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re Leon and BAG ...

Dec 31, 2002 07:50 AM
by Mauri

Leon wrote (to BAG): <<As for "real women" I was just 
using that term (facetiously again, for which I ask your 
pardon) as a generality referring to any woman, YY, XY 
or otherwise, who took on the role of exposing what was 
formerly, male restricted esoteric knowledge within most 
highly organized religious orders. The only speculation 
implied by that, of a psychological nature, was the 
possible inference that you may have a religious bias 
(considering both your Hindu and Catholic attachments) 
against HPB personally and, by reflection, "theosophy" 
itself, due to its public exposure by her of the formerly 
secret esoteric teachings of the highest orders of those 
religions. I might also add, as another psychologically 
sensitive point, HPB's evident disdain for the exoteric 
theological teachings of Catholicism, and those Hindu 
sects that worship a personal God, or practice Tantric sex. 

Leon (if you're reading this) I tend to agree with you 
there, having had similar, if somewhat tentative assesments,
thoughts about where BAG might be coming from. Not that ...


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