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Re: Theos-World Re: What Is Happening In America?

Jul 18, 2003 03:30 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Tony, thanks for your comment. The caps sentence of the Enc. Br. is a little bit misleading, or perhaps quoted out of context as the Communards were a "labour revolt" as Engels writes in 1888 from London, to be find in "Marx-Engels Werke".

Furthermore, also the three vol. ULT publication "H. P. Blavatsky. Theosophical articles", has in vol. I, p. 54:
"...hostile to the insane dreams of Socialism and of Communism..."

Somewhere else HPB writes (writing form memory, need to find the passage again) that is was one of the main reason for founding the TS to stop Socialism.

BTW, Hitler writes the same in his book "My Struggle" and that may be one of the reasons why Theosopy is attacked by foes, because never was Socialism so strong in the West since the day it seemed they disappared from the surface. Communism is a high degree of Freemansonry and that's the reason why all communistic states have the masonic signs in their flags, like Russia, China etc.

And at last, also all the Purucker texts from the Pasadena TS are highly edited, esp. "Man in Evolution", the "Dialogues" and "Wind of the Spirit", also I checked the Franz Hartmann texts (as much as the first editions yet are available) with the result that all his German texts after his death in 1912 were highly altered until today by the Theosophisches Verlagshaus Hugo Vollrath in Leipzig and by the post 1945 publisher Schatzkammer Verlag in Calw. This is the more regrettable as no one in Germany has the old German editions and we are forced to work with the post 1912 editions, which cover only a little part of Hartmann's literary output.

So it is highly recommended to reprint unaltered editions of the major theososphical classics.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Tony 
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 2:45 PM
Subject: RE: Theos-World Re: What Is Happening In America?

Bart wrote:

Frank Reitemeyer wrote:
> 2. A Theosophist becoming a rioter, encouraging revolution and
> MURDER, a friend of Communists is no fit member of our Society. HE
> HAS TO GO." H.P.B.'s Scrapbook Vol. VII, p. 258, B:CW I:404, emphasis
> H.P.B.; Cranston has "Communards" for Communists (p. 169).

<<<THAT's the one I was looking for. Thanks; you saved me a trip to the

And what would have been a wasted and misleading trip, as HPB didn't use the
word COMMUNISTS. That was Boris de Zirkoff's editing. It happens a lot
in "THE COLLECTED WRITINGS of HPB (all 14 volumes), his edition of THE

Thanks are to Frank for giving the reference to Cranston. She references to
Michael Gomes' "The Dawning of the Theosophical Movement (page 156):

"A Theosophist becoming a rioter, encouraging revolution & MURDER, a friend
of Communards is no fit member of our Society. HE HAS TO GO." In note 102.,
page 227 he writes: "In the transcription of H.P.B.'s comments printed in
B:CW I: 404, 'communists' is substituted for 'communards'."

In the Shorter OED Communard is defined as "an adherent of the Commune of
Paris of 1871."

In the Eleventh edition of the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" vol. VI, p. 784:
"'The Commune' is the name given to the period of the history of Paris from
March 18 to May 28, 1871, during which the commune of Paris attempted to set
up its authority against the National Assembly at Versailles. It was a
political movement, intended to replace the centralized national
organization by one based on federation of communes. Hence the "communists"
were also called "federalists". IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE SOCIAL
THEORIES OF COMMUNISM." (The last sentence my caps.)

It is therefore INCORRECT to quote HPB as saying: ". . . a friend of
Communists [rather than Communards] is no fit member of our Society," as she
never wrote it.


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