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EVOLUTION -- Some Quotes from Theosophical Sources

Aug 25, 2001 11:49 AM
by dalval14

Saturday, August 25, 2001

Dear Reed:

In view of the very interesting considerations on the "faking" of
anthropological and archaeological theories as to evolution
perhaps some of these might he considered.

Best wishes,



EVOLUTION	---	Some Quotations from Theosophical sources.



Index	Page	Index	Page
_____________________________	_____________________________
Adepts & Nirmanakayas	20	Globes, Rounds, Races	8
Anthropoids & Apes	.	21 Goals of Evolution	.	11
Atlantis	.	.	.	25 Involution of Ideals	2
Atoms are Universes	15 Lighting up of Manas	18
Consciousness Develop.	7 Mankind at the Apex	4
Cranial Capacity	.	28 Manvantara - Awakening	13
Dying Races	.	.	22 Power of Evolution	6
Evolutionary Scheme	3 Rest and Pralaya	.	21
Fossils	.	.	.	25 Spirit in Man, Source	15
The Future	.	.	19 Why Evolution ?	.	1
The Present	.	.	11	Knowledge	.	.	14


"What then is the universe for, and for what final purpose is
man the immortal thinker here in evolution? It is all for the
experience and emancipation of the soul, for the purpose of
raising the entire mass of manifested matter up to the stature,
nature, and dignity of conscious god-hood, The great aim is to
reach to and through the perfecting after
transformation, of the whole mass of matter as well as what we
now call soul. Nothing is or is to be left out. The aim for
present man is his initiation into complete knowledge, and for
the other kingdoms below him that they be raised up gradually
from stage to stage to be in time initiated also. This is
evolution carried to its highest power; it is a magnificent
prospect; it makes of man a god, and gives to every part of
nature the strength and possibility of being one day the same;
there is strength and nobility in it, for by this no man is
dwarfed and belittled, for no one is so originally sinful that he
cannot rise above all sin...Present religions keep the element of
fear..."	Ocean p. 60-1

"...until every grain of dust has, by gradual transformation
through evolution, become a constituent part of the "living soul"
and, until the latter shall reascend the cyclic arc, and finally
stand--its own Metatron or Redeeming Spirit--at the foot of the
upper step of the spiritual worlds, as at the first hour of its
emanation." This covers the concept of Universal evolution and
includes all beings without exception." Isis II 420-422

"In the hearts of all, at some time there arises the desire for
knowledge. He who thinks his desires will be fulfilled, as the
little bird in the nest, who has only to open his mouth to be
fed, will very truly be disappointed...The soul develops like the
flower in God's sunlight, and unconsciously to the soil in which
it grows. Shut out the light and the soil grows damp and
sterile, the flower withers or grows pale and sickly. Each and
every one is here for a good and wise reason. If we find
partially the why we are here, then is there the more reason that
we should by intelligent contact with life, seek in it the
farther elucidation of the problem. It is not for the study of
ourselves so much, as the thought for others that opens the door.
The events of life and their causes lead to knowledge. They must
be studied when they are manifested in daily life."	WQJ Art. II


"This visible universe of spirit and but the
concrete image of the ideal abstraction; it was built on the
model of the first divine idea. Thus our universe existed from
eternity in a latent state. The soul animating this purely
spiritual universe is the central sun, the highest deity itself.
It was not himself who built the concrete form of his idea, but
his "first-begotten;" and as it was constructed on the
geometrical figure of the dodecahedron [Plato, Timaeus ], the
first -begotten "was pleased to employ 12,000 years in its
creation."	Isis I 342

"...every living creature and thing on earth, including man,
evolved from one common primal form."	SD II 659

Svayambhu	(Sk.)	A metaphysical and philosophical term, meaning
"the spontaneously self-produced" or the "self-existent being."
An epithet of Brahma. Svayambhu is also the name of the first
Manu."	Glos 315
[see Isis I xvi, 590, II 39, 391, 443, SD I 52, 375, Isis
II 128, 307 ]

"It is the Spiritual evolution of the inner, immortal man that
forms the fundamental tenet in the Occult Sciences...the One
Universal Life, independent of matter...and...the individual
intelligences that animate the various manifestations of this
Principle...The One Life is closely related to the one law which
governs the World of Being--Karma." S D I 634

(Threefold: Spirit, Mind, Body)

"...there exists in Nature a triple evolutionary scheme for the
formation of the three periodical Upadhis...the Monadic (or
spiritual), the intellectual, and the physical evolutions. These
are the finite aspects or the reflection on the field of Cosmic
Illusion of Atma, the seventh, the One Reality.

1.	The Monadic is...concerned with the growth and development
into still higher phases of activity of the Monad in conjunction

2.	The Intellectual, represented by the Manasa-Dhyanis(the Solar
Devas, or the Agnishwatta Pitris) the "givers of intelligence and
consciousness" to man and:--

3.	The Physical, represented by the Chayyas of the lunar Pitris,
round which Nature has concreted the present physical body. This
body serves as the vehicle for the "growth"...and the
transformations through Manas and--owing to the accumulation of
experiences--of the finite into the infinite, of the transient
into the Eternal and Absolute.

Each of these three systems has its own laws, and is ruled and
guided by different sets of the highest Dhyanis or "Logoi." Each
is represented in the constitution of man, the Microcosm of the
great Macrocosm; and it is the union of these three streams in
him which makes him the complex being he now is."	SD I 181-2
(see also SD I 188-189)

"Every Spiritual Individuality [Higher Manas] has a gigantic
evolutionary journey to perform, a tremendous gyratory progress
to accomplish. First--at the very beginning of the great
Maha-manvanataric rotation, from first to last of the man-bearing
"planets," as on each of them, the monad has to pass through the
seven successive races of man...up to the present fifth race, or
rather variety, and through two more races, before he has done
with this one. Each of the 7 races send 7 ramifying branchlets
from the Parent Branch: and through each of these in turn man
has to evolute before he passes on to the next higher race; and
that--seven times...The branchlets typify varying specimens of
humanity--physically and spiritually--and no one of us can miss
one single rung of the ladder...when I say "man," I mean a human
being of our type. There are other and innumerable manvantaric
chains of globes bearing intelligent beings--both in and out of
our solar system--the crowns or apexes of evolutionary being in
their respective chains, some--physically and
intellectually--lower, others immeasurably higher than the man of
our chain..."	Mahatma Letters, p. 119

"The ultimate origin or beginning of man is not to be
discovered, although we may know when and from where the men of
this globe came from. Man never was not. If not on this globe,
then on some other, he ever was, and will ever be in existence
somewhere in the Cosmos. Ever perfecting and reaching up to the
image of the Heavenly Man, he is always becoming."
Ocean p. 127

"The object of [the] amalgamation and precipitation is to give
to every race the benefit of the progress and power of the whole
derived from prior progress in other planets and systems
...Nature never does her work in a hasty or undue fashion, but,
by the sure method of mixture, precipitation, and separation,
brings about the greatest perfection...Hence man did not spring
from a single pair. Neither did he come from any tribe or family
of monkey...7 races of men appeared simultaneously on the
earth..."	Ocean p. 122-3


"The spirit in man is the only real and permanent part of his
being; the rest of his nature being variously compounded...
everything in man but his spirit is impermanent...the Universe
being one thing and not diverse, and everything within it being
connected with the whole and with every other thing therein, of
which upon the upper plane...there is perfect knowledge, no act
or thought occurs without each portion of the great whole
perceiving and noticing it. Hence all are inseparably bound
together by the tie of is taught that there is
no creation of worlds...but that their appearance is due strictly
to evolution,

When the time comes for the Unmanifested to manifest as an
objective Universe, which it does periodically, it emanates a
Power or "The First Cause"--so called because it itself is the
rootless root of that Cause, and called in the East the
"Causeless Cause."...The projection into time of the influence or
so-called "breath of Brahma" causes all the worlds and the beings
upon them to gradually appear. They remain in manifestation just
as long as that influence continues to proceed forth in

After long aeons the outbreathing, evolutionary influence
slackens, and the universe begins to go into obscuration, or
pralaya, until, the "breath" being fully indrawn, no objects
remain, because nothing is but Brahm. Care must be taken by the
student to make a distinction between Brahm (the impersonal
Parabrahm) and Brahma the manifested Logos.

