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Re: [bn-basic] Re: a couple of questions (revised)

Aug 08, 2001 00:08 AM
by leonmaurer

This is a repeat of a previous post, slightly rewritten, that somehow (in my 
6th and 7th paragraph below:-) got clipped and somewhat garbled in 
transmission. (Did a white or black master magician interfere because I might 
have said too much? /;-)> |_ |-| |\/|

In a message dated 08/04/01 10:53:55 AM, writes:

>There are a number of authorities for the number 888 as applying to the 
> name of Jesus Christ, and as said this is in antagonism to the 666 of 
>the Antichrist. . . .
>The stable value in the name of Joshua was the number 365, the indication
>of the solar year, while Jehovah delighted in being the indication of the
>lunar year---and Jesus Christ was both Joshua and Jehovah in the
>Christian Pantheon. . . .
>Also, inferred in the writings is the strange? fact that 666 is a reference
>to man (hu-man-ity) not to the demonizing of man but simply to man in general
>which most of sacred writings refer to man in general always going in the
>wrong direction in regard to his (man's) true happiness.
>The number 666 added together making the sum of 18 which is a number
>loaded with great meaning particularly in anthropogenesis and cosmogonists , 
>wouldn't you say Jerome?

There is another interpretation of the 666... As the "number of the Beast" 
(as said 
in "Revelations")... Which is based on the knowledge that mankind's 
number is really 777. This number is related to our "seven fold" nature in 
all three 
worlds of spirit, mind and matter -- since, only these three 7s represent our 
higher and lower nature in these three "fields of action." Thus, leaving 
"spirit" out, 
as the "motive" behind any choices of action on any plane, would leave only 
the 666 
-- representing our lower (animal or beast-like) nature. Therefore, those 
who never 
consider spiritual intuition (or conscience) as a guide on any plane of their 
action or 
thoughts -- thereby acting entirely from a selfish standpoint -- would be 
labeled as 
having the "mark of the beast" whose number is 666. 

It would also be consistent with fundamental principles, on another level of 
understanding, to consider that 777 is the number of a true "Master," or 
magician"... While 666 would represent anyone one step below that plane on 
three worlds -- such as a "black magician, who (being deficient in spirit and 
solely out of selfishness) might only be considered as an "Adept" or "false 
of the "black arts" -- rather than a "true Master" (of the "White Lodge") who 
never use his adept knowledge of magic for selfish purposes. Such a false 
of the "dark side" would be adept at using the wisdom of Buddhi, but would 
be governed by the unconditioned "Love" (for all "beings") of Atma (as a 
reflection of the Supreme Spirit that is the "rootless root" of all that is, 
was or 
ever will be).

It follows, then, that 888, as applied to the Christ (or Krishna), represents 
Christos, or Supreme Spirit (or "Spirit of God") -- which is on a higher 
level than 
777 (which, in this light, represents Atma, the "spirit in man"). 

The number 666 also could relate to the 18 stages of yoga necessary to reach
"enlightenment" on all three primary fields ("planes," as spoken of by HPB) 
our consciousness (material, astral, spiritual). That's one of the reasons 
for the 
18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita -- each of which represents a different 
level of 
yogic teachings by Krishna... Designed to awaken Arjuna's higher nature (777) 
through training and aligning of his lower natures (666) to ultimately arrive 
at the 
Wisdom of the Supreme Spirit (888). For the metaphysically minded student, 
the relationships of these fields to each other, based on fundamental 
the formulas in the Book of Dzyan, and the Hermetic statement, "As above, so 
below" -- is pictured symbolically at:

Incidentally, any three digit number representing biblical, mythological, or 
historical characters, such as Joshua's 365, could also relate to their level 
attainment (or perfection), initiation, or functional state on each of the 
worlds of matter, mind, and spirit... With 111, being the lowest state, such 
that of inert matter, and 777 being the final perfection of an enlightened 
-- with 888 representing an avatar, or one in touch with the Supreme Spirit 
all planes in all worlds. 

Naturally, since there are at least seven levels of understanding on each of 
the three worlds, such numbers could also apply to celestial and astrological 
matters as well as to other lower or higher "awakenings" to the nature of 
reality on all 21 (another occult number representing the "Arcanum" in 
the Egyptian and Tarot teachings) fields of consciousness. Note that the 
number 21 (numerological 3, as is the 12 "houses"of astrology) represents 
the duality within a trinity of each of our seven inner natures, as well as 
Cosmos and its triple logos or primary "Gods" -- 3 x 4 -- since each such God 
(Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva, Kether-Binah-Chochma, etc.) is composed of four 
aspects which might be considered as; spirit, soul, mind, and body; or 
abstract source, spiritual body, astral body, physical body, etc.

Incidentally, these awakenings might come about by progressively "seeing" 
the interrelationship of the two lower worlds (physical, astral) to each 
and to the surrounding higher world (spiritual) on each level of our seven 
fold nature -- through a form of simultaneous meditation using both aspects 
of our dual brain and dual mind (rational-intuitive, linear-nonlinear, 
graphical, mathematical-topological, etc.)... i.e., Mentally looking outward 
from their coadunate "zero (laya) point" centers and inward from the 
circumference of each "field" on any given level -- simultaneously -- while 
applying the three fundamental principles along with analogy and 
correspondence... Thus, effectively opening the "antahkarana" path between 
the right and left brain and, concurrently, the channel between higher 
and lower manas.

Patanjali's Rajah yoga teachings, focussing on this dual mind as the direct 
between the higher and lower natures, is the primary yogic path (or 
practice) to enable one to ultimately arrive at this final level of 
along with full adeptness in or mastery of all the "siddhis" (psychic powers).


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