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RE: "What does Theosophy offer the world that, say, can't be found in Buddhism?"

May 31, 2002 05:37 PM
by dalval14

Friday, May 31, 2002

Dear Friends:

I find in MAHATMA LETTERS that the Mahatmas refer to the Buddha as the
"the Great patron of the Adepts."

Why would Theosophy be anything different from Buddhism -- at least,
the Mahayana Buddhism of, for instance the VOICE OF THE SILENCE ?

In any case Theosophy is NOT a religion -- H P B has declared this
repeatedly. It is that philosophy and that Science which synthesizes
them all.

Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Caldwell
Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 12:08 PM
Subject: "What does Theosophy offer the world that, say, can't be
found in Buddhism?"

Jerry, you wrote:

"What does Theosophy offer the world that, say, can't
be found in Buddhism?"

Good question, Jerry. Can you please answer that
question. I'm sure many readers here on Theos-L would
like to know your thoughts on this particular subject.

A related question might be:

Why become a Theosophist when you can become a

Daniel Caldwell


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