This breathing forth is known as a Manvantara, or the
Manifestation of the world between two Manus...For the purpose of
a Manvantara two so-called eternal principles are postulated,
that is, Purusha and Prakriti (or spirit and matter), because
both are ever present and conjoined in manifestation.

This brings us to the doctrine of Universal Evolution as
expounded by the Sages of the Wisdom-Religion. The Spirit, or
Purusha, they say, proceeds from Brahma through the various forms
of matter evolved at the same time, beginning in the world of the
spiritual from the highest and in the material world from the
lowest form...yet unknown to modern science. Thus, therefore,
the mineral, vegetable and animal forms each imprison a spark of
the Divine, a portion of the indivisible Purusha.

These sparks struggle to "return to the Father," or in other
words, to secure self-consciousness and at last come into the
highest form, on Earth, that of man, where alone
self-consciousness is possible to them. The period calculated in
human time, during which this evolution goes on embraces millions
of ages. Each spark of divinity has, therefore, millions of ages
in which to accomplish its mission...all depends upon the
individual's own will and efforts.

Each particular spirit thus goes through the Manvantara, or
enters into manifestation for its own enrichment and for that of
the Whole.

Mahatmas and Rishis are thus gradually evolved during a
Manvantara, and become after its expiration, planetary spirits,
who guide the evolution of other future planets. The planetary
spirits of our globe are those who in previous manvantaras
...made the efforts, and became in the course of that long period

This system is thus seen to be based upon the identity of
Spiritual Being, and, under the name of "Universal Brotherhood,"
constitutes the basic idea of the T S, whose object is the
realization of that Brotherhood among men."	WQJ-Epitome, pp. 9 -

" came to this globe from another planet, though of course
then a being of very great power before being completely enmeshed
in matter, so the lower kingdoms came likewise in germ and type
from other planets, and carry on their evolution step by step
upward by the aid of man, who is, in all periods of
manifestation, at the front of the wave of life...This is the
point where the intelligent aid and interference from a mind or
mass of minds is absolutely necessary. Such aid and interference
was and is the fact, for nature unaided cannot do the work
right...It is Man who does this. Not the man of the day, weak
and ignorant as he is, but great souls, high and holy men of
immense power, knowledge and wisdom...just as every man would now
know he could become...Various names have been given to these
beings now removed from our plane. They are the Dhyanis, the
Creators, the Guides, the Great Spirits, and so on by many
titles..."	Ocean p. 130-1 [ see SD II 79-80, 93-4 ]

"By methods known to themselves and to the Great Lodge they
work on the forms so brought over, and by adding here, taking
away there, and often altering, they gradually transform...This
process is carried on chiefly in the purely astral period
preceding the gross physical stage, as the impulses thus given
will surely carry themselves forward through the succeeding
times. When the midway point of evolution is reached the species
emerge on to the present stage..."	Ocean p. 131-2

"The object of all this differentiation, amalgamation and
separation is well stated by another of the Masters, thus:
"Nature consciously prefers that matter should be indestructible
in organic rather than inorganic forms, and works slowly but
incessantly towards the realization of this object--the evolution
of conscious life out of inert material."	Ocean p. 133-4

"Man occupies the most important place in the whole scheme of
evolution. He stands where Spirit and matter meet. He is the
link between the higher beings and those below. He has so to
act, so to think and act, in and upon and with this physical
matter that he raises it all up, and gives it another tendency,
another trend. By the very constitution of his nature, by reason
of his being connected as he is in a physical body with all
nature, the Secret Doctrine states that man can become greater
than any one of the Dhyan Chohans and equal to all of them put
together. That is the goal which lies before him--the goal of
the "Kingly Mystery"--the seeing and knowing and feeling and
acting universally. For there is a power in man which enables
him to judge aright; he has the all-seeing eye--the
all-encompassing sight which permits him to see the justice of
all things. And always there is present the power of choice in
one direction or another. The questions before each human being
are: Whom will ye serve? Will you serve the higher spiritual
nature, or the body of flesh?"	F P p. 225


"The active Power, the "Perpetual motion of the great Breath"
only awakens Kosmos at the dawn of every new Period, setting it
into motion by means of the two contrary Forces [Fn.:
"...male/female, positive/negative, physical/spiritual, the two
being the one Primordial Force"], and thus causing it to become
objective on the plane of Illusion. In other words, that dual
motion transforms the Kosmos from the plane of the Eternal Ideal
into that of finite manifestation, or from the Noumenal to the
phenomenal plane.

Everything that is, was, and will be, eternally IS, even the
countless forms, which are finite and perishable only in their
objective, not in their ideal Form. They existed as Ideas, in
the Eternity [ Fn.: "Occultism teaches that no form can be given
to anything, either by nature or by man, whose ideal type does
not already exist on the subjective plane. More than this; that
no such form or shape can possibly enter man's consciousness, or
evolve in his imagination, which does not exist in prototype, at
least as an approximation.], and, when they pass away, will exist
as reflections.

Neither the form of man, nor that of any animal, plant or stone
has ever been created, and it is only on this plane of ours that
it commenced "becoming," i.e., objectivizing into its present
materiality, or expanding from within outwards, from the most
sublimated and supersensuous essence into its grossest

Therefore our human forms have existed in the Eternity as astral
or ethereal prototypes; according to which models the Spiritual
Beings...whose duty it was to bring them into objective being and
terrestrial Life, evolved the protoplasmic forms of the future
Egos from their own essence. After which, when this human
Upadhi, or basic mould was ready, the natural terrestrial Forces
began to work on those supersensuous moulds which contained,
besides their own, the elements of all the past vegetable and
future animal forms of this globe in them. Therefore, man's
outward shell passed through every vegetable and animal body
before it assumed the human shape." S D I 281


"The legend of the "Fallen Angels" in its esoteric
signification, contains the key to the manifold contradictions of
human character; it points to the secret of man's
self-consciousness; it is the angle-iron on which hinges his
entire life-cycle...On a firm grasp of this doctrine depends the
correct understanding of esoteric anthropogenesis. It gives a
clue to the vexed question of the Origin of Evil; and shows how
man himself is the separator of the One into various contrasted

.The "Fallen Angels,"...are Humanity itself. The Demon of
Pride, Lust, Rebellion, and Hatred, has never had any being
before the appearance of physical conscious man. It is man who
has begotten, nurtured, and allowed the fiend to develop in his
heart; he, again, who has contaminated the indwelling god in
himself by linking the pure spirit with the impure demon of
matter...Add to it the claim that a portion of Mankind in the 3rd
Race--all those Monads of men who had reached the highest point
of Merit and Karma in the preceding Manvantara--owed their
psychic and rational natures to divine Beings hypnotizing into
their 5th principles...The divine man dwelt in the animal, and,
therefore when the separation took place in the natural course of
evolution--when also "all the animal creation was united," and
males were attracted to females--that race fell..."
SD II 274-5


"A visitor from one of the other planets of the solar system who
might learn the term Mahatma after arriving here would certainly
suppose that the etymology of the word undoubtedly inspired the
believers in Mahatmas with the devotion, fearlessness, hope, and
energy which such an ideal should arouse in those who have the
welfare of the human race at heart...The whole sweep, meaning,
and possibility of evolution are contained in the word Mahatma.
Maha is "great," Atma is "soul," and both compounded into one
mean those great souls who have triumphed before us not because
they are made of different stuff and are of some strange family,
but just because they are of the human race.

