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Part II on Nirvana and Moksha

May 07, 2002 11:35 AM
by dalval14


On Nirvana and Moksha



"The divine, purely Adi-Buddhic monad manifests as the universal
Buddhi (the Mahabuddhi or Mahat ...) the spiritual omniscient and
omnipotent root of divine intelligence, the highest anima mundi or the
Logos. This descends "like a flame spreading from the eternal Fire,
immovable...ever the same to the end" of the cycle of existence, and
becomes universal life on the Mundane Plane. From this Plane (the
logoi of Life); then the Dhyani-Buddhas of contemplation; the
concrete forms of their formless Fathers -- the Seven Sons of Light,
still themselves, ... "Thou art 'THAT' -- Brahm." It is from these
Dhyani-Buddhas that emanate their chhayas (Shadows) the Bodhisattvas,
and of the terrestrial Buddhas, and finally of men. The "Seven Sons
of Light" are also called "Stars."

"The star under which a human Entity is born, says the Occult
teaching, will remain for ever its star, throughout the whole cycle of
its incarnations in one Manvantara. But this is not his astrological
star. The latter is concerned and connected with the personality, the
former with the INDIVIDUALITY. The "Angel" of that Star, or the
Dhyani-Buddha will be either the guiding or simply the presiding
"Angel," so to say, in every new rebirth of the monad, which is part
of its own essence. though his vehicle, man, may remain for ever
ignorant of this fact. The adepts have each their Dhyani-Buddha,
their elder "twin Soul," and they know it, calling it "Father-Soul,"
and "Father-Fire." ... The Logos, or both the unmanifested and the
manifested WORD, is called by the Hindus, Iswara...the highest
consciousness in nature.. There are seven chief groups of such Dhyan
Chohans, which groups will be found and recognized in every religion,
for they are the primeval SEVEN Rays. divided into
seven distinct groups and their sub-divisions, mental, spiritual, and
physical * [ Fn.:-- Hence the 7 chief planets, the spheres of the
indwelling 7 spirits, under each of which is born one of the human
groups which is guided and influenced thereby. There are only 7
planets (specially connected with earth), and 12 houses, but the
possible combinations of their aspects are countless. ... as infinite
as the spiritual, psychic, mental, and physical capacities in the
numberless varieties of the genus homo, each of born under
on of the 7 planets and one of the said countless planetary
combinations" [See Theosophist for August l886] S. D. VOL. I, p.


"...The Host of Dhyanis, whose turn it was to incarnate as the Egos of
the immortal, but, on this plane, senseless monads--that some "obeyed"
(the law of evolution) immediately when the men of the 3rd Race became
physiologically and physically ready, i.e., when they had separated
into sexes. These were those early conscious Beings who, now adding
conscious knowledge and will to their inherent Divine purity, created
by Kriyasakti the semi-Divine man, who became the seed on earth for
future adepts. Those, on the other hand, who, jealous of their
intellectual freedom (unfettered as it then was by the bonds of
matter), said:--"We can choose...we have wisdom,"...and incarnated far
later--these had their first Karmic punishment prepared for them.
They got bodies (physiologically) inferior to their astral models,
because their chhayas had belonged to progenitors of an inferior
degree in the 7 classes. As to those "Sons of Wisdom" who had
"deferred" their incarnation till the 4th Race, which was already
tainted (physiologically) with sin and impurity, they produced a
terrible cause, the Karmic result of which weighs on them to this
day...the bodies they had to inform had become defiled through their
own procrastination...This was the "Fall of the angels," because of
their rebellion against Karmic Law. The "fall of man" was no fall,
for he was irresponsible..."	SD II 228

"...the "Ah-hi" pass through all the planes, beginning to manifest on
the third. Like all other Hierarchies, on the highest plane they are
arupa, i.e., formless, bodiless, without any substance, mere breaths.
On the second plane, they first approach to Rupa, or form. On the
third, they become Manasa-putras, those who become incarnated in man.
With every plane they reach they are called by different names--there
is a continual differentiation of their original homogeneous
substance; we call it substance, although in reality it is no
substance of which we can conceive. Later they become Rupa--ethereal

