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Re: Jung and Theosophy

Dec 24, 2002 07:49 AM
by Steve Stubbs " <>

--- In, Mic Forster <micforster@y...> 
> It is from a Christian site so some of you out there
> may consider this a little bias.

Very interesting indeed. What Christians tend to onfuscate with thsi 
unceasing quest for neopaganism to oppose is that Jung's thought 
evolved to a very considerable degree over a period of thirty years. 
He was originally a strong materialist who characterized ideas sch as 
the soul with words such as "preposterous." His original coccept of 
the collective unconscious was a sort of biological imprinting, in 
which ancestral memories were somehow imprinted into the wiring of 
human brains. It seems to have evolved into a sort of Emersonian 
Oversoul in time. At the end of his life his ideas were more New 
Agey, but he was not identical to Theosophists by any means, and most 
New Age types who see him as somehow giving mainstream respectability 
to their own preconceptions have usually never read him, except for 
his paper on synchronicity. And they tend to misconstrue the results 
of that, partly out of a desire for self validation and partly 
because the thesis he develops is so obscure.

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