Reincarnation, karma, the sevenfold division, retribution,
reward, struggle, failure, success, illumination, power, and a
vast embracing love for man, all these lie in that single word.

The soul emerges from the unknown, begins to work in and with
matter, is reborn again and again, makes karma, develops the 6
vehicles for itself, meets retribution for sin and punishment for
mistake, grows strong by suffering, succeeds in bursting through
the gloom, is enlightened by true illumination, grasps power,
retains charity, expands with love for orphaned humanity, and
thenceforth helps all others who remain in darkness until all may
be raised up to the place with the "Father in Heaven" who is the
Higher Self."	WQJ Art. II, p. 39-40

Globes, Rounds, Races,

"The universe evolves from the unknown, into which no man or
mind, however high, can inquire, on 7 planes or in 7 ways or
methods in all worlds, and this 7-fold differentiation causes all
the worlds to have a septenary constitution...The divisions of
the 7-fold universe may be laid down roughly as: The Absolute,
Spirit, Mind, Matter, Will, Akasa or AEther, and Life. In place
of "the Absolute" we can use the word Space. For Space is that
which ever is, and in which all manifestation must take place."
Ocean, p. 14

"...the Earth is 7-fold. It is an entity, and not a mere lump
of gross matter...The earth is one of 7 globes in respect to
man's consciousness only, because when he functions on one of the
seven he perceives it as a distinct globe and does not see the
other 6...the 7 globes are in "coadunition with each other but
not in consubstantiality" (SD I 166)...these globes are united in
one mass though differing from each other in substance, and this due to change in center of consciousness."	Ocean
p. 23-24

"The stream or mass of Egos which evolves on the 7 globes of our
chain is limited in number, yet the actual quantity is
enormous...the whole number of Monads now going through evolution
on our Earth Chain came over from the old 7 planets or globes
[Moon]...a "life wave," meaning a stream of Monads...This journey
went on for four circlings round the whole and then the whole
stream or army of Egos from the old Moon Chain had arrived, and
being complete, no more entered after the middle of the Fourth
Round. The same circling process of these differently arrived
classes goes on for 7 complete Rounds of the whole 7 planetary
centers of consciousness [Globes]...and when the 7 are ended as
much perfection as is possible in the immense period occupied
will have been attained, and then this chain or mass of "globes"
will die in its turn to give birth to still another series."
Ocean p. 25-26

"Each one of the globes is used by evolutionary law for the
development of 7 races, and of senses, faculties and powers
appropriate to that state of matter: the experience of the whole
7 globes being needed to make a perfect development. Hence we
have Rounds and Races. The Round is a circling of the 7 centers
of planetary consciousness; the Race the racial development on
one of those no complete race could be evolved in a moment
on any globe, the slow, orderly processes of nature, which allow
no jumps must proceed by appropriate means."	Ocean p. 26

"It has been repeatedly stated that evolution as taught by Manu
and Kapila was the groundwork of the modern teachings, but
neither Occultism nor Theosophy has ever supported the wild
theories of the present Darwinists--least of all the descent of
man from an ape...Man belongs to a kingdom distinctly separate
from that of the animals...Every Round repeats on a higher scale
the evolutionary work of the preceding Round. With the
exception of some higher anthropoids...the Monadic inflow, or
inner evolution, is at an end till the next Manvantara...the
full-blown human Monads have to be first disposed of, before the
new crop of candidates appears on this Globe at the beginning of
the next cycle. There is a lull; and this is why, during the
Fourth Round, man appears on Earth earlier than any animal
creation...what the Occultists have never that man
was an ape in this or in any other Round; or that he ever could
be one, however much he may have been "ape-like." SD I 186-7

"A vast period of time, about 300,000,000 years, was
the end of that stretch of years the process of hardening began,
the form of man being the first to become solid, and then some of
the astral prototypes of the preceding rounds were involved in
the solidification, though really belonging to a former period
when everything was astral. When these fossils are discovered it
is argued that they must be those of creatures which coexisted
with the gross physical body of man...[the missing links] all
exist on the astral plane..."	Ocean p. 132-3

"The real age of the world is...almost incalculable, and that of
man as he is now formed is over 18,000,000 of years. [S D I p.
150 footnote] What has become at last man is of vastly greater
age, for before the present two sexes appeared the human creature
was sometimes of one shape and sometimes of another, until the
whole plan had been fully worked out into our present form,
function and capacity....[his shape was] at one time
globular...when conditions favored such a form...This was
accomplished by the Ego or real man going through experience in
countless conditions of matter all different one from the other,
and the same plan in general was and is pursued as prevails in
respect to the general evolution of the universe...details were
first worked out in spheres of being very ethereal, metaphysical
in fact. Then the next step brought the same details to be
worked out on a plane of matter a little more dense, until at
last it could be done on our present plane of what we miscall
gross matter. In these anterior states the senses existed in idea, until the astral plane which is next to this one
was arrived at, and then they were concentrated so as to be the
actual senses we now use through the agency of the different
outer organs...he who stops to think must see that the senses are
interior and that their outer organs are but mediators between
the visible universe and the real perceiver within."	Ocean p. 21

"...evolution on the Earth, it is stated that the stream of
Monads begins first to work up the mass of matter in what are
called the elemental conditions when all is gaseous or
evolution is possible without the Monad as vivifying
comes the mineral, when the whole mass hardens, the Monads being
imprisoned within. Then the first Monads emerge into vegetable
forms which they construct themselves...the first class of Monads
emerges from the vegetable and produces the animal, then the
human astral and shadowy model...When the middle of the 4th Round
is reached no more Monads emerge into the human stage...

"The plan comes first in the universal mind, after which the
astral model or basis is made, and when that astral model is
completed, the whole process is gone over so as to condense the
matter up to the middle of the 4th Round. Subsequent to that,
which is our future, the whole mass is spiritualized with full
consciousness and the entire body of globes raised up to a higher
plane of development...7 great races have to evolve here on this
planet, and the entire collection of races has to go 7 times
round the whole series of 7 globes.

"Human beings did not appear here in two sexes first. The first
were of no sex, then they altered into hermaphrodite, and lastly
separated into male and female. And this...was over 18,000,000
years ago."	Ocean p. 27-28


"Every life-cycle on Globe D (our Earth) is composed of seven
root-races. they commence with the Ethereal and end with the
spiritual on the double line of physical and moral
evolution--from the beginning of this terrestrial round to its
close."	S D I 160

"...every "Round" brings about a new development and even an
entire change in the mental, psychic, spiritual and physical
constitution of man, all these principles evoluting on an ever
ascending scale." S D I 162

"...the middle of the Fourth this which
the human stage will be fully developed--the "Door" into the
human kingdom closes; and henceforward the number of "human"
Monads, i.e., Monads in the human stage of development, is
complete..."	S D I 173

"...Humanity develops fully only in the Fourth--our present
Round...Like a grub which becomes chrysalis and butterfly, Man,
or rather that which becomes man, passes through all the forms
and kingdoms during the first Round and through all the human
shapes during the two following the commencement of
the is the first form that appears thereon, being
preceded only by the mineral and vegetable kingdoms--even the
latter having to develop and continue its further evolution
through man. [Skandhas ?]...Humanity, like the globe on which it
lives , will be ever tending to reassume its primeval form, that
of a Dhyan-Chohanic Host. Man tends to become a God and
then--God, like every other atom in the Universe."	SD I 159


"Eastern wisdom teaches that spirit has to pass through the
ordeal of incarnation and life, and be baptized with matter
before it can reach experience and knowledge. After which it
only receives the baptism of soul, or self-consciousness, and may
return to its original condition of a god, plus experience,
ending with omniscience. In other words, it can return to the
original state of the homogeneity of primordial essence only
through the addition of the fruitage of Karma, which alone is
able to create an absolute conscious deity, removed but one
degree from the absolute All."	HPB Art I 130.

