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Jun 30, 2003 02:21 AM
by dalval14

Monday, June 30, 2003


Dear G.

Sounds good to my understanding,. what next?

Have a look at this:



"The divine, purely Adi-Buddhic monad manifests as the uni­versal
Buddhi (the Mahabuddhi or Mahat...) the spiritual omnisci­ent and
omnipotent root of divine intelligence, the highest anima mundi
or the Logos. This descends "like a flame spreading from the
eternal Fire, immovable...ever the same to the end" of the cycle
of existence, and becomes universal life on the Mundane Plane.
>From this Plane (the logoi of Life); then the Dhyani-Buddhas of
contemplation; the concrete forms of their formless Fathers--the
Seven Sons of Light, still themselves..."Thou art 'THAT'--Brahm."
It is from these Dhyani-Buddhas that emanate their chhayas
(Shadows) the Bodhisattvas, and of the terrestrial Buddhas, and
finally of men. The "Seven Sons of Light" are also called
"Stars." SD I 572




"...the aggregate sound of nature is shown to be a single
definite tone, a keynote vibrating from and through eternity;
having an undeniable existence per se yet possessing an
appreci­able pitch but for "the acutely fine ear"--so the
definite harmo­ny or disharmony of man's external nature is seen
by the observ­ant to depend wholly on the character of the
keynote struck for the outer by inner man. It is the spiritual
Ego or Self that serves as the fundamental base, determining the
tone of the whole life of man--that most capricious, uncertain
and variable of all instruments, and which more than any other
needs constant tuning; it is its voice alone, which like the
sub-bass of an organ under­lies the melody of his whole
life--whether its tones are sweet or harsh, harmonious or wild,
legato or pizzicato."

"..."the seventh vibration" applies to both the First, and to the
manifested Logos--the first out of Space and Time, the second,
when Time has commenced. It is only when "the mother swells"
that differentiation sets in, for when the first Logos radiates
through primordial and undifferentiated matter there is as yet no
action in chaos...[it] is the first [vibration] which announces
the Dawn, and is a synonym for the First or unmanifest­ed Logos.
There is no Time at this stage. There is neither Space nor Time
when beginning is made; but it is all in Space and Time, once
that differentiation sets in. At the time of the primordial
radiation, or when the Second Logos emanates, it is Father-Mother
potentially, but when the third or manifested Logos appears, it
becomes the Virgin-Mother." Trans. 93-4


“Every phenomenon in the visible Universe has its genesis in
motion, is an old axiom in Occultism..."
HPB ART, Vol. II, p. 10

"Motion is eternal per se, and in the manifested Kosmos it is the
Alpha and Omega of that which is called electricity, gal­vanism,
magnetism, sensation--moral and physical--thought, and even life
on this plane." Transactions 115

"...we come to regard this omnipresent Principle from the point
of view of the root or consciousness, we postulated as be­ing--in
this aspect--absolute abstract motion, because conscious­ness has
the quality of motion in it and not the quality of space, since
motion has to have space in which to move." Forum Answers 41


"Let a note be struck on an instrument, and the faintest sound
produces an eternal echo. A disturbance is created on the
invisible waves of the shoreless ocean of space, and the
vibra­tion is never wholly lost. It energy being once carried
from the world of matter into the immaterial world will live
forever...the principle of continuity which exists even for the
so-called inor­ganic matter, for a floating atom, be denied to
the spirit, whose attributes are consciousness, memory, mind,
LOVE !" ISIS I 114

"Motion as the Great Breath [ see SD Vol. I ] --ergo "sound at
the same time--is the sub-stratum of Kosmic-Motion. It is
beginningless and endless, the one eternal life, the basis and
genesis of the subjective and the objective universe; for LIFE
(or Be-ness) is the fons et origo of existence or being. But
molecular motion is the lowest and most material of its finite
manifestations...every manifestation, whether conscious or
uncon­scious, represents but the result of a collectivity of
causes, then in Occult philosophy this represents merely the
A,B,C, of its science. HPB ART II p. 11

"All the world is in the Swara; Swara is the Spirit
it­self"--the One Life or motion, say the old books of Hindu
Occult philosophy. "The proper translation of the word Swara is
the current of the life wave," says the author [Rama Prasad] of
"Na­ture's Finer Forces"..."It is that wavy motion which is the
cause of the evolution of cosmic undifferentiated matter into the
dif­ferentiated universe...From whence does this motion come?
This motion is the spirit itself. The word atma (universal
soul)...comes from the root AT or eternal motion;...[it] is
con­nected with...the roots Ah, breath, and As, being. All these
roots have for their origin the sound produced by the breath of
animals (living beings)...The primeval current of the life-wave
is then the same which assumes in man the form of inspiratory and
expiratory motion of the lungs, and this is the all-pervading
source of the evolution and involution of the universe..."
..."From the visible atom to the celestial body lost in space,
everything is subject to motion...kept at a definite distance one
from the other, in proportion to the motion which animates them,
the molecules present constant relations, which they lose only by
the addition and subtractions of a certain quantity of motion."

