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Re: Theos-World For australians

Nov 20, 2001 07:31 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

So the americans have been using MK-Ultra on us as well. What I want to
know is do you need to have a chip implanted first ( a la Timothy
McVeigh) to be remotely controlled or can they just take you over from a

High tech weapons are going back to the CIA and its "Operation Paperclip"
from 1948 on. The CIA was founded by the leading Gestapo people who were
taken over from the old OSS. Also this operation and its later derivates
continuations of former Nazi programs. Proofs of it you'll find in the
Heinrich Müller files in the US National Archives. Author Gregory Douglas
published some books on it. (BTW, it helped Müller much to tell his new
employer that he and Hitler were good Catholics. In the 811 microfilms of
the Gestapo in the US National Archives there is no mention of Theosophy or
HPB, only a few harsh remarks on astrologists described as idiots, which
clearly shows (among others) that National Socialism was a purely
materialistic enterprise).

This simple facts alone show the wrong thinking of some theosophists who try
to understand world politics and politicians with the idealistic axiom which
is necessary in the theosophical study. But people like Hitler were real
politicians and not followers of any ideological system. When Müller worked
in and for USA under Truman he often met a close friend of him in a NY
gentleman's club (lodge?), who was a leading NKVD (later turned into KGB)
man. They decided how the Korean war is running and stopped some nervous
American Generals who demanded to nuke China. (Would be interesting to know
what would had happened with Hiroshima when the top Nazis were in Washington
already in 1945. That Hitler possessed a working atomic bomb, which can be
seen from Stasi files - the former East German intelligence - is another
story. And that seems to be the real reason why Eisenhower marching-in to
Germany was stopped by his superiors for several months. Later on he
surprisingly "found" a working atomic bomb, which obviously was "sold" to
the US).

BTW, its curious to find mystical theosophical explanations on the UFO
phenomen when the said files clearly show that they were physical German
ships and that the US industry failed to rebuild working UFOs, showing that
the German technology on submarines, Ufos, lasers, video and tape machines,
computers, rockets, etc. according to an American general was some decades
ahead (which gives the real reason for the wars, which are never human
rights, ideology and so on but always money). This Gestapo documents (taken
out according to the FOIA, but many paras still blacked) seem to support the
strange guy George Adamski who in the early 1950's said that the UFO
inhabitants with whom he will have talked, spoke German.

Port Arthur gunman Bryant was remotely controlled to conduct the Port
Arthur Massacre - so that the government could introduce new gun laws.
This is the typical American MO - create a problem so that the new law
can be rushed in to address it.

Right. You can find this pattern in the anglo-saxony (and others) politics
throughout the centuries.
The pattern is always as thus:

1. Create a problem (or turn an existing little problem into a big one) and
sell this side weapons.
2. Sell weapons also to the other side.
3. When the problem breaks out play the peace keeper and destroy as MUCH as
4. In the aftermath generously rebuild the destroyed cities for maximal
5. You'll earn money BEFORE, DURING and AFTER the problem.

Pearl Harbor is another good example, Roosevelt's trap to give the belied
American people a rationale for going to war when the US ships blocked the
Japanese isle, forcing them to destroy the American ships.

Another good example is the Versailles treaty (were the Zionists - claiming
to represent all Judea - for the first time appeared publicly as a nation as
was foreseen by Rudolf Steiner in 1897 on his comments of the Basel
protocols) and the Balfour declaration.
Another good example is the FM founding of the artificial states of
Czecho-Slovakia, Poland and Yugoslavia between the WW's to get sure to have
an ever burning wound.

Hitler was paid by the Warburg bank in New York from 1925 onwards. His role
was to round up the assimilated Jews in Europe as was predicted in the
Zionist program of 1897. As Hitler has had very good connections to the
Zionists (not necessary the Jews!), his protector and Vice Chancellor von
Papen was the one with the good connection to Rome (the Jesuits being the
ones who helped Hitler to get out from the Landsberg imprisonment). The SJ
is an enterprise from black magic Jews (as HPB says elsewhere). The
Talmudists as the occult dugpa elite claims to get complete control over
"their" exoteric Christian Rome as the Jesuits control many FM and
Socialistic structures.

