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RE: Reincarnation and Consciousness Status of Indigenous Australians

Nov 15, 2002 05:00 AM
by dalval14

Nov 13 2002

Dear Bart and Mic:

May I interject some ideas on this subject? See if they are
acceptable to you.?

Physiological heredity according to theosophy is represented by the
assembly of "Monads of lesser experience" at the point and cycle of
the reincarnating Monad that uses and instructs them through its own
experiences and choices. It is all according to Karma and is the
result of it. I found that reading the KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB) on
this subject, it gives a very clear view of the subject.

Heredity (under Karma) only represents the increments in intelligence
in the physical vehicle -- or physical bodies. [What we call "races"
today, are not the "Theosophical Races." All races of mankind,
anywhere present the incarnating Egos with an environment, karmically
suited to their own maturation and need for experience -- also, the
field where their past Karma can manifest.] A group of Egos which are
consubstantial in terms of character and abilities, are included in
this, as these "physical races" arise, mature, and then when no longer
useful as vehicles, they "die out," and the Egos (immortal Monads)
that used those bodies reincarnate elsewhere where the heredity and
the needed physical bodies are consubstantial with their increasing
development.] The whole process is most exactly put into operation by
the great Law of Karma which rules the worlds and ourselves.

Consciousness is the basis for the increments in intelligence is the
Spiritual Soul ( Buddhi-Manas or, the development of the WISE - MIND
marked by discrimination ) this will be found to include the third
element the Psychic personality with its multitude of desires, likes
and dislikes, and essential selfishness.

Let me add:

As I have studied, and have drawn out of studying Theosophy, the
reincarnation process involves not only the immortal triple MONAD
(ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS) which is assisting the PERSONALITY (Lower Manas)
to universalize and SPIRITUALIZE itself, but also, it involves all the
"Monads of lesser experience" which make up in one way or the other
the "lower vehicles" of all Monads that are undergoing evolution. We,
as human beings [Free and independent MINDS] have used the bodies
provided by many "races," incarnation after incarnation in the past,
and will also proceed to do this in the future. This is Nature's
process and it provides equity, as well as opportunity, for all.

Theosophy states that all Intelligence and Consciousness is permanent
and ever-lasting. It therefore starts consideration of evolution with
the IDEAL of PERFECTION. It looks on the Human Being as a miniature

1. The ABSOLUTE ever IS and changes not at all. It cannot be
described, but we sense it as an eternal background. Hence,
metaphysically, all beings are said to not only be "in it," but to
have evolved out of a portion of its being. It is the ONE EXISTENCE.
We are its intelligent and developing fragments. Periodically under
cyclic law it sees the emanation of periods of evolution
(Manvantaras), and then on the expiry of that effort a period of rest
(Pralaya) sets in.

2. In the cycles of evolution and manifestation it radiates what
we call SPIRIT. It is, in fact, not your, nor my spirit, but the
UNIVERSAL SPIRIT, a "ray" of which takes up residence in each MONAD as
the eternal ATMA..

In the periods of Evolution / Manifestation, the counterpart
(opposite pole) to SPIRIT in the Monad is MATTER in its purest, most
refined form. The Monad in evolution, is actually Buddhi, as SPIRIT
is not individual but UNIVERSAL and IMPERSONAL. [ However the Monad
is also represented as being the conjoined trinity of SPIRIT (Atma),
BUDDHI (wisdom) and MANAS (universal Mind -- a "ray" of which is
embedded in each monad as MIND -- a portion of the UNIVERSAL MIND --
to serve as a living medium of communication between SPIRIT and

3. BUDDHI. -- Similes for this PURE SUBSTANCE are WISDOM, and
DISCRIMINATION (in the matter of ethics and morality). Wisdom demands
an ever-present attention to the moral implications of choice.

Law rules the Universe. Those choices that are made in harmony (as
universal and impersonal) with the LAW, are deemed "fit and proper."
They do not attract Karma, (or the operation of Nature to restore
disturbed harmony).

One of our tasks is to identify all the Laws of Nature, and then trace
their interaction through every plane and to every being which lives
under their rule. Once we are satisfied that this Living WHOLE --
NATURE -- has been sensitively and entirely constructed so as to be
inevitably involved in any choice made by any one, we can begin to
understand the complexity of choosing to act "for and as the SELF of
all creatures" -- and to live impersonally and universally even though
we are encapsulated in limited physical bodies. Those "bodies" we use
here and now are miniature Universes and our Egos represent to the
host of "Monads of lesser experience" their ruling Deity, that which
enables them, each in their own place to rise higher in their own
position, always acquiring greater intelligence.

Actions performed with a self-directed motive are deemed to attract
Karma, which is the reaction of the Universe to adjust any
selfishness, through experiencing its consequences, to the ideals of
practical unselfishness and universality, as a basis for choice.

4. MANAS (the Mind) This "Triple Unity" is universal and involves
forms, on an ascending scale of intelligence, from material physical
body, astral body , life-energy, psychic nature (Kama), mental (or
Lower Manasic), Higher Manasic, and finally of Buddhi-WISDOM (the
accumulated experiences of each MONAD}. SPIRIT (or Atma) presides
over these. One might observe that the Mind faculty is divided into
two aspects: Higher Manas in contact with BUDDHI, and, Lower Manas
in contact with KAMA.

