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RE: Where does the word Sufi originate ?

Nov 15, 2002 12:28 PM
by dalval14

Nov 15 2002

Re: "Sufi" -- ( also "white," and "pure")

Dear Friend:

Here is an entry from H P B's THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY p. 311

SUFFISM	(Gr.). From the root of Sophia, "Wisdom ". A mystical sect in
Persia something like the Vedantins; though very strong in numbers,
none but very intelligent men join it. They claim, and very justly,
the possession of the esoteric philosophy and doctrine of true
Mohammedanism. The Suffi (or Sofi) doctrine is a good deal in touch
with Theosophy, inasmuch as it preaches one universal creed, and
outward respect and tolerance for every popular exoteric faith. It is
also in touch with Masonry. The Suffis have four degrees and four
stages of initiation:1st, probationary, with a strict outward
observance of Mussulman rites, the hidden meaning of each ceremony and
dogma being explained to the candidate; 2nd, metaphysical training;
3rd, the "Wisdom" degree, when the candidate is initiated into the
innermost nature of things; and 4 final Truth, when the Adept attains
divine powers, and complete union with the One Universal Deity in
ecstacy or Samâdhi.

Other references in the same book will be found on pp 36, 105, 118,
156, 158, 216,

On p. 280 the mysterious force ROWANEE is mentioned and H P B prints
there a contribution by W. W. W WESTCOTT

ROWHANEE	(Eg.) or Er-Roohanee. is the Magic of modern Egypt, supposed
to proceed from Angels and Spirits, that is Genii, and by the use of
the mystery names of Allah; they distinguish two forms-Ilwee, that is
the Higher or White Magic; and Suflee and Sheytanee, the Lower or
Black Demoniac Magic. There is also Es-Seemuja, which is deception or
conjuring. Opinions differ as to the importance of a branch of Magic
called Darb el Mendel, or as Barker calls it in English, the Mendal:
by this is meant a form of artificial clairvoyance, exhibited by a
young boy before puberty, or a virgin, who, as the result of
self-fascination by gazing on a pool of ink in the hand, with
coincident use of incense and incantation, sees certain scenes of real
life passing over its surface. Many Eastern travellers have narrated
instances, as E. W. Lane in his Modern Egyptians and his Thousand and
One Nights, and E. B. Barker; the incidents have been introduced also
into many works of fiction, such as Marryat's Phantom Ship, and a
similar idea is interwoven with the story of Rose Mary and the Beryl
stone, a poem by Rossetti. For a superficial attempt at explanation,
see the Quarterly Review, No.117 [w.w.w.]

In another place (same book, p. 105) H P B indicates there is a
connection between the Sufis and the Druzes of Lebanon and Syria

DRUZES	. A large sect, numbering about 100,000 adherents, living on
Mount Lebanon in Syria. Their rites are very mysterious, and no
traveller, who has written anything about them, knows for a certainty
the whole truth. They are the Sufis of Syria. They resent being called
Druzes as an insult, but call themselves the "disciples of Hamsa ",
their Messiah, who came to them in the ninth century from the "Land of
the Word of God", which land and word they kept religiously secret.
The Messiah to come will be the same Hamsa, but called Hakem-the
All-Healer ". (See Isis Unveiled, II 308, et seq.)

In the Glossary (p. 36) another reference associates them with the

ASSASSINS . A masonic and mystic order founded by Hassan Sabah in
Persia, in the eleventh century. The word is a European perversion of
"Hassan ", which forms the chief part of the name.
They were simply Sufis and addicted, according to the tradition, to
hascheesl-eating, in order to bring about celestial visions. As shown
by our late brother, Kenneth Mackenzie, "they were teachers of the
secret doctrines of Islamism; they encouraged mathematics and
philosophy, and produced many valuable works. The chief of the Order
was called Sheik-el-Jebel, translated the 'Old Man of the Mountains',
and, as their Grand Master, lie possessed power of life and death.'
( p. 36)

Thus the secret "societies" including the ancient order of "Masons,"
(builders, cosmocratores) was shown to be united in their teachings
concerning the origins and purpose of the World and our universe.

Another entry of interest is here given ( p. 37)

ASSYRIAN HOLY SCRIPTURES. Orientalists show seven such hooks: the
Books of Mamit, of Worship, of Interpretations, of Going to Hades; two
Prayer Books (Kanmagarri and Kanmikri: Talbot) and the Kantolité, the
lost Assyrian Psalter. (p. 37)

ASSYRIAN TREE OF LIFE	. "Asherah" (q.v.). It is translated in the
Bible by "grove ' and occurs 30 times. It is called an "idol"; and
Maachah, the grandmother of Asa, King of Jerusalem, is accused of
having made for herself such an idol, which was a lingham. For
centuries this was a religious rite in Judæa. But the original Asherah
was a pillar with seven branches on each side surmounted by a globular
flower with three projecting rays, and no phallic stone, as the Jews
made of it, but a metaphysical symbol. "Merciful One, who dead to life
raises! was the prayer uttered before the Asherah, on the banks of the
Euphrates. The "Merciful One ", was neither the personal god of the
Jews who brought the "grove" from their captivity, nor any extra-

Further investigation shows a relationship with "Hamsa" as follows:
(p. 134)
HAMSA OR HANSA (Sk.) "Swan or goose", according to the Orientalists ;
a mystical bird in Occultism analogous to the Rosicrucian Pelican.
Tile sacred mystic name which, when preceded by that of KALA (infinite
time), i.e. Kalahansa, is name of Parabrahm ; meaning the " Bird out
of space and time". Hence Brahmâ (male)is called Hansa Vahana "the
Vehicle of Hansa (the Bird). We find the same idea in the Zohar, where
Ain Suph (the endless and infinite) is said to descend into the
universe, for purposes of manifestation, using Adam Kadmon (Humanity)
as a chariot or vehicle.

HAMSA	(Arab.). The founder of the mystic sect of the Druzes of Mount
Lebanon. (See "Druzes" .) [ see above ] (see MAHATMA LETTERS p. 116,
Modern Panarion p. 375, S D II p. 27; H P B Articles III 281...
"Lamas and Druzes" -- showing a relationship with the Tibetan
Esoteric philosophies.

ISIS UNVEILED makes a very interesting reading if one is in search of
evidence relating to the past of Theosophy as seen in and at the base
of every ancient Theogony, Religion or Secret Society. These were
also closely related to the Egyptian and Greek MYSTERIES.
Best wishes


-----Original Message-----
From: Morten Nymann Olesen []
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 9:38 AM
To: Theos-Talk
Subject: Theos-World The word Sufi...

Hi all of you,

It is said that the word "Sufi" is a new one.
It is said to have German origin from year 1821.
The book by the author F.A.G. Thöluck is titled: "Ssufismus sive
Theosophia Persarum pantheistica" (Berlin 1821) - yes - in latin
The book has a title with the word Theosophy in it, and that is
As H. P. Blavatsky uses the word "sufi", it could be interesting
to know in which books she has read that term --- if any reading took
place at all.
Someone says that the word has a distinct sound called 'SSSUUUFFF'.

Do any of you have anything on this ?

M. Sufilight

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