"Eternal is that which has neither beginning not end; but the
"Emanations" or AEons, although having lived as absorbed in the
divine essence from the eternity, when once individually
emanated, must be said to have a beginning. They may be
therefore endless in this spiritual life, never eternal. These
endless transformations of the one First Cause, all of which were
gradually transformed by the popular fancy into distinct gods,
spirits, angels, and demons, were so little considered immortal,
that all were assigned a limited existence. And this belief,
common to all the people of antiquity,...most triumphantly
evidences the monotheism of the ancient religious systems. After
a cycle...another universe will gradually emerge from the pralaya
(dissolution), and men on earth will be enabled to comprehend
Swayambhuva as he is. Alone this primal cause will exist
forever, in all his glory, filling the infinite space." Isis II

[On p. 182, HPB Art., II, HPB speaks of the Universal Deity.
She calls it also the Thought Divine, and the Universal Vital
Principle. With this as a starting point she offers these ideas:

Absolute Life, and the Life principle are entitative during
manvantara. They are represented in the S D Vol. I p 120 top by
the "Two Ones" and symbolically by the point in the circle.

Universal Life includes all that lives, and the atoms - this is
one of the oldest esoteric truths.]

"In the shoreless ocean of space radiates the central,
spiritual, and Invisible sun. The universe is his body, spirit
and soul; and after this ideal model are framed all things.
These three emanations are the three lives, the three degrees of
the gnostic Pleroma, the three "Kabalistic Faces," for the
Ancient of the ancient, the body of the aged, the great En-Soph,
"has a form and then he has no form." The invisible "assumed a
form when he called this universe into existence," says the
Sohar, the Book of Splendor.

The first light is His soul, the Infinite, Boundless, and
Immortal breath; under the efflux of which the universe heaves
it mighty bosom, infusing intelligent life throughout creation.

The second emanation condenses commentary matter and produces
forms within the cosmic circle; sets the countless worlds
floating in the electric space, and infuses the unintelligent,
blind life-principle into every form.

The third, produces the whole universe of physical matter; and
as it keeps gradually receding from the Central Divine Light its
brightness wanes and it becomes Darkness and the Bad--pure
matter, the "gross purgations of the celestial fire" of the
Hermetists.	[ see diagrams Isis II 264-5 ]

When the Central Invisible (the Lord Ferho--Isis II 290 ) saw
the efforts of the divine Scintilla, unwilling to be dragged
lower down into the degradation of matter, to liberate itself, he
permitted it to shoot out from itself a monad, over which,
attached to it as by the finest thread, the Divine Scintilla (the
soul) had to watch during its ceaseless peregrinations from one
form to another. Thus the monad was shot down into the first
form of matter and became encased in stone...destined to creep on
higher until its physical form became once more the Adam of dust,
shaped in the image of the Adam Kadmon...At the birth of the
future man, the monad, radiating with all the glory of its
immortal parent which watches it from the seventh sphere, becomes
senseless. [see Timaeus.] It loses all recollection of the past,
and returns to consciousness but gradually, when the instinct of
childhood gives way to reason and intelligence. After the
separation between the life-principle (astral spirit) and the
body takes place, the liberated soul--Monad, exultingly rejoins
the mother and father spirit, the radiant Augoeides, and the two,
merged into one, forever form, with a glory proportioned to the
spiritual purity of the past earth life, the Adam who has
completed the circle of necessity, and is freed from the last
vestige of his physical encasement. Henceforth, growing more and
more radiant at each step of his upward progress, he mounts the
shining path that ends at the point from which he started around
the Grand Cycle."	Isis I 302-3


"Taking now this globe...its government and evolution proceed
under Manu or man, and from this is the term Manvantara or
"between two Manus." The course of evolution is divided into 4
Yugas...The present age for the West and India is Kali Yuga (the
black age), especially in respect to moral and spiritual
development...Kali--is very rapid, its motion being accelerated
precisely like certain astronomical periods known to-day in
regard to the Moon...The first 5,000 years of Kali Yuga will end
between the years 1897 and 1898. This Yuga began about 3,102
years before the Christian era, at the time of Krishna's death
[18th of February] the present time we are in a cycle of
transition, when, as a transition period should indicate,
everything in philosophy, religion and society is changing."
Ocean p. 125-126


"Our knowledge begins with differentiation, and all manifested
objects, beings, or powers are only differentiations of the Great
Unknown...The first differentiation--speaking metaphysically as
to time--is Spirit, with which appears Matter and Mind. Akasa
[term used in place of AEther...tenuous state of matter] is
produced from Matter and Spirit, Will is the force of Spirit in
action, and Life is a resultant of the action of Akasa, moved by
Spirit, upon Matter...the real Matter is always
invisible...Primordial Matter...Mulaprakriti...[we see or
perceive only the phenomena of matter]...Mind is the intelligent
part of the Cosmos, that in which the plan of the Cosmos
is fixed or contained...brought over from a prior period of limit can be set to its evolutionary
possibilities in perfectness...Because there never was a
beginning to the periodical manifestations of the Absolute, there
never will be any end..."	Ocean 15-16

"If the Hindu philosophy teaches the presence of a degree of
soul in a the lowest forms of vegetable life, and even in every
atom in space, how is it possible that it should deny the same
immortal principle to man ? And if it once admit the immortal
spirit of man, how can it logically deny the existence of the
parent source--I will not say the first, but the Eternal Cause."
Isis II 263

"...the Tanaim, the sole expounders of the hidden meaning
contained in the more than any other philosophers had
they believed either in spontaneous, limited, or ex nihilo
creations...They believed in the eternity and the
indestructibility of matter, and hence in many prior creations
and destructions of worlds, before our own...Moreover, they
believed, again like the Swabhavikas, now termed Atheists, that
every thing proceeds (is created) from its own nature and that
once that the first impulse is given by that Creative Force
inherent in the "Self created substance," or Sephira, everything
evolves out of it in the scale of infinite creation. "The
indivisible point which has no limit, and cannot be comprehended
(for it is absolute), expanded from within, and formed a
brightness which served as a garment (a veil) to the indivisible
points...Thus, everything originated through a constant upheaving
agitation, and thus finally the world originated." --Sohar."	Isis
II 220


"Occultism tells us that every atom, like the monad of Leibnitz,
is a little universe in itself; and that every organ and cell in
the human body is endowed with a brain of its own, with memory,
therefore, experience and discriminative powers. The idea of
Universal Life composed of individual atomic lives is one of the
oldest teachings of esoteric philosophy, and the very modern
hypothesis of modern science, that of crystalline life, is the
first ray from the ancient luminary of knowledge that has reached
our scholars...Science divides matter into organic and inorganic
bodies, only because it rejects the idea of absolute life and a
life-principle as an entity; otherwise it would be the first to
see that absolute life cannot produce even a geometrical point,
or an atom inorganic in its a Life-Principle is, and
must remain for the intellects of our civilized races for ever a
mystery on physical lines..."	HPB Articles II 180

SPIRITUAL MAN	(Atma-Buddhi-Manas -- the Ego)

"Nature," the physical evolutionary Power, could never evolve
intelligence unaided--she can only create "senseless
forms,"...The "Lunar Monads" cannot progress, for they have not
yet had sufficient touch with the forms created by "Nature" to
allow of their accumulating experiences through its means. It is
the Manasa-Dhyanis who fill the gap, and they represent the
evolutionary power of Intelligence or Mind, the link between
"Spirit" and "Matter"--in this Round." SD I 181-182

