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Re: Theos-World more about Leon's ABC's, maya, initial assumptions . . .

Dec 04, 2002 09:37 AM
by wry

Hi Bill. Some people who are caught way deep in a maze of thought may need
to redirect their attention back to the body doing simple activities in
order to regain a state where various functions such as thought, feeling,
and physical sensation etc. are more equalized. Actually, this may be a good
exercise for all of us to try, if we are interested in a way to see
ourselves as we really are, and not through the blinders of interpretation.
I am no authority, though there is such a phenomena as natural authority.
If you do not think it is an intelligent idea to try an exercise of having
something impartial record your body as it walks down the street, I suggest
you do not attempt to do this exercise. I will tell you, though, that some
others on this list are experimenting along these lines and receiving
positive results. I am surprised to find such a strong interest here.

If you think about it, it does make sense to focus on the physical body as
an object, while doing simple motor activities, and not to interpret or
analyze anything, but to have something with no opinion, that is not
preconditioned, simply record this body as it performs simple tasks. In this
way you will become closer to the living (and even the "dead") masters of
humanity, if there even is such a phenomena. Does this make sense to you?
It is simple and easy.

I know I must sound a little bit like an authority, when I talked to Mauri,
but sometimes the grease needs to be cut, and I just told the truth as I see
it. I believe it is very kind of Leon to try to explain things to him, and
maybe I and some others who are so inclined will learn something from
reading Leon's messages, but in my opinion, Mauri cannot and will not learn
in this way. Further more, I do not believe Mauri needs you to help him
handle my message, and in fact you do him a disservice, as he is more than
capable of taking care of himself.

I do not believe you understand this, but because a super conductor seems to
work better when it is dirty, you have done me (and others) a service in
leaving this message. It is my opinion that Mauri is not capable of deciding
who on this list is or is not capable of helping others, though actually
Mauri has helped both himself and many others, because without his
persistent and even aggressive line of questioning which has been going on
for at least the last several months, he would not have finally received the
answer to a question about duality, which is shared by many. I have given
him and others the answer in the form of a simple exercise, the doing of
which will bring great rewards and results. I will be doing it with you.

As for you, you are a sensitive person and very quick to react and make
broad generalizations. I have seen how you function on another list, as you
have attacked me before. You ARE going to react to this message. It is,
sadly, already predetermined. If something impartial could complete record
"Bill" having this reaction, "Bill"could be released from many aeons of
karma, if you wish to look at it in these terms, but of course, it would be
difficult for there to be a completely impartial recording of a reaction, as
it all happens so fast. The first step is to build up muscle by having that
recording take place as you are doing simple physical activities. Later a
reaction may be recorded.

As the only way out of a reactive pattern is to #1. decrystalize it through
the suffering you will experience by not mechanically acting it out (to
practice patience) or #2. to record it completely, you are in a double bind,
which means you will be unlikely to try this exercise, as you have heard it
from someone who triggers you into negative emotion. We are in a place of
filth, pain and sorrow. We all have this kind of situation to deal with,
including myself. But at the center of the conundrum is a great potential.
We are caught up and absorbed in material, as if in jail. but there is a way
out, which is to have something from the outside, which is pure and
uncontaminated by all this mess, see us as we are. Then there is grace.

I'm sorry if I have caused you any pain or suffering, and I hope you and
others will be able to turn this message into a special force you can use
for your own inner development. Sincerely, Wry

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Meredith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 12:03 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World more about Leon's ABC's, maya, initial assumptions
. . .

> Listen to Wry, Mauri.
> He knows everything! You don't even have to ask him. He'll tell you. He
> the one who is "qualified or capable of helping others or of deciding who
> or is not capable of doing so."
> Get a life Wry.
> Bill
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "wry" <>
> To: <>
> Cc: <>; "Theosophy Study List"
> <>
> Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 2:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World more about Leon's ABC's, maya, initial
> . . .
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Mauri" <>
> > Cc: <>; "Theosophy Study List"
> > <>
> > Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 9:34 AM
> > Subject: Theos-World more about Leon's ABC's, maya, initial assumptions
> .
> > .
> >
> >
> >
> > Mauri said: > As long as I'm in duality, I don't see how I can stop
> > > thinking in some basically speculative way. I suspect that
> > > there are forms of speculation that offer manas the means
> > > by which it can "transcend" or "make a move" toward
> > > notions that (while still dualistic) at least "allow for" a form
> > > of "relevance of non-duality" . . .
> >
> > Wry Says: You suspect too much, As I have suggested in the past, this
> a
> > hostility game. "Yes, but. Yes, but." It is a set-up and a mechanical
> > to engage people and express hostility. There is no solution to your
> problem
> > except that you do not do mechanical analysis and mechanical talk. You
> > obviously feel no shame. This is sad.
> >
> > There is no answer except to try to be impartial to yourself as you are.
> But
> > you are under so deep. This is why I have suggested in the past, do
> > motor activities such as walking down the street, gardening or sweeping
> > floor, and have something impartial, with no opinion or analysis, from
> > vantage point outside of the body, record the physical body in present
> time
> > as an object doing this activity. This is called Work.
> >
> > In this way you can not only help yourself, but others on this list. I
> know
> > you are capable of making a thorough study of something, as I read your
> > message on your personal investigation of the yoga of the psychic heat.
> When
> > you have made a few preliminary attempts such as I have suggested, I am
> sure
> > many of us would genuinely appreciate it if you would come out here and
> > report the results, in simple language, such as any difficulties you
> > encountered in preforming this simple exercise.
> >
> > Do not worry about Leon, but about yourself. In my opinion, you are not
> > qualified or capable of helping others or of deciding who is or is not
> > capable of doing so. Also, forget about "notions." You have too many
> notions
> > already, I suggest that people do not get trapped in the maze of trying
> to
> > communicate with Mauri, as you are not helping Mauri when you get lost
> > ideas with him. Sincerely, Wry .
> > >
> > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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