But Occultism says more than this. While making of motion on the
material plane and of the conservation of energy, two
fun­damental laws, or rather two aspects of the same omnipresent
law--Swara, it denies point blank that these have anything to do
with the free-will of man which belongs to quite a different
plane...The actual fact of man's psychic (we say manasic or
noe­tic) individuality is a sufficient warrant against the
assump­tion...Now by "psychic" individuality we mean that
self-determining power which enables man to override
circumstances..." HPB ART II 11-12


"That which propels towards, and forces evolution, i.e.,
com­pels the growth and development of Man towards perfection, is
(a) the MONAD, or that which acts in it unconsciously through a
force inherent in itself; and (b) the lower astral body or the
person­al SELF...unless the higher Self or EGO gravitates towards
its Sun--the Monad--the lower Ego, or personal Self, will have
the upper hand in every case...with its fierce Selfishness and
animal desire to live a Senseless life (Tanha) which is the
"maker of the tabernacle."...Atman alone warms the inner
man...and alone is able to impart to the inner man, or the
reincarnating Ego, its is the Higher Ego, or
incarnating principle, the nous or Mind, which reigns over the
animal Ego, and rules it whe­never it is not carried down by the
latter...Spirituality is on its ascending arc, and the animal or
physical impedes it from steadily progressing on the path of its
evolution only when the selfishness of the personality has so
strongly infected the real inner man with its lethal virus, that
the upward attraction has lost all its power on the thinking
reasonable man." S.D. II, p. 109-110

"The mission of the Planetary Spirit is but to strike the Key
Note of Truth. Once he has directed the vibration of the latter
to run its course the end of the cy­cle--the
denizen of the highest inhabited sphere disappears from the
surface of our planet--till the following "resurrection..." The
vibration of the Primitive Truth are what your philosophers name
"innate ideas." M L 41

“….the highest Dhyan Chohans of Occultism. At the beginning of
Manvantara, the Fohat which they radiate awakens and
differentiates Mahattattva and the Omega of Humanity in this our
"Round." Theost. Vol. 5, pp. 136-7 fn


"...Pradhana (primeval matter) and sound, as a property, have
been misunderstood; the former term (Pradhana) being cer­tainly
synonymous with Mulaprakriti [root-matter] and Akasa [sp­iritual
aether], and the latter (sound) with the Verbum, the Word, or the
Logos.... "Prakriti [matter] in its primary state is
Akasa"...Mahat [universal mind] is the first product of Pradhana,
or Akasa, and Mahat-Universal intelligence 'whose characteristic
property is Buddhi' [wisdom] --is no other than the Logos ...He
is in short, the "Creator" or the divine mind in creative
opera­tion, "the cause of all things." S D I 255-6

"...the world had been called forth out of Chaos by Sound and
Harmony, and constructed according to the principles of musi­cal
proportion; that the 7 planets which rule the destiny of mortals
have a harmonious motion "and intervals corresponding to musical
diastems, rendering various sounds, so perfectly conson­ant, that
they produce the sweetest melody, which is inaudible to us, only
by reason of the greatness of the sound, which our ears are
incapable of receiving." In the Pythagorean Theogony the
hierarchies of the heavenly Host and Gods were numbered and
ex­pressed numerically." S.D., I, p. 433


"Fohat, the constructive Force of Cosmic Electricity, is said,
metaphorically ... to have metamorphosed himself into a male and
a female, i.e., polarity, into positive and negative electricity.
He has seven sons who are his brothers; and Fohat is forced to
be born time after time whenever any two of his son-brothers
indulge in too close contact--whether an embrace or a fight. To
avoid this he binds together and unites those of un­like nature
and separates those of similar temperaments. ... The Seven
"Sons-brothers," however, represent and personify the seven forms
of Cosmic magnetism called in practical Occultism the "Sev­en
Radicals," whose co-operative and active progeny are, among other
energies, Electricity, Magnetism, Sound, Light, Heat, Cohe­sion,
etc. Occult Science defines all these as Super-sensuous effects
in their hidden behavior, and as objective phenomena in the world
of senses; the former requiring abnormal faculties to perceive
them--the latter, our ordinary physical senses. They all pertain
to, and are the emanations of still more supersensu­ous spiritual
qualities ... belonging to real and conscious CAUS­ES."
S D I 145

"...the whole subjective or occult nature is one everlasting
perpetual motion of vortical vibrations."
HPB ART, Vol. II, p. 417