"...the Fourth has no sister Globe on the same plane as itself,
and it thus forms the fulcrum of the "balance" represented by the
whole chain. It is the sphere of final evolutionary adjustments,
the world of Karmic scales, the Hall of Justice, where the
balance is struck which determines the future course of the Monad
during the remainder of its incarnations in this cycle. And
therefore it is, that, after this central turning-point has been
passed in the Great Cycle,--i.e., after the middle point of the
Fourth Race in the Fourth Round on our Globe--no more Monads can
enter the human kingdom. The door is closed for this Cycle and
the balance struck."	SD I 182	(see Diagram on S D I p. 200 )

"...the Monad had passed through, journeyed and been imprisoned
in, every transitional form throughout every kingdom of nature
during the three preceding Rounds. But the monad which becomes
human is not the Man. In this Round--with the exception of the
highest mammals after man, the anthropoids destined to die out in
this our race, when their monads will be liberated and pass into
the astral human forms (or the highest elementals) of the Sixth
(*) and the Seventh Races, and then into lowest human forms in
the fifth Round--no units of either of the kingdoms are animated
any longer by monads destined to become human in their next
stage, but only by the lower Elementals of their respective
realms. (**)

(*)	Nature never repeats herself, therefore the anthropoids of
our day have not existed at any time since the middle of the
Miocene period; when, like all cross breeds, they began to show
a tendency, more and more marked as time went on, to return to
the type of their first parent, the black and yellow gigantic
Lemuro-Atlanteans. To search for the "Missing-Link" is
useless..."	SD I 84fn

(**)	"These "Elementals" will become human Monads, in their
turn, only at the next great planetary Manvantara." SD I 184fn

"...The Host of Dhyanis, whose turn it was to incarnate as the
Egos of the immortal, but, on this plane, senseless monads--that
some "obeyed" (the law of evolution) immediately when the men of
the 3rd Race became physiologically and physically ready, i.e.,
when they had separated into sexes. These were those early
conscious Beings who, now adding conscious knowledge and will to
their inherent Divine purity, created by Kriyasakti the
semi-Divine man, who became the seed on earth for future adepts.
Those, on the other hand, who, jealous of their intellectual
freedom (unfettered as it then was by the bonds of matter),
said:--"We can choose...we have wisdom,"...and incarnated far
later--these had their first Karmic punishment prepared for them.
They got bodies (physiologically) inferior to their astral
models, because their chhayas had belonged to progenitors of an
inferior degree in the 7 classes. As to those "Sons of Wisdom"
who had "deferred" their incarnation till the 4th Race, which was
already tainted (physiologically) with sin and impurity, they
produced a terrible cause, the Karmic result of which weighs on
them to this day...the bodies they had to inform had become
defiled through their own procrastination...This was the "Fall of
the angels," because of their rebellion against Karmic Law. The
"fall of man" was no fall, for he was irresponsible..."	S D II

"...commentaries on the Puranas in general, and in the Book of
Dzyan--especially...[imply ] a spiritual and divine nature of man
independent of his physical body in this illusionary world, in
which the false personality and its cerebral basis alone is known
to orthodox psychology...

" was on Earth in this Round from the beginning.

"Having passed through all the kingdoms of nature in the
previous three Rounds, * his physical frame--one adapted to the
thermal conditions of those early periods--was ready to receive
the divine Pilgrim at the dawn of human life, i.e., 18,000,000
years ago. It is only at the mid-point of the 3rd Root Race that
man was endowed with Manas. Once united, the two and then the
three made one; for though the lower animals, from the amoeba to
man, received their monads, in which all the higher qualities are
potential, all have to remain dormant till each reaches its human
form before which stage manas (mind) has no development in them.
** In the animals every principle is paralyzed, and in a
fetus-like state save the second (vital) and the third ( the
astral), and the rudiments of the fourth (Kama, which is desire,
instinct) whose intensity and development varies and changes with
the species...this theory...will finally lead to the recognition
of a Universal Deity in nature, ever-present and as ever
invisible, and unknowable, and of intra-Cosmic gods, who all were
men."	SD II 154-5

(*) "Follow the law of analogy"--the Masters teach.
Atma-Buddhi is dual and Manas is triple; inasmuch as the former
has two aspects and the latter three, i.e., as a principle per
se, which gravitates, in its higher aspect to Atma-Buddhi, and
follows, in its lower nature, Kama, the seat of terrestrial and
animal desires and passions. Now compare the evolution of the
Races, the First and the Second of which are of the nature of
Atma-Buddhi, their passive Spiritual progeny, and the Third
Root-Race shows three distinct divisions or aspects
physiologically and psychically; the earliest, sinless; the
middle portions awakening to intelligence; and the third and
last decidedly animal: i.e., Manas succumbs to the temptations
of Kama."	SD II 254-5fn

(**)	"Men are made complete only during their third, toward the
fourth cycle (race). They are made "gods" for good and evil, and
responsible only when the two arcs meet (after the 3 1/2 rounds
towards the fifth Race). They are made so by the Nirmanakaya
(spiritual or astral remains) of the Rudra-Kumaras, "cursed to be
reborn on earth again; meaning--doomed in their natural turn to
reincarnation in the higher ascending arc of the terrestrial
SD II 254-255fn

"...the Monads have passed through all these forms of being up
to man, on every planet [globe], in the Three preceding
Rounds..."	SD II 256

" is of course an absurdity to talk of the "development" of
a Monad, or to say that it becomes "Man."...a Monad cannot either
progress or develop, or even be affected by the changes of states
it passes through. It is not of this world or plane, and may be
compared only to an indestructible star of divine light and fire,
thrown down on to our Earth as a plank of salvation for the
personalities in which it indwells. It is for the latter to
cling to it; and thus partaking of its divine nature, obtain
immortality. Left to itself the Monad will cling to no one;
but, like the "plank," will be drifted away to another
incarnation by the unresting current of evolution."
SD I 174-5 fn

"...the cycle of Seven Rounds in their work of the gradual
formation of man through every kingdom of Nature, are repeated on
a microscopic scale in the first seven months of gestation of a
future human being...As the seven months' old unborn baby, though
quite ready, yet needs two months more in which to acquire
strength and consolidate; so man, having perfected his evolution
during seven Rounds, remains two periods more in the womb of
mother-Nature before his is born, or rather reborn a Dhyani,
still more perfect than he was before he launched forth as a
Monad on the newly built chain of there are also
physical links between many classes, so there are precise domains
wherein the astral merges into physical evolution."	SD II 257


"...divine man dwelt in his animal--though externally
human --form; and, if there was instinct in him, no
self-consciousness came to enlighten the darkness of the latent
5th principle [Manas]. When moved by the law of Evolution, the
Lords of Wisdom infused into him the spark of consciousness, the
first feeling it awoke to life and activity was a sense of
solidarity, of one-ness with his spiritual creators. As the
child's first feeling is for its mother and nurse, so the first
aspirations of the awakening consciousness in primitive man were
for those whose element he felt within himself, and who yet were
outside, and independent of him. DEVOTION arose out of that
feeling, and became the first and foremost motor in his nature;
for it is the only one which is natural in our heart, which is
innate in us, and which we find alike in human babe and the young
of the animal. This feeling of irrepressible, instinctive
aspiration in primitive man ...(211) It lives undeniably, and
has settled in all its ineradicable strength and power in the
Asiatic Aryan heart from the 3rd Race direct through it first
"mind-born" sons,--the fruits of Kriyasakti. As time rolled on
the holy caste of Initiates produced but rarely, and from age to
age, such perfect creatures: beings apart, inwardly, though the
same as those who produced them, outwardly...the 3rd primitive
race...was called into being, a ready and perfect vehicle for the
incarnating denizens of higher spheres, who took forthwith their
abodes in these forms born of Spiritual WILL and the natural
divine power in man. Its physical frame alone was of time and of
life, as it drew its intelligence direct from above. It was the
living tree of divine wisdom; and may therefore be likened to
the Mundane Tree of the Norse Legend, which cannot wither and die
until the last battle of life shall be fought, and while its
roots are gnawed all the time by the dragon Niddhogg; for even
so, the first and holy son of Kriyasakti had his body gnawed by
the tooth of time, but the roots of his inner being remained for
ever undecaying and strong, because they grew and expanded in
heaven not on earth. He was the first of the FIRST, and he was
the seed of all the others. There were other "Sons of
Kriyasakti" produced by a second spiritual effort, but the first
one has remained to this day the Seed of divine Knowledge, the
One and the Supreme among the terrestrial "Sons of Wisdom." SD
I 210-211