During WW II the leading US military firms continued to sell weapons to Nazi
Germany (the Nazis were installed by Wall Street as before the Bolshevists
in Russia, which was predicted by HPB) up to 1945 as can be seen from the
Müller archives in USA.
After 1945 West Germany received large credits from US banks which
guaranteed good profits a third time. BTW, like the CIA under Truman was
launched by leading Nazi people also the intelligence of the new West
Germany colony was a child from the CIA, the Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND)
in Pullach near Munich under Gehlen, former head of Fremde Heere Ost (one
must understand that Müller as the head of the Gestapo was a top level
insider which was Gehlen not and that explains some strange things in
post-war history).

East Europe went under control of the SU (Red Star), which is a child of the
US (White Star), so actually the Wall Street controlled during the faked
Cold War both sides. Without cold war no nation would have been willing to
spent billions and billions for the high profit military machine. When JFK
tried to end this spook he was assassinated by a CIA structure under

The same pattern now with Afghanistan and its big oil and gas reserve. Bin
Laden was in conference of US intelligence in Dubai up to August, were he
underwent a medical operation in a CIA hospital. First Wall Street sold
weapons to the Taliban, now they destroy as much as possible, later on they
earn again with rebuilding.
Some call it "International City Wreck Service".

How pissed off must the US freemasons be that Jachim and Boaz (the WTC
towers - designed by Japanese Freemason) - were taken down by

The pattern Theodor Herzl described in his diaries (which in print appeared
only in excerpts).
Steiner was of the opinion that the Zionist Jews are not only the enemies of
Germany (the Teutons being the oldest Aryan stock in Theosophy and the Jews
being the latest) but of the Jews also. Karl Marx limited his harsh critic
on the Jews on the money question but it seems he was also aware of the
Rothschild program as pointed out in the above pattern (a check from
Rothschild to Marx is to be found in the British Museum). The Rothschild
program seems to be the pattern for Joly.
The Basel congress of the Zionists and the resolved program seems to be
based on this Rothschild program.
The US FM were degenerated even in 1873-5 when HPB tried to reform it.

That British FM were under SJ control in the 1880's can be seen that HPB was
fighting in London and from the FM Europe map Steiner published were the war
aims of WW I were "foreseen". This agrees with the SJ program of 1888 to
destroy Germany as the old Lutheran anti-Catholic country.
In 1896 when the British (Fleet Street) government started its anti-German
war propaganda ("Germany must perish", "Germania este deletam") in the
Jewish controlled London press (TIMES = SEMIT, read backward), theosophical
leader Katherine Tingley warned against war preparation.

The pope several times said that Germany (standing for spiritual freedom,
against mind slavery) will be destroyed soon. The SJ controlled Grand Orient
several times demanded Kaiser Wilhelm II. to join their lodge, which he
denied (the old Prussian Masonic lodges of which General von Steuben was
also a member were anti-SJ). That's was a main reason for the White
Lodge that the then leader of Germany Prince Bismarck was supported with
information, who prohibited the Social Democrats and the SJ. Jesuit magazine
from that time show that the Catholic University of Vienna was instrumental
to support their policy and proclaim anti-Jewish (better: pro-Zionist,
against assimilation, regarding the Jews as a special race). Germany
(especially Prussia) was in the last part of the 19th. Century the most
liberal and Jew friendly country in Europe and that gives another rationale
why this country was the main target of the background powers. Actual
history is never black & white as ideologists may believe.

British ex prime minister John Major spoke once in Bonn about the WW's
1914-45 as the "second 30 year's war" against Germany. This was released so
by the German press department but was later censored and re-written (on
order of whom? Big Brother?), but the British embassy in Germany confirmed
that the text was accurate.

BTW, there are examples that also in the US old newspaper articles from the
1940's are re-written and "improved" as described by George Orwell, a pupil
the H.G. Wells structure, which dreams of a single world government (which
HPB & KT were fighting against, teaching the individuality of humans and
nations) to
suppress all independent nations. Leading German social democrats predict
this world government within the next 10-15 years.

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