"Atoms are called "Vibrations" in occultism; also
"Sound"--collectively...Atoms fill the immensity of Space, and by
their own continuous vibration are Motion which keeps the wheels
of life perpetually going." SD I 633

"Sound is the characteristic of Akasa (Ether): it generates air,
the property of which is Touch; which (by friction) becomes
productive of Color and Light." S D I 205


"...Whenever you are able to attune your consciousness to any of
the seven chords of 'Universal Consciousness,' those chords that
run along the sounding-board of Kosmos, vibrating from one
Eternity to another; when you have studied thoroughly "the music
of the Spheres," then only will you become quite free to share
your knowledge with those with whom it is safe to do so...Do not
give out the great Truths that are the inheritance of the future
Races, to our present generation. Do not attempt to unveil the
secret of being and non-being to those unable to see the hidden
meaning of Apollo's Heptachord--the lyre of the radi­ant god, in
each of the seven strings of which dwelleth the Spir­it, Soul and
Astral body of the Kosmos, whose shell only has now fallen into
the hands of Modern Science..." S D I 167


"...each person has a distinct mathematical value expressed by
one number. This is a compound or resultant of numberless
smaller ones." WQJ Articles, Vol. 1, p. 423


"The Doctrine of the Heart is the spiritual consciousness of the
Ego--not perceived by the brain consciousness until right
thought, and right action which sooner or later follow it, attune
certain centers in the brain in accord with the spiritual
vibra­tions. It might be well to read The Voice of the Silence
over and meditate on its sayings. You have much of the
intellectual side; there should be as much of the devotional;
for what is desirable is the awakening of the spiritual
consciousness, the intuition --Buddhi --and this cannot be done
unless the thoughts are turned that way with power and purpose.
"You may, if you will, set apart a certain half-hour, just before
retiring and after arising--as soon as possible after--and before
eating. Concentrate the mind upon the Masters as ideals and (14)
facts--living, active, beneficent Beings, working in and on the
plane of causes.

Do not try to open up communication with beings on other planes.
It is not the time and danger lies that way, because the power of
creating one's own images, and because of the power and
disposition of the dark forces to simulate beings of Light, and
render futile your efforts to reach the goal." F P


"The Occult claim that there are seven senses in man, as in
nature, as there are seven states of consciousness, is
corrobo­rated in the same work (Anugita)...the seven sacrificial
Priests (Hotris)..."The nose and the eyes, and the tongue, and
the skin and the ear as the fifth (or smell, sight, taste, touch
and hear­ing), mind and understanding are the seven sacrificial
priests separately stationed;" and which "dwelling in a minute
space (still) do not perceive each other: on this sensuous
plane, none of them except mind. For mind says: "The nose
smells not with­out me, the eye does not take in color, etc.,
etc. I am the eternal chief among all elements (i.e., senses).
Without me, the senses never shine, like an empty dwelling, or
like fires the flames of which are extinct. Without me, all
beings, like fuel half dried and half moist, fail to apprehend
qualities or objects even with the senses exerting themselves."

"This, of course, with regard to mind on the sensuous plane.
Spiritual mind (the upper portion or aspect of the impersonal
MANAS) takes no cognizance of the senses in physical man..."there
is one unmoving (life-wind...the breath of the One or Higher
SELF). That is the (or my) own Self, accumulated in numerous

"This Breath, Voice, Self or "Wind" (pneuma ?) is the Syn­thesis
of the Seven Senses, noumenally all minor deities and
eso­terically--the septenary and the "Army of the Voice."
S D, Vol. I, p. 96

"We enter upon this great path of action in occultism men­tally
disposed towards final victory. This mental attitude in­stantly
throws all the parts of our being into agitation, during which
the tendencies which are by nature antipathetic to each other
separate and range themselves upon opposite sides. This creates
great distress...we have evoked a force in nature and set up a
current and vibration which will go on no matter what we do...At
this point of our progress we should examine our motive and
desire." Gita Notes, 35

"To suffer either pleasure or pain, causes a vivid vibration
which is, to the consciousness of man, life. Now this
sensibili­ty does not lessen when the disciple enters upon his
training; it increases. It is the first test of strength; he
must suffer, must enjoy or endure, more keenly than other men,
while yet he has taken on him a duty which does not yet exist for
other men, that of not allowing his suffering to shake him from
his fixed purpose. He has, in fact, at the first step to take
himself steadily in hand and put the bit into his own mouth; no
one else can do it for him." Light on the
Path, p. 39

"The condition of the soul when it lives for the life of
sensation as distinguished from that of knowledge, is vibratory
or oscillating, as distinguished from fixed...In sensation no
permanent home can be found, because change is the law of this
vibratory existence. That fact is the first one which must be
learned by the disciple. It is useless to pause (42) and weep
for a scene in a kaleidoscope which has passed." "LIGHT ON THE
PATH , 41-2"

"The oscillation between pleasure and pain ceases for--per­haps
an instant of time...he has experienced however briefly, the
greater life...This initial trial is often brought on us by life
itself… The most intense forms of suffering fall on such a
na­ture, till at last it arouses from its stupor of
consciousness, and by the force of its internal vitality steps
over the threshold into a place of peace. Then the vibration of
life los­es its power of tyranny. The sensitive nature must
suffer still; but the soul has freed itself and stands aloof,
guiding the life towards its greatness..."