"...our present continents, have--like "Lemuria" and
"Atlantis"--been several times already, submerged and had the
time to reappear again, and bear their new groups of mankind and
civilizations; and that, at the first great geological upheaval,
at the next cataclysm--in the series of periodical cataclysms
that occur from the beginning to the end of the Round,--our
autopsied continents will go down, and the Lemurias and
Atlantises come up again. Think of the future geologists of the
6th and 7th races. Imagine them digging deep in the bowels of
what was Ceylon or Simla, and finding implements...every object
of the civilized portions of humanity that inhabited those
regions having been pulverized to dust by the great masses of
traveling glaciers,--during the next glacial period--imagine him
finding only such rude implements as now found among those savage
tribes [Veddhas and Paharis]; and forthwith declaring that
during that [Simla] period primitive man climbed and slept on the
trees...hence jumping to the conclusion that in the year 1882
A.D., mankind was composed of "man-like animals," black-faced and
whiskered, "with prominent prognathous and large pointed canine
teeth..."	M L 151-2

"Our 4th Round Humanity has its one grand cycle, and so have her
races and sub-races. The "curious rush" is due to the double
effect of the former--the beginning of its downward course;--and
of the latter (the small cycle of your "sub-race") running on to
its belong to the 5th Race, yet you are but a Western
sub-race. Notwithstanding your efforts, what you call
civilization is confined only to the latter and its off-shoots in
America. Radiating around, its deceptive light may seem to throw
its rays on a greater distance than it does on reality.--There is
no "rush" in China, and of Japan you make but a caricature...What
do you know of America, for instance, before the invasion of that
country by the Spaniards? Less than 2 centuries prior to the
arrival of Cortez there was as great a "rush" towards progress
among the sub-races of Peru and Mexico as there is now in Europe
and the U.S.A. Their sub-race ended in nearly total annihilation
through causes generated by itself; so will yours at the end of
its cycle...We may speak of the "stagnant condition" into which,
following the law of development, growth, maturity and decline
every race and sub-race falls into during its transition period.
It is the latter condition your Universal History is acquainted
with, while it remains superbly ignorant of the condition even
India was in, some 10 centuries back. Your sub-races are now
running towards the apex of their respective cycles, and that
History goes no further back than the periods of decline of a few
other sub-races belonging most of them to the preceding 4th
Race...a few, miserable dozens of centuries...Beyond--all is
darkness for it, nothing but hypotheses."	M L 149-50

"At each Round there are less and less animals--the latter
evoluting into higher forms. During the first Round it is they
that were the "kings of creation." During the 7th men will have
become Gods and animals--intelligent beings. Draw your
inference. Beginning with the second round, already evolution
proceeds on quite a different plan. Everything is evolved and
has but to proceed on its cyclic journey and get perfected. It
is only the first Round that man becomes from a human being on
Globe B, a mineral, a plant an animal on Planet C. The method
changes entirely from the second Round..."	M L 177-8

Nirmanakaya -- Living, Invisible, Spirits of the Sages

"...those Egos of great Adepts who have passed away, and are
also known as Nirmanakayas; ...for whom--since they are beyond
illusion--there is no Devachan, and who, having either
voluntarily renounced it for the good of mankind, or not yet
reached Nirvana, remain invisible on earth...they are re-born
over and over again ... Who they are, "on earth"--every student
of Occult science knows..."	S D II 615

"When our great Buddha--the patron of all the adepts, the
reformer and the codifier of the occult system, reached first
Nirvana on earth, he became a Planetary Spirit, i.e.,--his spirit
could at one and the same time rove the interstellar spaces in
full consciousness, and continue at will on Earth in his original
and individual body. For the divine Self had so completely
disfranchised itself from matter that it could create at will an
inner substitute for itself, and leaving it in the human form for
days, weeks, sometimes years, affect in no wise by the change
either the vital principle or the physical mind of its
body...that is the highest form of adeptship man can hope for on
our planet. But it is as rare as the Buddhas themselves, (44)
the last Khobilgan who reached it being Sang-Ko-Pa of Kokonor
(XIV Century), the reformer of esoteric as well as of vulgar
lamaism. Many are those who "break through the egg shell," few
who, once out are able to exercise their Nirira namastaka fully,
when out of the body. Conscious life in Spirit is as difficult
for some natures as swimming, is for some bodies...The planetary
Spirit of that kind (the Buddha like) can pass at will into other
bodies--of more or less etherealized matter, inhabiting other
regions of the Universe. There are many other grades and orders,
but there is no separate and eternally constituted order of
Planetary Spirits..."	MAHAT. LET. 43-4


"At the coming of the Pralaya no human, animal, or even
vegetable entity will be alive to see it, but there will be the
earth or globes with their mineral kingdoms; and all these
planets will be physically disintegrated in the pralayas, yet not
destroyed; for they have their places in the sequence of
evolution and their "privations" coming again out of the
subjective, they will find the exact point from which they have
to move on around the chain (68) of "manifested forms." This, as
we know, is repeated endlessly throughout Eternity. Each man of
us has gone through this ceaseless round, and will repeat it for
ever and ever. The deviation of one's course , and his rate of
progress from Nirvana to Nirvana is governed by causes which he
himself creates out of the exigencies in which he hinds himself
entangled."	M L 67-8

(As Physical Forms and Trapped Egos)

"...the anthropoid apes (question) settled by the Master of
Wisdom, who say...they were produced by man himself. In one of
the early periods of the globe the men of that time begot from
large females of the animal kingdom the anthropoids, and in
anthropoid bodies were caught a number of Egos destined one day
to be men. The remainder of the descendants of the true
anthropoid are the descendants of these illegitimate children of
men, and will die away gradually, their Egos entering human
bodies. Those half-ape and half-human bodies could not be
ensouled by strictly "animal" Egos, and for that reason they are the "Delayed Race," the only one not included in the
fiat of nature that no more Egos from the lower kingdoms will
come into the human kingdom until the next [these
delayed Egos] will emerge in to the man stage later on, they will
thus be rewarded for the long wait in that degraded race...the
mammalian types were produced in the 4th Round, subsequent to the
appearance of the human types. For this reason there was no
barrier against fertility, because the root-types of those
mammals were not far enough removed to raise the natural barrier.
The unnatural union in the 3rd Race, when man had not yet had the
light of Manas given to him, was not a crime against Nature,
since no mind being present save in the merest germ, no
responsibility could attach. But in the 4th Round, the light of
Manas being present, the renewal of the act by the new race was a
crime, because it was done with a full knowledge of the
consequences and against the warning of conscience. The karmic
effect of this, including as it does all races, has yet to be
fully felt and understood--at a much later day than now." Ocean
p. 129-130

"The very manlike Gibbon is still in the same low grade of
development, as it was when it co-existed with Man at the close
of the Glacial Period. It has not apparently altered since the
Pliocene times...The enormous mental and structural gulf between
a savage acquainted with fire and the mode of kindling it, and a
brutal anthropoid, is too much to Eocene strata the
anthropoid fossils are...conspicuous by their absence...Physical
man, we say, existed before the first bed of Cretaceous rocks was
deposited. In the early part of the Tertiary Age, the most
brilliant civilization the world has ever known flourished...The
monsters bred in sin and shame by the Atlantean giants, "blurred
copies" of their bestial sires, and hence of modern man (Huxley),
now mislead and overwhelm with error the speculative
Anthropologist of European Science." SD II 678-9

"DYING RACES" (On the Physical Side of Form)

"The Australians and their like are the descendants of those,
who instead of vivifying the spark dropped in to them by the
"Flames," extinguished it by long generations of bestiality.