"...human consciousness" is but a Ray of the Divine. Our Manas, or
Ego, proceeds from, and is the Son (figuratively) of Mahat.
Vaivaswata Manu (the Manu of our fifth race and Humanity in general)
is the chief personified representative of the thinking Humanity of
the fifth Root-race; and therefore he is represented as the eldest
Son of the Sun and an Agnishwatta Ancestor...Thought in its action on
human brains is endless. Thus Manu is, and contains the potentiality
of all the thinking forms which will be developed on earth from this
particular source. In the esoteric teaching he is the beginning of
this earth , and from him and his daughter Ila humanity is born; he
is a unity which contains all the pluralities and their modifications.
Every manvantara has its own Manu, and from this Manu the various
Manus or rather all the Manasa of the Kalpas will proceed...he may be
compared to the white light which contains all the other rays, giving
birth to them by passing through the prism of differentiation and
evolution."	TRAN. 99

"The adepts can control the sensations and alter the conditions of the
physical and astral bodies of other persona not adepts; he can also
govern and employ, as he chooses, the spirits of the elements. He
cannot control the immortal spirit of any human being, living or dead,
for all such spirits are alike sparks of the Divine Essence, and not
subject to any foreign domination."	ISIS II 590


"This is precisely what occult philosophy claims: our Ego is a ray of
the Universal Mind, individualized for the space of a cosmic
life-cycle, during which space of time it gets experience in almost
numberless reincarnations or rebirths, after which it returns to its

"The Occultist would call the "Higher Ego" the immortal Entity, whose
shadow and reflection is the human Manas, the mind, limited by its
physical senses. The two may be well compared to the Master-artist
and the pupil-musician.

"In the course of natural evolution our "brain-mind" will be replaced
by a finer organism, and helped by the 6th and the 7th senses.

"The "sensing principle" in us is an entity capable of acting outside
as inside its material body; and it is certainly independent of any
organ in particular, in its actions, although during its incarnation
it manifests itself through its physical organs.	T A & N 208-9


"... Whenever you are able to attune your consciousness to any of the
seven chords of 'Universal Consciousness,' those chords that run along
the sounding-board of Kosmos, vibrating from one Eternity to another;
when you have studied thoroughly 'the music of the Spheres," then only
will you become quite free to share your knowledge with those with
whom it is safe to do so. ... Do not give out the great Truths that
are the inheritance of the future Races, to our present generation.
Do not attempt to unveil the secret of being and non-being to those
unable to see the hidden meaning of Apollo's HEPTACHORD--the lyre of
the radiant god, in each of the seven strings of which dwelleth the
Spirit, Soul and Astral body of the Kosmos, whose shell only has now
fallen into the hands of Modern Science..."	S D I 167


"The philosophy of that law in Nature, which implants in man as well
as in every beast a passionate, inherent, and instinctive desire for
freedom and self-guidance, pertains to psychology...
Perhaps the best synthesis of this feeling is found in three lines of
Milton's Paradise Lost. Says the "Fallen One":--

"Here we may reign secure; and in my choice,
To reign is worth ambition, though in hell !
Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven ..."

Better be man, the crown of terrestrial production and king over its
opus operatum, than be lost among the will-less spiritual Hosts in
Heaven...the dogma of the first Fall rested on a few verses in
Revelation...about the seven-headed dragon with his 10 horns and 7
crowns, whose tail (485) "drew the third part of the stars of heaven,
and did cast them to the earth," and whose place, with that of his
angels, "was found no more in heaven." ... The "Dragon" is simply
the symbol of the cycle and of the "Sons of Manvantaric Eternity," who
had descended on earth during a certain epoch of its formative
period...The "third part of the stars of heaven" cast down to
earth--refers to the divine Monads, (the Spirits of the Stars in
Astrology) that circumambulate our globe; i.e., the human Egos
destined to perform the whole cycle of incarnations...In all ancient
cosmogonies light comes from darkness. (486) In Egypt...Pymander, the
"Thought divine," issues as light from Darkness." SD II 484-6


"The degrees of an Adept's initiation mark the seven stages at which
he discovers the secret of the sevenfold principles in nature and man
and awakens his dormant powers."	M.L. 99