In the Monad, as said above, Buddhi-WISDOM represents the material
side of the MONAD
Mind is the bridge between WISDOM of Buddhi and the "folly, and
ignorance of KAMA (desires, emotions, and passions -- all selfish).
This triple unity is the Reincarnating Ego, the Higher Manas being the
compound entity that uses the Lower Manas and the 4 vehicles that are
continually refreshed, and reshaped by the reincarnation process.

The 4 lower vehicles seem to me to be

1. Kama or desires, passions, emotions, relating to a
selfish attitude.

2. Prana or the Life-Principle of energies and forces that
underlie the Astral.

3. Astral body or The lattice work of electro-magnetic forces
that form the "grid," or "patterns for the physical atoms and
molecules to arrange themselves on, and thus, form a base for the
physical structures need for a living being. We the Ego are in fact
the tenant of this marvelous construction on the physical plane.
Itself, our body, is the result of unseen and well adjusted laws
operating at many levels of support.

4. Physical body made up of the sub-atomic forces and
powers -- (Monads), atoms, molecules, cells, etc...

The whole objective of the Universe may be said to encourage, if not
force, the evolution of faithful, honorable, just, universal and
impartial "assistants." That is ourselves as Egos, our Monads, in
evolution, and, by self-effort make themselves into faithful executors
of LAW. But this is not destructive of our initiative or being
subject to Karmic repercussions at all stages of m our growth. Our
individuality is never suppressed or destroyed. It is the ETERNAL

Mankind, as groups, races tribes, etc... represents the Monads who
have reached the stage where they graduate from the refined instincts
of animal evolution into the arena of Spiritual Action. When the Mind
(Lower Manas) is "lit up," the free SPIRITUAL BEING (the Ego or Monad)
has an opportunity to exercise its innate "freedom." It can now
choose.-- and receive the results of such choices. Those that are
wise study first themselves and Nature, so as to determine what their
powers and opportunities are. The struggle then revolves around the
victory for personal (Lower Mind) selfishness, or the conscious
(Higher Mind) universality of the true Ego that views life as service
due to others -- brotherhood.

Nature being disturbed, and itself being entirely Monadic in its many
parts, notes the impact of the moral quality of motive and choice made
by these independent Monads. It sees that every "monad of lesser
experience" is altered by the quality of those Motives. If they are
distorted, they become the bearers of that distortion into the future,
when, at the appropriate cycle they cause the generator of the
disturbance to feel its effects directly. We call this Karma and
qualify it as "good," or "bad."

Let me add here some passages from H P B's that have some relation to
what I write above.

." Spirit emanates from the unknown Darkness, the mystery into which
none of us can penetrate. That Spirit -- call it the "Spirit of God"
or Primordial Substance -- mirrors itself in the Waters of Space -- or
the still undifferentiated matter of the future Universe -- and
produces thereby the first flutter of differentiation in the
homogeneity of primordial matter. This is the Voice, pioneer of the
"Word" or the first manifestation; and from that Voice emanates the
Word or Logos, that is to say, the definite and objective expression
of that which has hitherto remained in the depths of the Concealed
Thought. That which mirrors itself in Space is the Third Logos. We may
express this Trinity also by the terms Color, Sound, and Numbers. "
Trans 148

"Every form, we are told, is built in accordance with the model traced
for it in the Eternity and reflected in the DIVINE MIND. There are
hierarchies of "Builders of form," and series of forms and degrees,
from the highest to the lowest. While the former are shaped under the
guidance of the "Builders" the gods "Cosmocratores," the latter are
fashioned by the Elementals or Nature Spirits."
Trans. 130

"He who would be an occultist must not separate either himself or
anything else from the rest of creation or non-creation. For, the
moment he distinguishes himself from even a vessel of dishonor, he
will not be able to join himself to any vessel of honor. He must think
of himself as an infinitesimal something, not even as an individual
atom, but as a part of the world-atoms as a whole, or become an
illusion, a nobody, and vanish like a breath leaving no trace behind.
As illusions, we are separate distinct bodies, living in masks
furnished by Maya.

"Can we claim one single atom in our body as distinctly our own?
Everything, from spirit to the tiniest particle, is part of the whole,
at best a link. Break a single link and all passes into annihilation;
but this is impossible. There is a series of vehicles becoming more
and more gross, from spirit to the densest matter, so that with each
step downward and outward we get more and more the sense of
separateness developed in us. Yet this is illusory, for if there were
a real and complete separation between any two human beings, they
could not communicate with, or understand each other in any way.

