all the
lists the message gets sent to. I recently had to temporarily join a list
just to reply to a person who decided to cross post his replies to me on on
a different list. This was so I could fairly reply to his comments and
those of other people who had joined in the conversation on that other list.

Why do we not simply keep the old netiquette practice of posting a reply
only to the original list. I agree with you, it would save all the
repetitive clutter.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nick Weeks []
> Sent: 06 August 2001 21:33
> To:
> Subject: Theos-World Re: Alternatives to Crossposting
> It is not difficult to subscribe to any of a number of discussion lists,
> theosophical or otherwise. Therefore, if the old netiquette
> practice of not
> sending copies of postings, to lists other than the one it was
> originally sent
> to, were adhered to, it would make for a less cluttered and repetitive
> selection of reading matter.
> The exception would be for simple announcements.
> Best,
> Nicholas
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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