"Through all time the wise men have lived apart from the mass. [ That
the chief body of these wise ones should be understood to dwell beyond
the fastnesses of the Himalayas...p. 70 ] And even when some
temporary purpose or object induces one of them to come into the midst
of human life, his seclusion and safety is preserved as completely as
ever... they are only known as mystics by those who have the power to
recognize; the power given by the conquering of self. Otherwise how
could they exist, even for an hour, in such a mental and psychic
atmosphere as is created by the confusion and disorder of a city ?
Unless protected and made safe their own growth would be interfered
with, their work injured. And the neophyte may meet an adept in the
flesh, may live in the same house with him, and yet be unable to
recognize him, and unable to make his own voice heard by him... No
voice penetrates to his inner hearing till it has become a divine
voice, a voice which gives no utterance to the cries of self... Until
a man has become, in heart and spirit a disciple, he has no existence
for those who are teachers of disciples. And he becomes this by one
method only--the surrender of his personal humanity."	L ON P p. 74-5

"If, for generations we have "shut out the world from the Knowledge of
our Knowledge," it is on account of its absolute unfitness; and if,
notwithstanding proofs given, it still refuses yielding to evidence,
then will we at the End of this cycle retire into solitude and our
kingdom of silence once more...We have offered to exhume the primeval
strata of man's being, his basic nature, and lay bare the wonderful
complications or his inner Self...and demonstrate it
scientifically...It is our mission to plunge and bring the pearls of
Truth to the surface...For countless generations hath the adept
builded a fane of imperishable rocks, a giant's Tower of Infinite
Thought, wherein the Titan dwelt, and will yet, if need be, dwell
alone, emerging from it but at the end of every cycle, to invite the
elect of mankind to co-operate with him and help in his turn enlighten
superstitious man. And we will go on in that periodical work of ours;
we will not allow ourselves to be baffled in our philanthropic
attempts until that day when the foundations of a new continent of
thought are so firmly built that no amount of opposition and ignorant
malice guided by the Brethren of the Shadow will be found to prevail."
M L p. 50-1


" adept may be compared to that one key which contains all the
keys in the great harmony of nature. He has the synthesis of all keys
in his thoughts, whereas the ordinary man has the same key as a basis,
but only acts and thinks on one or a few changes of this great key,
producing in his brain only a few chords out of the whole great
possible harmony...the brain of the chela is attuned by training to
the brain of the Master. His vibrations synchronize with those of the the chela's brain is abnormal...(425) ...the adept sees all
the colors in every color and yet does not confuse them together...the
highest adepts [ have raised their vibrations so as to have them the
same as those of nature as a whole ]...He can produce a sound which
will alter a color. It is the sound which produces the color, and not
the other or opposite. By correlating the vibrations of a sound in
the proper way a new color is made...on the astral plane every sound
always produces a color...these are invisible because not yet
correlated by the human brain so as to become visible on the earth
plane....His astral senses may see the true color, but the physical
eye has its own vibrations, and these, being on the outer plane,
overcome the others for the time, and the astral man is compelled to
report to the brain that it saw correctly. For in each case the outer
stimulus is sent to the inner man, who then is forced, as it were, to
accept the message and to confirm it for the time so far as it goes.
But there are cases where the inner man is able to even then overcome
the outer defect and to make the brain see the difference...."
WQJ ARTICLES, Vol. I, p. 423-426.


"It is supposed by some that initiation is always and in every case a
set and solemn occasion for which the candidate is prepared and
notified in advance. While there are some initiations surrounded by
such solemnities as these, the daily one, without success in which no
aspirant will ever have the chance to try for those that are higher,
comes to the disciple with almost each moment. It is met in our
relations with our fellows, and in the effects upon us of all the
circumstances of life. And if we fail in these, we never get to the
point where greater ones are offered. If we cannot bear momentary
defeat, or if a chance word that strikes our self-love finds us
unprepared, or if we give way to the desire to harshly judge others,
or if we remain in ignorance of some of our most apparent faults, we
do not build up that knowledge and strength imperatively demanded from
whoever is to be master of nature."


