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Aug 17, 2002 08:48 AM
by Nisk98114

Scientific follow ups to what has been given in these archaic writings (such 
as the Chaldean Oracles) are needed and what is even more needed is a right 
basis and understanding of the complexities presented by those seemingly 
simplistic statements. Keep up the "good" work.
HPB really gave us Basis for thought , didn't she?
>When the Monad is extended, the Dyad is generated.
>(A sentence found in Chaldean writings having to do with "in the Beginning")
>Anyone care to elucidate on the above statement?

The statement is an entirely clear scientific explanation of the first 
emanation of the primal "spinergy" (spin-motion or angular momenta of the 
universal Monad or primal zero [laya] point "singularity") -- that "extends" 
itself in a spherical field of manifest energy in the form of a sphere 
surrounding two inner spheres (the Dyad or Duad) -- one the vehicle of spirit 
(Atma) the other the vehicle of mind (Mahat). Thus the manifest Monad must 
forever remain a Triad in nature as it descends coenergetically in a ladder 
of spherical forms (of energy in various degrees of vibrational motion) from 
the most spiritualized substance to the most dense physical matter.  

This initial Trinity comes about as the first ray emanating linearly out of 
the primal zero-point's "spinergy" must pass through three cycles in two 
directions (inwardly and outwardly) before it repeats its circular path of 
involution and creates two circles within a surrounding circle. When this 
triple cycle is repeated, as the central point spins on its secondary and 
tertiary axes, the line or string of force winds spirally around the triple 
circular paths -- as they revolve into three dimensional spheres. These 
inner spherical "fields" continue their triple involution's individually, 
forming coadunate but not consubstantial fields within fields within fields, 
like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, or wheels within wheels within 
wheels (as the Vedas say) as their frequency/energy steps down from near 
infinite to the levels of our experienced physical space time continuum. See 
diagrams at:

>From a scientific point of view, this statement and its explanation in terms 
of "coadunate but not consubstantial" coenergetic fields, has the same 
meaning as the statement in Genesis of the OT, "In the Beginning God created 
the Heaven and the Earth." In the theosophical sense, "God" is both the 
zero-point singularity (the root of spirit, or consciousness and awareness) 
along with its concurrent "spinergy" (the root of matter) that contains (in 
the holographic interference patterns of its lines or "strings" of force) all 
the intelligence, knowledge and memory of its past cosmic incarnations. 

This understanding of the de facto interconnectedness of all forces (spinergy 
-> ħenergy -> matter -> ħenergy -> spinergy -> ... etc. ) in the universe, 
following the laws of electricity (cycles, periodicity, harmonics, resonance, 
induction, resisance, capacitance, etc.) is the basis of both karma (action 
reaction) and reincarnation (embodiment) of the ubiquitous zero [laya] points 
(located at the centers of all triune Monadic coenergetic fields). It also 
conforms with all the local laws of relativity, quantum, and 
superstring/M-brane theories pertaining to our physical space-time continuum, 
as well as those analogous laws on each transcendent coenergetic field that 
compose the seven fold nature of both the universe and ourselves.

While this may not be the whole story, I hope this theosophically consistent 
scientific view (in a nutshell :-) brings us a little closer to understanding 
the true nature of reality.

Best wishes, 

For an explanation in greater detail of the nature of holographic coenergetic 
fields with reference to visual perceptive consciousness, see:

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