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Re: Theos-World re: Leon's "'Baloney'", etc . . .

Apr 21, 2002 01:12 AM
by leonmaurer

The Jerry I was referring to (that's how he signed his letters) resigned from 
this list some weeks ago after Bridgitte was bounced. I have no idea whether 
or not he is the "Gerald" on Theos-1 -- since I have never been subscribed to 
that list. 

All I'm interested in is teaching what I've discovered (not speculated) about 
the scientific correlation's of modern science and theosophical metaphysics 
-- in order to explain the connection between consciousness and matter, mind 
and brain, higher and lower self, etc., in terms everyone can understand... 
So as to verify the validity of theosophical metaphysics (including 
reincarnation and karma) -- and give ordinary people a valid reason for 
assuming responsibility along with a justification to practice universal 

I'm beginning to wonder if spilling such erudite stuff to these lists is 
worth the effort, considering the lack of interest in exploring the real 
science behind the theosophical truths and spread broadcasting it to the 
world at large -- whose only gurus they'll follow these days are the 
scientists and creative technologists who give them their electronic toys and 
gadgets, and the money brokers who help them pay for it. 

(at least for the time being) 


In a message dated 04/19/02 7:28:57 AM, writes:

>Apr 18, on Universal Seekers and theos-talk, Leon wrote, in part: <<So,
>to Paul's and Jerry's complaint's that Adelesie and I, among other 
>"fundamentalist" theosophists who base all our conclusions on 
>"fundamental principles" (against which there can be no valid
>metaphysical or scientific arguments) have drummed them off the lists --
>all I can say is, "Baloney." LHM>>>
>As far as I know, Leon (and of course I could be wrong), Jerry isn't 
>subscribed to this list. I think he's on Theos-1. But then I'm going
>on the assumption (among other things) that the "Jerry" you're
>referring to, in that post, and the "Gerald" on Theos-1 are the same
>PS Are you on Theos-1, Leon, or were you, or did you get kicked off it
>or something?

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