"It is in the life of every one to have a moment of choice, but that
moment is not set for any particular day. It is the sum total of all
days; and it may be put off until the day of death, and then it is
beyond our power, for the choice has been fixed by all the acts and
thoughts of the lifetime. We are self-doomed at that hour to just the
sort of life, body, environment, and tendencies which will best carry
out our karma. This is a thing solemn enough, and one that makes the
"daily initiation" of the very greatest importance to each earnest
student."	WQJ ART II 497-8


"That High Spirits work on Earth in bodies of men, while those spirits
are still in the highest spheres [ see SD I 233-4 &fn, 235fn ] is
clearly explained that the author [HPB] does not mean that which is
called among the spiritualists "control" of mediums by a spirit, but
the actual continuance of the status and functions of the incarnated
spirit in the supersensuous regions, while actually using as its own
and working in a mortal envelope on earth. So that, according to her,
there are certain persons on this earth, living and working as
ordinary human beings and members of society. whose informing divine
part is so immeasurably high in development that they as such high
beings have a definite status and function in the "supersensuous

We should say...that she herself was such a case, and that "H.P.B.,"
whether hourly in the day and night when all around was still, had a
status and functions" in their spheres where she consciously carried
on the work of that high station, whatever it was.

There were many events in her daily life known to those who were
intimate with her that this hint may reveal, or at least shed much
light upon. And in one of her letters the sentence appears--in
substance--"The difference between you and me is that you are not
conscious except at day, while I am conscious day and night, and have
much to do and to endure in both of these existences from which you,
being thus half-conscious, are happily saved."

In the Hindu books and teachings there is a reference to this when the
speak of high gnanees--that is, persons full of knowledge and
spiritual power--being attracted to this earth by certain acts and at
certain times in the history of nation, race or city." "Hidden
Hints in the S. D."	WQJ Art I 615-6

"If it is true that "the whole universe is an aggregate of states of
consciousness," it would seem to follow that the real difference
between one who is an initiate and one who is not lies in the fact
that the former looks at all things from a totally different stand
point to the majority of men...that he is on a higher plane of
consciousness altogether. If such a higher plane has been attained,
it will follow that his whole range of ideas will differ from that of
others and he will be sensible of the operation of causes of a more
far-reaching character than those cognized by others. He will be as
it were in the possession of higher and superior information and so
will be able to form juster conclusions and this fact alone will give
him enormous power."	T A & N 60

"The action of the entire universe is but a detailed manifestation and
example of the action of mind on matter, governed at the highest point
by the action of the universal mind. Between the finite human mind of
the ordinary uninitiated individual and this universal mind lie an
infinite number of gradually ascending degrees, and the higher the
plane of consciousness the nearer is the approach to the universal
mind which is, as it were, the mainspring of the whole." --"Alpha"
THEOS ART & NOTES, p. 60-1


"Every Spiritual Individuality has a gigantic evolutionary journey to
perform, a tremendous gyratory progress to accomplish. First--at the
very beginning of the great Mahamanvanataric rotation, from first to
last of the man-bearing "planets," as on each of them, the monad has
to pass through the seven successive races of man...up to the present
fifth race, or rather variety, and through two more races, before he
has done with this one. Each of the 7 races send 7 ramifying
branchlets from the Parent Branch: and through each of these in turn
man has to evolute before he passes on to the next higher race; and
that--seven times...The branchlets typify varying specimens of
humanity -- physically and spiritually--and no one of us can miss one
single rung of the ladder...when I say "man," I mean a human being of
our type. There are other and innumerable manvantaric chains of
globes bearing intelligent beings--both in and out of our solar
system--the crowns or apexes of evolutionary being in their respective
chains, some--physically and intellectually--lower, others
immeasurably higher than the man of our chain..."	MAHAT. LET. 119


" the work of each Round is said to be apportioned to a different
group of so-called "Creators" or "Architects," so is that of every
globe; i.e., it is under the supervision and guidance of special
"Builders" and "Watchers"--the various Dhyan-Chohans...It becomes the
task of the 5th Hierarchy--the mysterious beings that preside over the
constellation Capricornus, Makara, or "Crocodile" in India as in
Egypt--to inform the empty and ethereal animal form and make of it a
Rational Man...Many are those among the Spiritual Entities, who have
incarnated bodily in man, since the beginning of his appearance, and
who, for all that, still exist as independently as they did before, in
the infinitudes of Space....the invisible Entity may be bodily present
on earth without abandoning, however, its status and functions in the
supersensuous regions..." SD I 233


"Occult philosophy reconciles the absurdity of postulating in the
manifested Universe an active Mind without an organ, with that worse
absurdity, an objective Universe evolved as everything else in it, by
blind chance, by giving to this Universe an organ of thought, a
"brain." The latter, although not objective to our senses, is
nonetheless existing; it is to be found in the Entity called Kosmos
(Adam Kadmon, in the Kabala)."