(*)	This would account for the great difference and variation
between the intellectual capacities of races, nations, and
individual men. While incarnating, and in other cases only
informing the human vehicles evolved by the first brainless
(manasless) race, the incarnating Powers and Principles had to
make their choice between, and take into account, the past Karmas
of the Monads, between which and their bodies they had become the
connecting link."
SD II 318

(**)	"Flames"	The Logos, being no personality but the universal
principle, is represented by all the divine Powers born of its
mind--the pure Flames, or, as they are called in Occultism, the
"Intellectual Breaths"--those angels who are said to have made
themselves independent, i.e., passed from the passive and
quiescent, into the active state of Self-Consciousness...Krishna
[the Logos] truly says:- "I am the same to all beings...those
who worship me (the 6th principle or the intellectual divine
Soul, Buddhi, made conscious by its union with the higher
faculties of Manas) are in me, and I in them."	SD II 318fn

"...Australian savages...are not descended from the anthropoid
apes, but from human fathers and semi-human mothers...The real
anthropoids...came far later, in the closing times of Atlantis.
The orang-outang, the gorilla, the chimpanzee and cynocephalus
are the latest and purely physical evolutions from lower
anthropoid mammalians. They have a spark of the purely human
essence in them; man on the other hand, has not one drop of
pithecoid (*) blood in his veins." SD II 193

(*)	"...the primitive human form...has only decreased in size
and changed in texture...the paleolithic Neanderthal skull, the
oldest we know of, is of a large size, and no nearer to the
capacity of the gorilla's cranium than that of any now-living
man...Voght himself showed that, while the highest of the Apes,
the gorilla, has a brain of only 30 to 51 cubic inches, the brain
of the lowest of the Australian aborigines amounts to 99.35 cubic
inches. The former is thus "not half the size of the brain of a
new-born babe," says Pfaff."	SD II 193fn
(see S D II 661-2, 682fn, 686-7)

"...some of the Australian tribes are the last remnants of the
last descendants of the Third Race..."Behold," writes a Master,
"the relics of the once great nation (Lemuria of the Third Race)
in some of the flat-headed aborigines of your Australia." But
they belong to the last remnants of the Seventh Sub-race of the
Third."	SD II 328
(see SD II 199fn, 286-290, 714, 779-80, M L 151)

"The Australian, the Esquimaux, the Bushmen, the Veddhas, etc.,
are all side shooting branchlets of the Branch which you call
"cave-men"--the third race (according to your Science the second)
that evoluted on the globe. They are the remnants of the seventh
ring cave men, remnants "that have ceased to grow and are the
arrested forms of life doomed to eventual decay in the struggle
for existence" in the words of your correspondent."	M L p. 120

"The human race is the only species which, however unequal in
its races, can breed together...which...proves specific unity.
How then can Occultism insist that a portion of the Fourth Race
humanity begot young ones from females of another, only
semi-human, if not quite animal, race, the hybrids resulting from
which union not only bred freely but produced the ancestors of
the modern anthropoid apes? Esoteric science replies to this
that it was in the very beginning of physical man. Since then,
Nature has changed her ways, and sterility is the only result of
the crime of man's bestiality...The Secret Doctrine teaches that
the specific unity of mankind is not without exceptions even now.
For there are, or rather still were a few years ago descendants
of these half-animal tribes or races, both of remote Lemurian and
Lemuro-Atlantean origin. The world knows them as Tasmanians (now
extinct), Australians, Andaman Islanders, etc." S D II 195-6

(*)	Of such semi-animal creatures, the sole remnants known to
Ethnology were the Tasmanians, a portion of the Australians and a
mountain tribe in China, the men and women of which are entirely
covered with hair. They were the last descendants in a direct
line of the semi-animal latter-day Lemurians referred to. There
are, however, considerable numbers of the mixed Lemuro-Atlantean
peoples produced by various crossings with such semi-human
stocks--e.g., the wild men of Borneo, the Veddhas of
Ceylon...most of the remaining Australians, Bushmen, Negritos,
Andaman Islanders, etc. "	SD II 195-6fn	(see SD II 286-7,
725, 780)

"Of the third [Race], the only pure and direct descendants are,
as said above, a portion of the fallen and degenerated
Australians, whose far distant ancestors belonged to a division
of the seventh Sub-race of the Third, The rest are of mixed
Lemuro-Atlantean descent. They have since then entirely changed
in stature and intellectual capacities."	SD II 199fn

"The Malays and Papuans are a mixed-stock, resulting from the
intermarriages of the low Atlantean sub-races with the Seventh
sub-race of the Third Root-Race. Like the Hottentots, they are
of indirect Lemuro-Atlantean descent. It is a most suggestive
fact...that the lowest races of men are now rapidly dying out; a
phenomenon largely due to an extraordinary sterility setting in
among the women, from that time when they were first approached
by the Europeans. A process of decimation is taking (780) place
all over the globe, among those races, whose "time is up"--among
just those stocks...which the esoteric philosophy regards as the
senile representatives of lost archaic nations...Why does this
(Karmic) sterility attack and root out certain races at their
"appointed hour?" The answer...The tide wave of incarnating Egos
has rolled past them [ Redskins, Eskimos, Papuans, Australians,
Polynesians, etc., etc.] to harvest experience in more developed
and less senile stocks."	SD II 779-780


"In the Eocene age--even in its "very first part," the great
cycle of the fourth Race men, the Atlanteans--had already reached
its highest point, and the great continent, the father of nearly
all the present continents--showed the first symptoms of
sinking--a process that occupied it down to 11,446 [9,564 B.C. in
1882] years ago, when its last island, that, translating its
vernacular name, we may call with propriety Posedonis--went down
with a crash...Lemuria can no more be confounded with the
Atlantic Continent than Europe with America. Both sunk and were
drowned with their high civilization and "Gods," yet between the
two catastrophes, a short period of about 700,000 years
elapsed..." [see SD II 714] M L 151


"Occultism says: "The astral prototypes of the mineral,
vegetable and animal kingdoms up to man have taken...(300 million
years) to evolve, re-forming out of the cast-off materials of the
preceding Round, which, though very dense and physical in their
own cycle, are relatively ethereal as compared with the
materiality of our present middle Round. At the expiration of
these 300 million years, Nature, on the way to the physical and
material, down the arc of descent, begins with mankind and works
downwards, hardening or materializing forms as it proceeds. Thus
the fossils found in strata, to which an antiquity, not of
eighteen, but of many hundreds of millions of years, must be
ascribed, belong in reality to forms of the preceding Round,
which, while living, were far more ethereal than physical, as we
know the physical. That we perceive and disinter them as
tangible forms, is due to the process of materialization or
crystallization referred to, which took place subsequently, at
the beginning of the Fourth Round, and reached its maximum after
the appearance of man, proceeding parallel with his physical
evolution. this alone illustrates the fact that the degree of
materiality of the Earth changes pari passu with that of its
inhabitants. And thus man now finds, as tangible fossils, what
were once the (to his present senses) ethereal forms of the lower
kingdoms." S D II 68fn