Thus with these hierarchies. Why should we separate their classes in
our mind, except for purposes of distinction in practical Occultism,
which is but the lowest form of applied Metaphysics. But if you seek
to separate them on this plane of illusion, then all I can say is,
that there exists between these Hierarchies the same abysses of
distinction as between the "principles" of the Universe or those of
man, if you like, and the same "principles" in a bacillus." Trans

"All growth depends upon the indwelling force, because on this plane
of ours it is this force alone which acts consciously. The universal
force cannot be regarded as a conscious force as we understand the
word consciousness, because it would immediately become a personal
god. It is only that which is enclosed in form, a limitation of
matter, which is conscious of itself on this plane. This Free Force or
Will, which is limitless and absolute, cannot be said to act
understandingly, but it is the one and sole immutable Law of Life and

"Fohat [intelligent electricity], therefore, is spoken of as the
synthetic motor power of all the imprisoned life-forces and the medium
between the absolute and conditioned Force. It is a link, just as
Manas is the connecting link between the gross matter of the physical
body and the divine Monad which animates it, but is powerless to act
upon the former directly. " Trans 134

"He who would be an occultist must not separate either himself or
anything else from the rest of creation or non-creation. For, the
moment he distinguishes himself from even a vessel of dishonor, he
will not be able to join himself to any vessel of honor. He must think
of himself as an infinitesimal something, not even as an individual
atom, but as a part of the world-atoms as a whole, or become an
illusion, a nobody, and vanish like a breath leaving no trace behind.
As illusions, we are separate distinct bodies, living in masks
furnished by Maya.

Can we claim one single atom in our body as distinctly our own?
Everything, from spirit to the tiniest particle, is part of the whole,
at best a link. Break a single link and all passes into annihilation;
but this is impossible. There is a series of vehicles becoming more
and more gross, from spirit to the densest matter, so that with each
step downward and outward we get more and more the sense of
separateness developed in us. Yet this is illusory, for if there were
a real and complete separation between any two human beings, they
could not communicate with, or understand each other in any way.

Thus with these hierarchies. Why should we separate their classes in
our mind, except for purposes of distinction in practical Occultism,
which is but the lowest form of applied Metaphysics. But if you seek
to separate them on this plane of illusion, then all I can say is,
that there exists between these Hierarchies the same abysses of
distinction as between the "principles" of the Universe or those of
man, if you like, and the same "principles" in a bacillus." Trans

"SELFISHNESS, the first-born of Ignorance, and the fruit of the
teaching which asserts that for every newly-born infant a new soul,
separate and distinct from the Universal Soul, is "created"--this
Selfishness is the impassable wall between the personal Self and
Truth. It is the prolific mother of all human vices, Lie being born
out of the necessity for dissembling, and Hypocrisy out of the desire
to mask Lie. It is the fungus growing and strengthening with age in
every human heart in which it has devoured all better feelings.
Selfishness kills every noble impulse in our natures, and is the one
deity, fearing no faithlessness or desertion from its votaries."	H P
H P B Articles I p. 5-6.

"...with regard to absolute and relative truth, we can only repeat
what we said before. Outside a certain highly spiritual and elevated
state of mind, during which Man is at one with the UNIVERSAL MIND--he
can get nought on earth but relative truth, or truths, from whatsoever
philosophy or religion. Were even the goddess who dwells at the bottom
of the well to issue from her place of confinement, she could give man
no more than he can assimilate. Meanwhile, every one can sit near that
well--the name of which is KNOWLEDGE " H P B WHAT IS TRUTH?
H P B Articles I 10

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: B L
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2002 9:50 AM
Subject: Reincarnation and Consciousness -- Status of Indigenous

Mic F wrote:
> The general trend is that as a race Indigenous
> Australians are doing relatively well, although their
> equal status with other non-Indigenous status is far
> from assured. Now the questions remains: if Aboriginal
> Australians were meant to naturally die out why are
> they still prospering today? One could reply that they
> have indeed died out and those Indigenous Australians
> that we see today aren't Aboriginal Australians in the
> sense that they have maintained their bloodlines and
> culture without any corruption. There is not one
> Indigenous Australian today who could claim that they
> do everything exactly as it was done in 1788. And in
> this sense, Aboriginal Australians have been lost to
> antiquity.

In terms of reincarnation, bloodlines are irrelevant. Culture
is far
more important. So I would say that, in terms of dying out, we are
referring more to the last part of the sentence.

Let us take a look at reincarnation, in the Theosophical
sense. The
reincarnating principle (confusingly but more easily referred to as a
"monad") is attracted to physical bodies that have the highest chance
moving it forward in an evolutionary path. With a stagnated culture
has been around for a long time, it becomes a "been there, done that"
path. But if the culture changes, it no longer is the same culture,
therefore becomes a much more fruitful one into which to incarnate.

I am of the belief that, if there is more than one way to
Theosophical literature, a good indicator of the correct
is new scientific discovery. And since the Human Genome Project has
demonstrated that the genes involved with what is commonly called
are not only just a small part of the human genome, but also isolated;
they tend to be unconnected with traits other than superficial ones.
Therefore, when these races are referred to, at least in the Primary
Literature, I believe the reference is to cultural differences brought
on by geographical isolation, not genetic ones. You can take people
the so-called "races" all over the world, but if they're born in
America, they're Americans. And the fact that the United States
a place unique in the world where people from the various geographical
cultures to mix freely, that is why I believe that the Theosophical
Society was founded in the United States.


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