"As in the Microcosm, Man, so in the Macrocosm, of the Universe.
Every "organ" in it is a sentient entity, and every particle of matter
or substance, from the physical molecule up to the spiritual atom, is
a cell, a nerve center, which communicates."	T A & N 208


"Our "memory" is but a general agent, and its "tablets," with their
indelible impressions, but a figure of speech; the "brain-tablets"
serve only as a upadhi or a vahan (basis or vehicle) for reflecting at
a given moment the memory of one or another thing. The records of
past events, of even minutest action, and of passing thoughts, in
fact, are really impressed on the imperishable waves of the ASTRAL
LIGHT, around us and everywhere, not in the brain alone; and these
mental pictures, images, and sounds, pass from these waves via the
consciousness of the personal Ego or Mind (the lower Manas) whose
grosser essence is astral, into the "cerebral reflectors," so to say,
or our brain, whence they are delivered by the psychic to the sensuous
consciousness. This at every moment of the day, and even during


"..."Mind" is manas, or rather its lower reflection, which whenever
it disconnects itself, for the time being, with kama, becomes the
guide of the highest mental faculties, and is the organ of the
free-will in physical man...." HPB ARTICLES, Vol. II, p.

"Mankind usually receives a thousand impressions through the senses to
one through the spiritual nature. Adeptship means reversing the
proportion." -- H.S.Olcott	PATH 3, 109


"There are scattered throughout the world, a handful of thoughtful and
solitary students, who pass their lives in obscurity, far from the
rumors of the world, studying the great problems of the physical and
spiritual universes. They have their secret records in which are
preserved the fruits of the scholastic labors of the long line of
recluses whose successors they are. The knowledge of their early
ancestors, the sages of India, Babylon, Nineveh, and the imperial
Thebes; the legends and traditions commented upon by the masters of
Solon, Pythagoras, and Plato, in the (558) marble halls of Heliopolis
and Sais; traditions which in their days, already seemed to hardly
glimmer from behind the foggy curtain of the past;--all this, and much
more, is recorded on indestructible parchment, and passed with jealous
care from one adept to another. These men believe the story of
Atlantis to be no fable...In those submerged temples and libraries the
archaeologist would find, could he but explore them, the materials for
filling the gaps that now exist in what we imagine is history."	ISIS
I 557-558;


"Whoever...wants to see the real Mahatma, must use his intellectual
sight. He must so elevate his Manas that its perceptions will be
clear and all mists created by Maya must be dispelled. His vision
will then be bright and he will see the MAHATMAS wherever he may be,
for, being merged into the 6th and the 7th principles, which are
ubiquitous and omnipresent, the MAHATMAS may be said to be


Q.:--	"What then are the Adepts doing?
A.:-- (a) Assisting all good movements by acting on men from
behind the scenes through mental influence.
(b) Preparing as many men and women who are fit for it so
that they may, in their next incarnation, appear in the
world as active devotees to the good of the Human Family.
(c) Spreading now, through impulses given in many places
which must not be mentioned, a philosophy of life which will gradually
affect the race mind, and in particular the active, conquering Western
peoples, thus preparing the whole people to change and evolve yet
further and further until evils disappear and better days and people
reappear." WQJ ARTICLES II 53-4


"...Avalokiteshvara, Chenresi, "the great Logos,"...the progenitor (in
a spiritual sense) of men. Padmapani - called
exoterically Bodhisattva (or Dhyan Chohan)...Chenresi Vachung..."
SD II 178