" Quatrefages resorted unconsciously to our esoteric theory
by saying that it is rather the apes that can claim descent from
man than vice versa. As proven by Gratiolet with regard to the
cavities of the brain of the anthropoids, in which species that
organ develops in an inverse ratio to what would be the case were
the corresponding organs in man really the product of the
development of the said organs in the apes--the size of the human
skull and its brains, as well as the cavities increase with the
individual development of man. His intellect develops and
strengthens with age, while his facial bones and jaws diminish
and straighten, thus being more and more spiritualized: whereas
with the ape it is the reverse. In its youth the anthropoid is
far more intelligent and good-natured, while with age it becomes
duller; and, as its skull recedes and seems to diminish as it
grows, its facial bones and jaws develop, the brain being finally
crushed, and thrown entirely back, to make with every day more
room for the animal type. The organ of thought--the
brain--recedes and diminishes, entirely conquered and replaced by
that of the wild beast--the jaw apparatus..."	SD II 683 (see: S
D ii 168, 522-3. 646fn, 661, 676, 682 )

"...Owing to the very type of his development man cannot descend
from either an ape or an ancestor common to both, but shows his
origins from a type far superior to himself.. And this is the
"Heavenly man"--the Dhyan Chohans, or the Pitris so-called...On
the other hand, the pithecoids, the orang-outang. the gorilla and
the chimpanzee can,, descend from the animalized Fourth
human Root-Race, being the product of man, and an extinct species
of mammal--whose remote ancestors were themselves the products of
Lemurian bestiality--which lived in Miocene age. The ancestry of
this semi-human monster is the sin of the
"Mind-less" races of the middle Third Race period."	SD II
(See SD II 242-4, 282-284)

Also : SD II 193, 522-3, 661-2, 682 fn on the brain
capacity of ape vs. man. Ape has less than half of man's.

See : SD II 286 - 290 Origin of the Anthropoids



"There is a word that means the One Life in form...Monad. When
we use this Greek word--"invisible Life"--we are able to see in
our minds more deeply behind forms, and realize that the Real of
every form--the life-giving essence--is invisible. "Monad" is
one of the many names that means "The One Life," as it dwells in
various forms--itself changeless, but, ever changing forms. It
is the spirit, the soul in everything, whether of an atom, of an
animal, or of a man.

When the universe wakes up it means that all the Monads of all
degrees emerge from the inactivity of sleep, and gradually find
their places in the new universe. Just as the germ in the egg
grows into a chick, so the Great Seed--the Monad--becomes a host
of Monads. Every Monad is a point--a center of life--a soul--a
being--a self-moving unit. And this is why no two beings are
just alike: because each one has its own path of life--its own
journey from its own center--that Center which is everywhere the
same One Life, with its power to become, to act, to grow, to move
ever onward from simplest forms to form of man. From that point
on, evolution is to be expressed in Self-knowledge.

Let us picture in our minds the great Ocean of Life, or Wisdom,
each drop of it a Monad...The mineral kingdom is a still place in
the Ocean of Life, through which passes the monadic essence very
slowly. Here the monads globing together have not awakened to
Knowledge of the Ocean--each Monad, independently. Yet without
that kingdom, not one of the other kingdoms could be. As rocks
and minerals wear away, the monadic essence is released into the
vegetable kingdom. Have we not seen the lichen growing on the
rocks ? But, there is always the mineral kingdom. So, though
the monadic essence works its marvels in the vegetable kingdom,
that life essence moves on to the animal and the human, still the
vegetable kingdom remains. Up and on life moves, following the
pattern of forms that were made in the universes before this
one--into forms of the animal kingdom, and at last into the form
of man. There is only one form of Man. There are many different
kinds of shapes, sizes and colors, but, they are all humans.

In the human kingdom, the monadic essence separates into
individual drops. Here a form is built on its own astral
pattern, made up of the mineral life-essence, the vegetable
life-essence, and the life-essence once in animal form. Thus,
the Monadic essence now takes the human pattern: here is a form
with brain of another kind than the animal's; here are living
bones different in function from bones (or mountain chains) of
Earth; here is an "animal" that walks erect on two feet.

This human form had another pattern than animals had ! But even
so, this form is not the Man. We know that, because We are not
our bodies, but the Being--the Monad--that dwells in these

The human form, which every atom strives to reach, is an
evolution from below of the best the "below" can do. And here
would be an evolutionary "stop," if to build visible and perfect
forms were the only object of this growing universe.

Even though in the mineral kingdom there was the "breath"
principle (prana) and the "pattern" principle (the astral), the
vegetable kingdom had more awake in it, besides those two. The
natural impulse to grow, the attraction to the sun--each plant in
its own way--meant the coming of a wider life, of greater
intelligence, and variety. In the animal kingdom came greater
freedom and more specialized modes of intelligence than in the
kingdoms below--like the struggle to get food, and the fierce
desire to protect their young. (This "animal" principle is
called kama).

So, in the highest--the human form--were all these "principles."
With the better brain, "man's" kama became even a kind of reason.
But this was not the responsible man that is today. This was
only a "four-principle" human being, and, at that time, not even
yet a man of flesh, such as we wear today. We have to learn now
what was that new element--that new "principle"--that made man as
we know him now--the Man of seven principles. For the Real Man
is a God who must learn here to do and be as a god-like being.

Reviewing the past again, when all the Monads, Lives, or Souls
wake up again. It was the shining Lives of Spirit that woke up
the not-yet-shining lives. It was like the wakening just because
someone came quietly into the room. We felt someone there, even
though we were not awake. Just so, the seeds that wait to sprout
in the earth till the sun's rays warm them do not know that
without the sun, they would still be sleeping. The Lives of
Spirit were like the sun--their influence woke the memory of the
lives of matter, which began to stir and move on, according to
the plan and the various patterns made in the previous world.

The Shining Lives, or the Monads fully awake--Self-conscious in
the last Great Day--waited till the lesser lives of form and
matter, had done all that they could do. They could build the
human form, but they could not give themselves the light of mind.
Then, in their spiritual bodies--bodies of Light, the shining
Lives came down the Ladder of Being to meet this highest form so
evolved--the human form--and enter it.

They, the shining Lives, lighted it with their Light--their

There is fire in the earth, "solid" fire; fire in the vegetable
kingdom, which we have called Prana; fire in the animal and
human kingdoms, which we have called Kama--the highest of the
"below." So, the higher Flames or Fires--the Manas
Fires--united, or fused, with the Kama fire, and there was Man.

Thus came Man to be a seven-fold fire--a Man of Mind. And this
is why, ever since, has been in every human being a struggle
between his Shining side and his shadow side. And this is why,
when one makes up his mind for good and all to stay on the
shining side, he is said to be upon the Path--the path of

With seven-fold Man, evolution really began in earnest. For
Man's use of them was needed to impel the lesser lives in the
lower kingdoms to higher perfections. Man's need of warmth
brought knowledge of physical fire; man's need of nourishment
brought fruits and grains; man's need of shelter and of
journeying brought boats and dwellings. Man learned to use the
elements--the unorganized kingdoms of "lives," or elementals--of
fire, air, water, earth.

But in all this, even, men with minds had to have teachers and
helpers, just as he does today with all his new knowledge and
many inventions! Mankind needs more of the Manas light and of
the Heart light, now, before they too, can become real teachers
and helpers of the world of lesser lives. Only when their
greatest desire is to help Humanity and the rest of the World of
lesser lives will the light of the Gods be theirs."	"The Eternal
Verities," pp. 186-192

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