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Re: Theos-World Some words of Mahatma Gandhi on the Jews

Jun 29, 2002 12:56 PM
by Frank Reitemeyer

>> Seems that you support the Jewish interpretation. From the view of Aryan
>> thought Mahatma Gandhi spoke the truth.

>I guess you also denied that the Roman Empire existed? That Alexander
>the Great ever lived?

I understand from your comment that everyone who holds the level-headed
arguments of Mahatma Gandhi in high regard is in your eyes a stupid person?
I just re-read what Swami Parampanthi comments on Gandhi. To him Gandhi was
a true teacher who judged from the standpoint of the unity of life.

>I don't think you speak for the human race. Or do you mean something
>else by "Aryan"?

I mean by Aryan that what HPB understood of it when she wrote in the second
object "to defend the Aryan wisdom" and what Judge meant when the
Aryan-Theosophical Society in NY founded the Aryan Press and what Katherine
Tingley meant when she founded the Aryan Temple.
Is all that unknown to American Theosophists?

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