"...the Gita. All these are instinct with a life of their own
which changes the vibrations. Vibration is the key to it all.
The different states are only differences of vibration, and we do
not recognize the astral or other planes because we are out of
tune with their vibrations." WQJ LET. 39


"...the Pythagorean "music of the spheres" is something more than
a mere fancy, and that certain planetary aspects may imply
disturbances in the ether of our planet, and certain others rest
and harmony. Certain kinds of music throw us into frenzy; some
exalt the soul to religious aspirations...there is scarcely a
human creation which does not respond to certain vibrations of
the atmosphere. It is the same with colors; some excite us,
some soothe and please...why may we not be influenced in the mass
by vibrations acting upon a grand scale as the effect of combined
stellar influences ?" ISIS I 275


"The Rosicrucian theory, that the whole universe is a musi­cal
instrument, is the Pythagorean doctrine of the music of the
spheres, Sounds and colors are all spiritual numerals; as the
seven prismatic rays proceed from one spot in heaven, so the
sev­en powers of nature, each of them a number, are the seven
radia­tions of the Unity, the central spiritual Sun." ISIS
UNVEILED, Vol. I, p. 514


I hope this may prove useful,

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Greg
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 2:12 PM
Subject: Time

thamkyou for the information concerning"Amenti"..The symbology
of a glove
clarifies the view of lower self.One consciuosness operating at
will in
three modes also helps to clarify..The first Cause established
rates of vibration through the act of creation or
manifestation,slowing in
vibration as it moves away from itself and quickening as it moves
it's center,experiencing itself and growing in self
awareness.only to start
another spiraling round after completion.The rates of vibration
established at the beginning of time as there was no time before
the rates
were established..Time is established by the movement of objects
----- Original Message -----
From: "dalval14" <>
To: "AA-BN--Study" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:16 PM
Subject: RE: [Blavatsky_Study] Pralaya

> 06/29/2003
> Dear G:
> I thought this might be part of the answer as it explains my
> view, based on what I have gleaned from Theosophical studies.:
> The personality (embodied mind, brain-mind) that we are, is
> placed by our karma directly into the Hall of the Two Truths.
> This is to be found in ancient Egyptian symbology of the
> after-death state of Amenti, where it is judged, by the "heart"
> of the defunct being placed in the pan of the scales opposite
> "feather" of TRUTH. Here, we judge ourselves: the Lower Self
> that personal self. It is now judging itself in the LIGHT that
> streams from the ATMAN our HIGHER PERMANENT SELF.
> Mr. Judge in "LETTERS" uses the symbology of a glove, as
> representing that Lower Self. Some meditation about that word
> and idea produce interesting results.
> Also:
> Manas is tripartite
> 1. Buddhi-Manas (the WISE - Mind or "Higher Manas")
> 2. Pure Manas (as in impartial, impersonal study, mathematics,
> science, discovery, etc )
> 3. Kama-Manas (our present embodied mind or "Lower Manas")
> It is ONE CONSCIOUSNESS which can operate at will in 3 modes.
> Will and free choice directs its field of work and effort.
> is the tool as also the Mind of the REAL MAN -- the SPIRITUAL
> BEING WITHIN each of us.
> "Space" in an abstract way is not dependent on objects. Our
> Lower mind is.
> I see you equate the idea of motionlessness with extreme
> of vibration -- a concept that explains "physical matter" as
> inter atomic motion. Interesting. so in reality we are and
> "objects" and substances are "force fields when finally
> But what originally established such relative rates if
> so that those distinctions might be set and operative ?
> In which case what is it and when was it that those "rates of
> vibration" were established?
> Isn't NATURE wonderful? Everything set up way ahead of time
> our tampering.
> It supports LIFE in all so ... Karma and purpose.
> Best wishes,
> Dallas
> =========================
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gre
> Sent: Saturday, June 28, 2003 9:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: Pralaya & motion
> Hi Dal,
> I agree with you that it takes mind to understand and make
> practical
> on this plane, however I think a finite mind is a poor
> to
> understand INFINITE MIND with, which is described as being
> space and
> time.
> There is no space without objects to define it..
> I consider KARMA to be the effects of the eternal, ceaseless
> causeless cause, but not the cause
> itself. I also consider Pralaya to be of such rapid vibration
> that it effects a cessation of motion...
> Gre
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