"This ancient body of doctrine is known as the "Wisdom Religion" and
was always taught by adepts or initiates therein who preserve it
through all time. Hence, and from other doctrines demonstrated, it is
shown that man, being spirit and immortal, is able to perpetuate his
real life and consciousness, and has done so during all time in the
persons of an ancient and high brotherhood who concern themselves with
the soul development of man, held by them to include every process of
evolution on all planes. The initiates, being bound by the law of
evolution, must work with humanity as its development permits.
Therefore from time to time they give out again and again the same
doctrine...this is the wisdom religion, and they are the keepers of
it."	WQJ ARTICLES I pp. 1 - 2


"...I maintain as an occultist on the authority of the Secret
Doctrine, that though merged entirely into Parabrahm, man's spirit
while not individual per se, yet preserves its distinct individuality
in Paranirvana, owing to the accumulation in it of the aggregates, or
skandhas that have survived after each death, from the highest
faculties of the Manas. The most spiritual--i.e., the highest and
divinest aspirations of every personality follow Buddhi and the
Seventh Principle into Devachan (Swarga) after the death of the
Monad...the individuality of the preserved to the end
of the great cycle (Maha-Manwantara) when each Ego enters Paranirvana,
or is merged in Parabrahm...however long the "night of Brahma" or even
the Universal Pralaya...yet, when it ends, the same individual Divine
Monad resumes its majestic path of evolution, though on a higher,
hundredfold perfected and more pure chain of earths (266) than before,
and brings with it all the essence of compound spiritualities from its
previous countless rebirths."


"We should remember that we were self-conscious beings when this
planet began; some even were self-conscious when this solar system
began; for there is a difference in degree of development among human
beings. If the planet or solar system began in a state of primordial
substance or nebulous matter ... then we must have had bodies of that
state of substance, In that finest substance there are all the
possibilities of every grade of matter, and hence it is that within
the true body of primordial matter all the changes of coarser and
coarser substance have been brought about; and within that body is
all experience. Our birth is within that body--a body of a nature
which does not change throughout the whole Manvantara. Each one has
such a body of finest substance, of the inner nature, which is the
real container for the individual. In it he lives and moves and has
his being, and yet even the great glory and fineness of that body is
not the man; it is merely the highest vesture of the Soul. The Real
Man we are is the Man that was, that is, and that ever shall be, for
whom the hour will never strike--Man, the thinker; Man, the
perceiver--always thinking, continually acting...We are that One
Spirit, each standing in a vast assemblage of beings in this great
universe, seeing and knowing what he can through the instrument he
has. We are the Trinity--the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;
or, in theosophical parlance, we are Atma, Buddhi, and Manas. Atma is
the One Spirit, not belonging to any one, but to all. Buddhi is the
sublimated experience of all the past. Manas is the thinking power,
the thinker, the man, the immortal man. There is no man without the
Spirit..."	RC -- FP p. 237


"There is no difference between the teachings of Jesus and the
teachings of the Buddha, although those teachings are recorded in
different languages and an interval of six hundred years separated the
two great Teachers. What is true of these two is likewise true of all
the other many Saviours of different times and peoples--they all
taught the same fundamental ideas.

This fact suggests that there is a body of Men, of perfected men,
product of past civilizations and evolution, our Elder Brothers, in
fact, who have acquired and are Custodians of the knowledge and
experience gained through aeons of time. Their knowledge is actually
the Science of Life, for it enters into every department of existence,
of nature...We have each of us the same power to know that is Theirs.
But they have ex-tended (270) the faculties of the instruments which
they possess. They have improved what they have. They have better
brains. They have better bodies. How did they acquire them? By
fulfilling every duty which faced them, regardless of what came to
themselves. They thought nothing of acquiring power and knowledge for
themselves; they thought only of gaining power that they might expend
it for the benefit of every living creature. in so doing they opened
the doors to the full play of the power of the Spirit within...

The great work of evolution proceeds from within outwards. The Soul
is the Perceiver; it looks directly on ideas. The action of the will
is through ideas. The ideas give the direction. Small ideas, small
force; large ideas, large force; the Force itself is illimitable,
for it is the force of Spirit, infinite and exhaustless. What we lack
are universal ideas..."
RC -- FP p. 269-270

End of Quotes on Nirmanakayas


Note: This should not be taken to be a substitute for individual
search and study.

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