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Does Muehlegger Have an Opinion on Hilarion's Visit to Bombay?

Feb 27, 2002 08:00 AM
by danielhcaldwell

Paul Johnson wrote in TMR:

". . . in May 1875, HPB's scrapbook noted that
Hilarion and a companion `passed thro[ough] New York &
Boston, thence thro[ough] California and Japan back.'.
. .A recent discovery by Joscelyn Godwin provides
intriguing evidence for the visit to New York by
Hilarion mentioned in HPB's diary in 1875....A letter
from Olcott...describes meeting an adept [Ooton Liatto
and another adept] 433 West 34th Street."

Extracts from Olcott's letter can be found at:

Johnson believes an adept really visited Olcott in New
York City. For more details, see:

In fact, Brigitte Muehlegger, Steve Stubbs, Paul
Johnson and I believe Olcott was visited by a real
physical person or persons in this New York incident. 
See Case A in chart at:

Later after Colonel Olcott and Madame Blavatsky went
to India, Olcott had more encounters with various
Masters and Adepts.

For example, in his handwritten diary for February 19,
1881, Olcott wrote:

"Hilarion is here en route for Tibet and has been
looking over, in, and through the situation. [He]
finds Bombay something morally awful. [Hilarion's]
views on India, Bombay, the T.S. in Bombay, Ceylon. .
., England and Europe, Christianity and other subjects
[are] highly interesting."

I personally believe that Olcott again had an
encounter with a real physical adept. I assume from
what Steve Stubbs has written that he would agree with
me on this case.

Brigitte Muehlegger and Paul Johnson have NOT
specifically stated whether they believe a real
physical visitor (an adept by the name of
Hilarion)came to visit Olcott and Blavatsky in Bombay
in February, 1881. It will be interesting to see
their views on this incident.

Daniel H. Caldwell
"...Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at
their right value; and unless a judge compares notes and
hears both sides he can hardly come to a correct decision."
H.P. Blavatsky. The Theosophist, July, 1881, p. 218.

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