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RE: Theos-World US Karma

Sep 14, 2001 05:10 PM
by nos

I agree with Frank. The US as a nation gets what it deserves because
it's populace ALLOWS the criminal government to act on it's BEHALF.
Look at the vote turnouts. 

Those who live behind the veil of the US media should really read the
links from the following sites:

My sympathies to the INDIVIUALS and FAMILIES involved. I have no
Sympathy for the STATE of America. It is a Nation. A nation is but a
line on a map - there should be no nations. ONE WORLD ONE RACE THE HUMAN



##-----Original Message-----
##From: Frank Reitemeyer [] 
##Sent: Saturday, 15 September 2001 12:57 AM
##Subject: Re: Theos-World US Karma
##> I realize that you may have difficulty understanding this, 
##but there 
##> is a difference between attacking military targets of 
##people trying to 
##> destroy you, and attacking innocent civilians from a 
##country doing you 
##> no harm. Laden, among others, were among a population in 
##> being systematically poisoned (literally) by the Soviet Union. They 
##> begged the United States for help, and the United States gave them 
##> weapons and training to stop the Soviet's illegal weapons. 
##Not to blow 
##> up buildings occupied by innocent civilians.
##> Bart Lidofsky
##What? Where did I say that I don't know the difference 
##between attacking civilians or soldiers? On the contrary I 
##wished just to express this as the US Army always attacked 
##and attacks civilians, including their own ("friendly fire" 
##in Jewish-Masonic parlance). This was so in with the Yankees 
##in the American Civil War, in WW I, in WW II, in Vietnam, in 
##the Gulf war, in Palestine and in Ex-Yugoslavia. It is always 
##the people who are suffering and never the background powers. 
##The reason why the WTC was attacked was that some thing that 
##the background powers who are responsible for the wars 
##between nations for more and more profit and golden luxury 
##had there seat there. It may be wrong, but it is believed by 
##many who fear that one country after another is attacked by 
##financial tricks or open violence when they don't allow the 
##"American way of life" (social Darwinism, hypocrisy, 
##attacking the weaker ones), called democracy and freedom in 
##Jewish-Masonic parlance in their own lands. During WW II 
##Hitler was the chosen monster. But since 1945 the USA 
##initiated over 200 wars in the whole world to make the world 
##"save for democracy" as this pervert gangster Roosevelt once 
##said and is hold in high regards by many Americans even 
##today. 200 wars since 1945 - and all without Hitler. It seems 
##that in modern times never before existed a country which 
##produced so much terror, hate and ignorance. Around 100 
##millions Red Indians were slaughtered by the US, around 20 
##millions Africans were hanged on US trees, 120 millions in 
##the Soviet system which was invented and played from NY Wall 
##Street. 30 millions victims in WW I, 60 millions victims in 
##WW II. Several more millions during all conflicts USrael 
##produces since 1945 to force all independent nations to 
##accept by free will the hidden control by the Wall Street. 
##Now the US is preparing for WW III. Are not around 500 
##millions of the last conflicts not enough?
##No, of course not. HPB said: "There is the danger of black 
##magic, into which all the world, and especially America, is 
##rushing as fast as it can go." - quoted from Sylvia 
##Cranston's bio., 3rd ed., p. 331.
##So all my sympathy goes to the victims and to the American 
##people, but not to the forces who took over the USA in 1913 
##and who try to enslave the whole world on all costs. The TS 
##was founded for Universal Brotherhood and not for the tyranny 
##of a single Brotherhood. Live and let live. Do not force 
##foreign cultures to have McDonalds if they do not want to 
##have McDonalds. Respect that other people have other ideals 
##and that not for all people money is highest God.
##If you really believe that Laden is able to train in a 
##military sense fighting pilots with a knowledge no civil 
##pilot can have than you are invited to believe all what your 
##exoteric leaders tell the public. To me it is Hollywood 
##propaganda. Frank
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